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       Chris didn’t cry. He didn’t cry when they were allowed to see Kathy for the last time before she’s pulled off life support because being brain dead was like more or less being dead. He didn’t cry as he watched his mother cry. He didn’t cry when they were told her foster parents had signed off a permission to have her organs donated. A part of him understood but in what universe did Kathy deserve that? He didn’t cry. Everything felt like a dream. Maybe that was why he didn’t cry because nothing was real and Kathy was fine and the universe hadn’t cruelly taken her away from him.
A few hours after she was pronounced dead, he still didn’t cry and when they returned home that day, he still didn’t cry. When they were surrounded by loved ones who came to console them, he still didn’t cry. He never shed a tear.
         Oliver arrived home fighting the urge to slam the door, not that he could. The thing was huge. Why was it so huge? And why was he so angry?
She was gone just like that.
Oliver had never fully understood the meaning of "one minute they're here and the next they're gone". The only immediate family member he had ever lost in that way was his grandfather who died instantly in an hit and run way before Oliver was born.
Kathy was gone just like that. Was this how things worked? Surely there must have been a mistake. Except she was. Being brain dead meant there was no turning back. If they didn't pull the plug when they did, they would eventually have to. In a few hours or few days or weeks even. It wasn't fucking fair. She was only 15.
He nearly flinched at the sudden presence. He looked up to see his mother and sister, apparently.
"Honey, are you okay? I've been calling your name for a while. You look sick. Are you okay? You've been spending too much time at the hospital"
"She's dead", he heard himself say. His mother didn't say anything so he assumed she must've not heard him.
"Kathy is dead" he looked up at her.
"I know. The hospital called"
"They informed me once it happened. I think it's irresponsible her foster parents took her off life support. She could have still been saved. They weren't even paying her medical bills. I was. I can't believe the law is still so flawed"
Oliver couldn't say for sure but he was almost certain his face mirrored disbelief. He couldn't believe her. He didn't like her tone, at all. Someone had just died. Her birth son's sister had just died. She probably didn't mean anything but her nonchalance was getting on his last nerve. He needed to leave before he said something to her face.
"I'm glad you're home. You've been neglecting yourself and school. It's your final year. You can afford to slip"
No, no. He was about to lose it.
"I said Kathy is dead. Someone just died", his voice had risen an octave.
His mother sighed, "Emilia, go to your room. I'll come say goodnight"
The girl hugged her mother's side and ran off.
"I know you're upset. You've developed a rather close bond with the family but it's out of our hands now"
I'm going to be married to the son or have you forgotten that? But he didn't say that.
"What if it had been Chris?"
He finally saw some reaction from her. She didn't used to be like that. She was so...she used to be better.
"Get some rest, Oliver. It's been a long week. You'll feel better in the morning"
But he wasn't staying there. No. Not when his mother was being like this.
"I'm not staying. I just came to get some stuff. Lia said I could stay with them"
"I don't like how you spend so much time with her", she said to him frowning.
He scoffed.
"So that's what this is all about. You can't stand that I get to spend time with her but Chris won't give you the time of the day. That's why you agreed on the arranged marriage. It isn't about some business or convenience or whatever. You want to have him, have everything under your control because when you don't, you freak out"
He didn't know why he never realized that. It was the reason she agreed to help Lia in the first place. Hell, it was the reason for her art school. Maybe it was her own way of showing she cared but it was still twisted.
"I don't know what you're talking about and I don't appreciate you talking to me that way"
"I can't stay here. I can't even look at you right now"
He started to walk away.
"You can't just leave. Oliver!"
He was already on his way to his room. Perhaps a few days of his absence would make her come back to her senses.

            It was the day of the funeral, five days later and Chris still hadn't cried. A commotion almost broke because even after her death, Kathy's foster parents were still evil beings. They refused to let Lia or anyone from her side attend the funeral. They only found out the venue because due to Jessica Borghese funding her, she was supposed to know these things. A quick call to Lia's lawyer recommended by Daniel Borghese rectified everything and he even promised to make sure that Violette and Sam didn't get a single dime from Kathy's organ donation. But who cared about money?
           The service went by through a blur and even when Kathy was laid to rest, Chris still didn't cry. All around him, people were in tears. His mother, her girlfriend, friends from school. Even Derek who stood beside him shedded a tear or two.
After the service, back at the house, Lena, Derek, Chris, Andrew, Oliver, Barkis and Ken came back with them. Lena offered to cook and the rest walked around the house waiting. Chris sat on the couch in the living room, watching the activity. Kathy would walk in any moment from now. She probably sneaked away to hang out with her boyfriend.
Oh no, her boyfriend. He had to tell him Kathy was in the hospital sick but she would be fine. He was probably worried where she was. Wait, didn't Kathy say they broke up? He still needed to know.
He felt a presence beside her and turned. It was his mother and she looked... horrible. He fought the urge to tell her to go clean herself up. Kathy wouldn't like that. Kathy would say it was disrespectful but he guessed he understood why his mother like that. It had been a long day, with the burial and all.
"Baby, would you like to rest? You've barely slept"
What? He was sleeping fine.
"Maybe you should eat first. Though you've been eating. I'm still worried. Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, I just waiting for Kathy"
His mother's face drained suddenly as if it had lost all color. Why though?
"Um, Chris. Kathy-" she sniffed. She was already in tears again. She had been doing that recently.
"Kathy is- she's d-dead. She's not coming back"
"She promised me she would. Kathy never lies to me"
"Oh god"
Chris looked around. They were starting to attract attention. The house felt crowded. Why were they still here?
"She'll be here soon. Just wait"
His mother burst into tears. Her tears were starting to annoy him. Lena arrived and stood her up embracing her.
"Drew, check the oven for me, please?"
Drew walked away. Why his science teacher was in their living room was another mystery.
"He doesn't know. He doesn't know", his mother kept repeating.
He didn't know what?
"He's just in denial"
"I mean I should have been alerted when he didn't cry at all. What is wrong with me?"
Lena hugged his mother tightly.
He felt another presence next to him. It was Derek. Derek changed his cologne and Chris hated it but he couldn't say anything. Kathy would say it was rude. Speaking of Kathy, she should be here by now.
"Chris, your sister, she passed away a few days ago. She's not going to come back"
God why do they keep saying that? He looked at the door, then at the time. She never arrived late. She was OCD like that.
"You're in shock and denial and I know it's been hard but you need to let go before it eats you up inside"
Everyone was taking rubbish. He stood up. He hated the way everyone was watching him. What was that look in their eyes?
"I need to go to my room"
"I don't think you should be alone"
"I'm not alone though. I have Mr cubs with me. And Kathy will arrive soon"
"Why don't eat something first?" Derek grabbed his hand but his cologne made him pull back. It was really bothering him.
"I'll eat later. I'm not really hungry"
He was walking to his room before anyone could stop him.
"I'll go with you", he heard someone suddenly say.
He turned. It was Oliver. Oliver had been in their house so much these days, he didn't know how to feel about that.
"I'll stay with you. I'll talk, you'll listen. We haven't done that in a while"
The silence that followed, Chris was certain, he could hear a pin drop. Why was everyone being extra weird today?
He nodded. Oliver joined him in seconds and together they walked towards his room. It was true. They hadn't done that in a while.

(A/N: it was difficult writing this chapter. I'm so sorry to anyone who has lost a special someone. I wish I could take all that pain away. 💜💜)

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