Chapter fifty-four.

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Redd fluttered his eyes open, he rised his gaze to the tanuki. He was reading next to him. He wrapped his arms around the tanuki's middle. "Mornin'~"

Tom placed his hand against his boyfriend's back. "It's afternoon." he told with soft chuckle. "How you slept?" he asked as he lowered his book.

He buried his face to Tom's neck. "Better than night before." he murmured. He gave gentle kiss on his neck.

The tanuki nodded as he drew slight circles against the kitsune's back. "And how are you feeling?"

The kitsune twitched his ears slightly. He thought for a while what to answer. "Well, better? Really, much better." he told.

"That's nice to hear." Tom hummed softly as he placed his book on the nightstand. He was about to remove his glasses, but the kitsune stopped him. "Why ya take 'em off? I think ya look cute."

He blinked. "Look, cute? If something, I look old. ...Older." he said. "Besides, they are only for reading, I can't see far with them." he added as he removed his glasses.

"Can I try 'em?" Redd asked as he reached for the glasses. "Only if you promise not to break them." the tanuki told. "And you need to sit up." he added.

He sat up, tail wagging slightly. He took the glasses from the tanuki, and put them on. He took look of his surroundings.

The kitsune let out soft chuckle. "Yeah, can't see shit with these." he said giving smirk as he looked over to the tanuki.

"Ohdear." Tom chuckled softly. "They suit you well." he told with soft smile. He flicked his tail. "They do?" he asked crossing his legs.

He nodded. "But I think it's time to get out of bed." he said as he checked the time. "It's soon one pm."

Redd let out groan. "Why? I don't feel like gettin' up." he said crossing his arms against his chest.

"We can't stay in bed all day." Tom told with soft sigh. "I'll go downstairs, come when you are ready, okay?" he asked as he gave gentle kiss on the kitsune's cheek.

"Fine..." the kitsune murmured as he took the glasses off. He gave glasses back to the tanuki. "Thank you." the tanuki chuckled softly, as he placed the glasses on his nightstand.

Redd flicked his tail as he watched Tom to leave. He got up from the bed, stretching his arms with soft huff. He twitched his ears slightly when his phone started to buzz against his nightstand.

What now?
He took his phone. He stared at the phone screen, Jason. He shook his head slightly.  He placed his phone back to the nightstand. No, not now, I can't right now.

The kitsune sighed softly as he untied his robe. He took it off, and threw it on the bed. He dressed up

He grapped his hair tie, and tied his hair to low ponytail. Eh, I can do other things later, or not at all.
He twitched his ears slightly, he moved his gaze to his phone. Still buzzing.

He shook his head slightly, and left the room. He let out yawn as he went to the kitchen. Tom looked over to him. "I made tea." he hummed softly.

The kitsune nodded, as he sat down. "Thanks." He took his tea, and stared at it. He took sip from his tea. "It's good." he chuckled softly.

He twitched his tail gently. "I wanna make breakfast." he said as he looked over to the tanuki. "Can I?" he asked.

"Yes, of course you can. I'm tired eating toast." Tom chuckled softly. "Oh, and I do know that I promised to have day off, but I need to stop by at Resident Services." he added.

Redd got up. "U-huh." He nodded as he went over to cabinet. He opened the cabinet, and took frying pan from it.

"But it's not like ya go work? You just, stop by?" he asked as he placed the frying pan on the counter. "I think I did tell you I need to just stop by." the tanuki told.

Redd nodded. "Then it's fine." he smirked. "But do ya wanna have pancakes or scrambled eggs?"
"Hm... I'm not sure. Suprise me?"
"On it!"

After sometime Redd handed plate of pancakes to the tanuki, with a fork and a knife. He placed his plate on the table.

He went look for syrup. He placed the syrup on the table as he sat down. "I hope ya like it." he said tail wagging slightly.

Tom nodded. "I believe I will." he told with soft chuckle. "Thank you." he added with soft hum.

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