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      (a/n: so like I crossed 1000 reads, which is like freaking hugeeeeeee. Thank you to all my readers. For some reason, you read this book. Thank you so much for the immense support. Thank you!!!!)

Oliver opened the front door and cursed silently to himself hearing laughter coming from the living room. He would have to pass that direction to get to his room and he was hoping he wouldn't have to see anyone.
"Fuck", he cursed silently.
After his visit to his birth mother, he had stopped at a bar, which he admitted wasn't his best idea. If his parents stopped him, they would definitely smell alcohol off him.
He was taking the news badly. He was behaving like a child and he hated it. He fought the urge to hit something when he heard his grandmother's laughter. Why was she still here?
Realizing he would solve nothing by standing there, he proceeded to walk towards the direction of his room. As he neared there, he heard their voices louder.
"Grandma, grandma, look what I drew!!", he heard the obnoxiously loud voice of his sister. She was happy all the time, he hated it.
"This is amazing, my lovely girl, you're slowly but surely becoming an amazing artist like your mother"
"Oh Lisa, stop" he heard his mother giggle.
Oh kill me now.
Without making a single sound, Oliver walked by and almost celebrated until-
"Oliver, is that you?"
He gritted his teeth. He was going to kill his grandmother.
Turning, he tried to smile, keyword 'tried'.
"Oh Oliver", his mother stood up and walked towards him. He wanted to turn and run. She would know he had been drinking. He didn't have the strength for the scolding that would follow.
"Where have you been? We tried your cell, it went straight to voicemail"
"Y-yeah, it d-died". He had stumbled on his words all day long, another thing he hated. He really hated today.
His mother suddenly frowned and sniffed him.
Well, shit.
"Have you been drinking?"
That alerted his father at once. He felt the glare on him before he saw him.
"Get him a bodyguard, I tell you or we'll have a seventeen year old alcoholic in our hands"
Oliver fought the urge to glare at his grandmother for the comment she made. He almost hated her at that moment.
"Where did you go to today?" His father questioned him next as he arrived and stood near his mother.
"Don't be a smartass"
"You said a bad word, daddy", Emilia said from where she sat.
Shut up, Emilia, he fought the urge to say out loud.
"Answer me Oliver" he heard the seriousness in his dad's voice and realized he wasn't playing around.
His parents, father especially, had always seen him as a disappointment. He could tell from their actions or lack of it. But now, they didn't bother to hide it. Perhaps because they knew they had a son somewhere to replace him.
"I went to school and I stopped at a bar. I only had one drink, I promise", he didn't. He had four. "And I apologize for that"
His father looked at him skeptically, also a little bit surprised he apologized.
Whether he meant the apology or not, adults got off to it so he said it.
"Go get cleaned up and come eat dinner", his mother said smiling at him.
He wanted to smile back, he really did.
"You're just going to let him go like that? You've spoilt this child"
"Lisa, he's learnt his lesson", his mother tried to defend him.
"Mother is right, honey. Oliver needs to man up. This reckless behavior isn't fit for someone who's going to inherit the family's business one day"
Oliver had had enough. He really tried to be good but his parents were really pushing it.
"Of course you'd say that when you have a son somewhere else"
"Oliver!!!" His mother's eyes widened to a width he'd never seen.
That wasn't what he meant to say but ey, it was out in the open.
"What nonsense is he spawning now?"
"It's nothing, mother"
"I meant I'm not their son.  I'm not your grandson" he said looking directly at her.
"Oliver, stop talking now!" the tone his father used made him think he would hit him so he did the only thing he could do at that moment, he ran, ran up to his room, ignoring his parents' call and his grandmother's loud confusion.
Once he arrived in his room, he locked the door and sat on his bed. He was almost shaking. That encounter spiralled out of control. His phone beeped. It was a text message. Part of him hoped it was his birth mother whom he earlier visited because they exchanged numbers but the hope in him quickly turned to a frown when he saw the name of the person on his screen.
                Paul: hii, can we meet? I miss u.
                           Love u.
Oliver tossed his phone aside. He could not afford to think about his boyfriend, ex boyfriend if he was being honest. He still laughed at the thought of when he thought he was in love with him. It was true he felt strong feelings for Paul and they had great chemistry. Perhaps, the reason he felt that way was because among all his relationships, Paul was the only one who actually listened to him. The others either stayed for the sex or the money. In the past, he wouldn't have minded. If the sex was good, nothing else mattered but these days, life and emotions were royally fucking with him.

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