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(A/N: sooooo hi I came back to meet 81 reads and tons of vote and my mind is blown. I don't even know how to express how excited and thankful I am. Thank youuuuuuuuu all so much. Thank you!!!!!!  Now to another chapter. Enjoy!!!)

      At Chris’s table, the group of friends sat down together. Irene was the latest addition. Chris sketched on his sketch book looking at other side of the room once in a while.  Irene who sat near him peaked at it.
“Wait, is that Paul?” she asked. Chris didn’t reply. Ken, thinking she meant something else spoke,
“He’s kinda hot if you’re into small bodied twinks who look like they’ll break and drop to the floor with one slight shove” Ken commented sipping his drink.
“You’re so jealous. It’s so funny to see”, Vivi teased him.
“I’m not jealous”
“As if you’re not whole twink yourself”
Ken gasped like she spoke false,
“I’m not a twink you half baked human being. I’m totally a top”
“Twinks can be tops too”, Charlie muttered out a book forever in his hand.
“Yeah well, I’m not one. Have you seen my very big muscles and my sexy ass that everybody ogles at?”
“Yeah, everybody but Oliver”
“Go to hell”
“See you there, bestie”
“Trash can”
“Slut in the making”
“Walking STIs”
“Can you both shut up?” Barkis interrupted before the childish banter could go any further. “Everybody at this table has a crush on Oliver but you don’t see us acting like children about it”
“Define everyone”
The glare Barkis sends towards Vivi’s way made her keep quiet.
“Vivi is right though. Not everybody has a crush on Oliver. I bet it’s only you and the denied twink over there” Irene says.
Ken glared after Irene’s comment but went back to sipping his drink.
“I was just trying to make a point. Vivi has a crush on Oliver though”
“What the fuck? I do not. You know what? Hands up if do not have a crush on Oliver”
"You guys are so fucking childish", Kathy muttered. Kathy didn't understand why Chris was so keen to hang with them.
Everyone except Barkis, Ken and Chris raised their hands.
They all turn to face Chris who was lost sketching.
You have a crush on Oliver?” Irene asked confused.
He didn’t answer and continued his activity.
“What are you drawing that has your attention so much?”
She tried to take a look at it but he hit her hand rather hard.
“Ow, I only wanted to look” she pouted.
“Just leave him be, Irene” Kathy commented finally.
She was done with everything and everyone at this school and her head was killing her
“He’s my boyfriend, mind your business”
He’s not your boyfriend, he’s gay, Kathy wanted to comment but she decided Irene would find out the bitter way.
“Guys, guys, guys, I don’t know why but I think Jacob is coming over here” Ken rushed out almost squealing.
Charlie looked up, eyes wide while closing his book.
“I swear to god, if any of you hoes embarrass me, I’ll have your heads. Act natural, I beg”
Everyone, well most at the table hated Jacob.
He was ‘worse than trash’ in Vivi words but he was Oliver’s best friend and Oliver ruled the school. He had proxy right to make their lives a living hell.
      The next second, Jacob did arrive at the table. 
      “Well, well, well if it isn’t the disabled kid and his best friends?”
Eyes snapped to Chris. The 'disabled' boy in question couldn’t care less as he continued to sketch.
“Asperger’s syndrome. I should have known the first time you walked in here like a freak. Don’t you belong in a special school or something?
Kathy had had enough of his bullshit.
“Leave this instant before I break your fucking head”, she gritted out. 
His attention is drawn to Kathy as a coy almost evil smile appeared on his face.
"Oh the lapdog. You know I did a little research on you too. Kathyrn, how does it feel to know your parents, biological parents are dead because of the fire you caused?”
Kathy stiffened. She felt her head was going to explode as the ache worsened. She was going to pass out. She didn’t move, didn’t bother defending herself.
Why should I when it’s the truth.
  Jacob looked back at Chris and got pissed when he realized he hadn’t paid him any attention.
He moved and snatched the sketch book from his hand. Chris frowned and immediately stood up walking to stand in front of him. He stretched out his hand demanding for his book.
The whole cafeteria was watching silently at this moment. Paul was confused.
“Oliver, why is your best friend picking on that boy?”
“He’s not my best friend and I do not care. Here” he handed him a strawberry milkshake.
Paul pouted but still took a sip.
On the other hand,
“Speak dummy and beg for it”
Chris didn’t say anything but kept his hand forward.
“Oh you want this, you can have it”
He held the book in both hands and tore a large chunk of it before throwing it on the floor. 
Chris followed the movement. Tears dropped from his eyes.
He stared back at Jacob and without notice slashed him across his face with his rather sharp fingernails before hitting him rather hard on his shin. He then bit his arm for effect.
      Jacob yelled and cursed from the pain not expecting the assaults.
Chris left his presence and stooped down to take his torn book. The tears were still dropping freely though he didn’t cry out.
“I’m going to fucking kill you”, Jacob screamed and had the intention of kicking Chris at the back of his head. Before he could, he was stopped…by Jonah.
“Get out of my face” he seethed. A part of his face was bleeding and it would most likely scar.
“Leave Jacob”
“I said get out of my face”
“And I said leave Jacob. Unless you want me to involve the teachers and I will if you do not leave the cafeteria this instant”
“I’m not scared of any teacher and I sure as hell ain’t scared of you”
“You heard the senior. Leave Jacob, you’re embarrassing yourself”
Oliver’s voice rang out through the cafeteria.
Jacob turned to face him, his eyes showing hurt of being betrayed by his best friend.
In humiliation and rage, he left the cafeteria not before throwing a dirty look at Chris who was still on the floor in tears.
As soon as Jacob Left, the students went back to their activities as if nothing had just happened. Jonah moved and bent near Chris to touch his shoulder but Chris pushed him away violently.
“Whoa, easy there, it’s alright”
Chris still glared at him, feeling threatened.
Kathy regained her consciousness and stood up to help Chris.
“Come on let’s go”
She helped him up. Chris clutched the tattered book tightly in his arms as they both walked out of the cafeteria.
“Chris”, Barkis whispered after them. She felt really bad.
      Jessica nervously sat at the back seat of the limousine as the driver drive both her and her husband who was seated beside her. Her hands were shaking really badly. She felt his hand on hers.
She exhaled deeply.
“Seventeen years, for seventeen years, why didn’t we think to do this?”
“Because neither of us doubted our fidelity towards each other and Oliver has never been sick to need blood transfusion” he answered like it was the simplest thing in the world.  To Jessica, it was not. Her world was potentially about to fall apart in hours.
She clutched his hand tightly closing her yes to calm herself down.
“What if…what if he’s not-?”
“Hey”, Daniel interrupted before she could go any further. “It’s alright. So what Oliver is different, these things happen. It’ll be alright”
“I’m so scared”
He pulled her to his chest.
“I can’t imagine losing my baby boy”
The big ‘what if’ hung in the air still.
In mere hours, they would know.      

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