Chapter sixty-nine.

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Weekend rolled by, but Tom was already up. He had been up for few hours, cleaning up downstairs.

He went to upstairs, to the twins room. He did give knock to the door, and then he in. "Time to wake up you two." he told as he opened the blinds.

Soft groan escaped from one of the boys, while other one pulled his blanket over his head. "It's already ten am." he told.

"But it's our day off..." Timmy muttered as he sat up, rubbing his eyes slightly. "Why uncle Redd can sleep?" he asked with soft huff.

"No, he can't, I'm going to wake him, but before that, I want to see you two get up." told the older one, with soft sigh.

Tommy peeked behind his blanket. "Can't we sleep little longer?" he asked carefully. "Yes, just half an hour, please."

Tom blinked. He was quiet as he was thinking. "Well, you can sleep long as I get Redd up." he told as he went over to the door.

He left the room, and went to his bedroom. He looked over to the kitsune, he was sleeping soundly. Sigh escaped from him, as he opened the blinds.

The tanuki went over to the bed and sat on it. "Redd, time to wake up." he told as he gave few scratches behind his ear. The kitsune twitched his ears slightly, as he snuggled deeper to the blanket.

He sighed softly. "Sweet pie, it is ten already." he told. "But I need my sleep..." the kitsune huffed softly.

"You have been sleeping for almost twelve hours." Tom told as he moved the kitsune's hair from his face. "You had enough sleep." he hummed.

Redd let out soft huff as he sat up. He wrapped his arms around the tanuki's middle. "I'm sleepy..." he mumbled as he buried his face to his neck.

"You can pull through it." he chuckled softly as he got up. "Put something on, then go get boys, I'll go make us something to eat." he told, as he gave kiss to the kitsune's cheek.

Redf flicked his tail as he watched after the tanuki. He got up from the bed and stretched his arms with soft yawn. He ran his hand through his hair, getting small knots.

He dressed up and tied his hair to ponytail. He left the room, and went to the twins room. "Nooksie said to get up." he told, as he slightly rubbed his eyes.

Tommy let out soft sigh as he threw his blanket. He sat up. "This is dumb, why we can't just sleep?" Timmy whined, as he climbed down.

"Yeh, I'm wonderin' it too." the kitsune snorted. As he was leaving the room, he stopped. "Oh, and get ready, he said he'll be makin' somethin' to eat." he told.

He closed the door behind him. Then he went downstairs. He went to the kitchen. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked as he went over to his boyfriend.

"Just sandwitches, and fruit salad." the tanuki told, as he gave gentle kiss on the kitsune's cheek. "Would you like to help?" he asked.

"Naa, you said it yourself, you're gonna make somethin' to eat." he told with smirk. "And remember, no peaches." he added, leaning against the counter.

Tom nodded. "Yes, of course." he hummed softly as he washed his hands. He opened the cabinet, and looked up to big bowl on top shelf.

He twitched his tail slightly. "Sweet pie, I need a hand." he sighed as he looked over to the kitsune.

Redd's ears pricked up. "Aw, does my little Nooksie need help~ ?" he asked with smirk. He only got scoff from the tanuki. "Fiiine, I can help ya." he snorted.

He went over to him, and picked up the bowl. As he handed the bowl to the tanuki, he stole quick kiss from him. He snickered softly as he went to sit down.

Tom shook his head slightly. He made the fruit salad, and then set the table. He hummed softly as he made coffee for himself and tea for Redd.

He twitched his ears slightly when the twins ran down the stairs. "Boys, no running inside." he told as he handed the kitsune's tea to him.

"Sorryyy." Timmy chimed as he washed his hands. After he was done he sat down. Tommy flicked his tail gently as he washed his hands.

"What would you two like to drink?" the oldest asked.
"Orange juice to me!" Timmy told. Tommy twitched his ears slightly. "I want orange juice too." he told softly.

He nodded, as he took glasses for the twins. "You two need to change your bed sheets today, and clean your room." he told as he poured orange juice for the twins.

The kitsune snorted softly, before he took sip from his tea. "Redd, dear, you're going to clean up our room, and bathroom." the tanuki told as he sat down. He got soft huff from the kitsune, and snickers from the twins.

"Fine, but! We're gonna watch movie after we're done." he told, taking sandwich. "And I might make somethin' special to eat." he added.

Timmy's ears pricked up. "Can we choose what we watch?" he asked. "And why fruit salad doesn't have any peaches?"

"Redd doesn't eat peaches, but I did put them to separate bowl." Tom told. He handed smaller bowl to the young tanuki. "Hm... And I think you two can." he hummed softly.

Timmy nodded slightly. "Uncle Redd, why you don't eat peaches?" he asked as he handed the bowl to his brother. "I don't like 'em, they're weird." he told.

"But, it's just a fruit?" he told tilting his head slightly. "Timmy... Not all like same things..." Tommy mumbled, as he scooped the peaches to his fruit salad.

"That's right," Tom nodded. "But let's eat now, then we can get to cleaning. And after that, we can watch a movie." he told with soft sigh.

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