Chapter sixty-one.

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Clock hit mark of 2.58 pm. Tom sighed softly as he leaned back. He looked over to the doors. "Hm..." He got up from his chair.

Isabelle looked over to him. "Something wrong?" she asked as she took sip from her tea. He twitched his ears slightly. "Not sure."

She rised her brow slightly. "What is it?" she asked, placing her cup on her desk. "It's, it's nothing. I might be just overthinking." he said, as he went over to the coffee pot.

The tanuki poured some coffee to his cup. He twitched his ears slightly when his phone rang. He went back to his desk. He placed his cup on it as he picked his phone up.

Tom flicked his tail gently, it was Redd. He answered to the call. "Hello, is something wrong?"
"Yes! Somethin' is wrong! You're still at work and it's three!"

He needed to lift his phone from his ear. "Redd, I'm not deaf." he sighed softly. "And I'll leave in fifteen minutes."

"But you said we'll see at three." the kitsune huffed. "But don't worry, I'm here!" he chimed as he opened the doors to Resident Services.

"Hiii!" he chuckled as he ended the call. The tanuki blinked, phone in hand. "Why you called me, if you were coming here?" he asked.

Redd wagged his tail slightly, as he hopped over the counter. "I dunno, I just wanted to come." he told as he sat down to Tom's desk.

The tanuki eyed him. "I see, you have been working too." he said. He tilted his head to his words. "You have paint on your cheek." he hummed.

"I have?" Redd asked, as he wiped his left cheek. "Did I get it?" he asked tilting his head slightly.

Tom let out chuckle. "No, you didn't." he said as he placed his phone on the desk. He went over to the kitsune.

He wiped the kitsune's cheek with his thumb. "There." he hummed softly. The kitsune flicked his tail. "Can I have a kiss?" he asked leaning forward.

"No, I'm still working." he told as he sat down to his chair. He picked his cup from the desk. "We can leave in few minutes." he hummed.

Those few minutes passed, and Tom got up from his chair. He went over to the kitsune, and gave few scratches behind the his ear. "Ready to go, hm?" he asked.

The kitsune wagged his tail, leaning against the tanuki's hand. "More scratches?" he asked. The tanuki let out soft chuckle. "Maybe later." he told as he gave hand to him.

He grapped his hand, and hopped down from the desk. "We still have weekends leftovers, tomorrow I can make chicken soup." he told stretching his arms.

"Hm... I was thinking we could eat fish." the tanuki said, taking his phone. He tilted his head slightly when the kitsune frowned. "Something wrong?"

Redd twitched his ears slightly. "I, don't eat fish." he told. The tanuki tilted his head more to his words. "It's just, I can't, I dunno." he murmured rubbing back of his neck.

Tom sighed softly as he straighten his head. "Well, we can talk about it when we're home." he told taking the kitsune's hand to his own. "But let's go." he told with soft smile. The kitsune nodded.


Redd handed plate to Tom. "I was thinkin', we could have game night today. Just, let's play some board games with the boys." he told as he sat down.

"Yes, we can do that." the tanuki nodded. He watched as the kitsune made tower out of his carrots. "What are you doing?"

"Art." the kitsune snorted, before he shoved his carrots to his mouth. "Oh! I got sale today, it was nice." he added, wagging his tail slightly.

Tom blinked. "That's nice to hear." he hummed softly. "You have been doing, hm... Little more work than usually."

He shrugged slightly. "Yeh, I guess I should pay that loan to you some day." he told with soft chuckle.

"I do think it's rude from ya, I'm your boyfriend." he added, as he twiddled the fork between his fingers.

Tom shook his head slightly, as he ate. He lowered his fork against his plate. "Could we talk about, that you not eating fish?" he asked.

He flinched slightly when the kitsune dropped his fork. "Yeh, sure. But there ain't really anythin' to talk." the kitsune told as he grapped his fork from the floor.

Redd eyed his fork, before he got up. "I told ya when I was like, seventeen or eighteen, that I don't eat fish." he told as he threw the fork into the sink.

He opened drawer and took new fork from it. "I dunno did I tell ya why? But it's just, I can't eat it." he told as he sat down. He moved his food around his plate.

The tanuki tilted his head slightly. "Why, you can't?" he asked. The kitsune flicked his tail gently. "I don't like taste or texture of it." he told, as he put aside his peas.

"It's same with peaches, their texture freaks me out." he shrugged as he ate his food.

Tom blinked. "Well, you don't need to eat fish, but boys do like fish and so do I." he told.

Redd gave little nod. "That's fine." he told, as he pushed his plate towards the tanuki. "Eat, I don't wanna eat peas right now."

He sighed softly. "No, I won't eat your peas. Put them in compost." he told as he got up. He put his dishes to dishwasher.

He gave quick kiss on the kitsune's cheek. "I need to go, I'll try to get off earlier so we can have game night." he told before he left.

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