Chapter eighty-nine.

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Redd stared at his glass of wine. He twitched his ears as he looked up to his brother. "I think I've waited long enough, what ya want?" he asked, before he took sip from his drink.

Jason leaned against his hand, as he poked his food with his fork. "I might need little more to drink before I tell ya." he snickered.

"But anyways, how you and that tanuki doin'?" he asked with smirk. "You still are with him? Livin' on that island, what was it called? Cave?" he asked.
"What you care?" the redhead hissed slightly.

The older one blinked. He took sip from his drink. "Right, I told ya it's disgustin'." he said, he had slightly embarrassed tone in his voice. He scratched back of his head. "Look, I'm sorry for that." he mumbled.

Redd rised his brow slightly. "You're, sorry? Because you called my relationship disgustin'?" he asked as he leaned to his hand.

Both of them were quiet. He flicked his ears. "You are an asshole, you know that right?" he asked with scoff. "Hm... And you act around Richard, ain't that right?"

Jason let out soft sigh. "Yeah, I know, and yeah, I guess." he said. He tapped his fingers against the table. "Look, Reddrick, I know I have done messed up shit in past."

"Yeh, no shit." his brother huffed. He leaned back. "Lemme finish, 'kay?" he told. He got huff from the younger one. "I just, wanna say I'm sorry for everythin' I've done." he said.

Redd flicked his ears. He pushed his loose hair back. "Why now? And not when I was a kit?" he asked as he twiddled his fork between his fingers.

He flinched when his fork dropped into his food container. "You always knew what Richard did to me, but you stayed quiet, just because? You wanted to stay on his good side?" he hissed as he picked up his fork.

Jason lowered his ears. He moved his eyes from his brother. "Yeah... That's 'bout right..." he murmured, as rubbed back of his neck. "Look, I was a kit too, of course I'll try to avoid that shit." he told.

"Reddrick, I do understand I should have sticked with you." he said as he ran his hand through his hair. "I never meant it to go as far as it did, I tried to stop him." he said.

Redd stared at the older one. He twitched his ears slightly when there was silence again. He took sip from his drink. "Jay, I wanna ask, why the hell you didn't tell mom anythin'?" he asked.

"You made me look like liar to her, just because you wanted to suck Richard's dick." he spat. "You could have made life better for all of us." he hissed as he drank rest of his wine.

The redhead shook his head slightly, as he poured more wine to himself. He stayed quiet, hoping answer from his brother, but there was silence once more. He tapped his fingers against the table.

"I know I've done selfish shit in my past, in fear, but it was because I didn't want shit to go down on him." he said. "But you? You only care 'bout yourself." he huffed.

Jason didn't know how to answer, he was quiet. He twitched his ears slightly. "Mm, you're right, and I'm tryin' to fix it now, 'kay?" he told after his silence.

"Tryin' to fix it? That's twenty years too late." his brother hissed, as he placed his glass on the table. "Over twenty years too late." he said before he shoved his fork to his mouth.

"I know." he snarled. "But just, listen to me." he said. The redhead squinted his eyes slightly. "Fine... I'll listen." he huffed, as he placed his fork against his food container.

The older one sighed softly. He drummed his fingers against edge of the table. "Dad didn't only attack on you, he did so to mom and I too, buuut, mainly you." he told.

"I dunno why, so don't ask 'bout it." he added soon. He did stay quiet for a while before he spoke up again, "But he's gone now, and mom is fine." he told.

Redd almost choked on his wine. "Richard is gone?" he asked as he wiped his mouth to his palm. "Like, did he die, or..?" he asked.

Jason snorted slightly. "Nah, he ain't dead, but he got arrested last week." he told as he emptied his glass. He got questioning look from his brother. "He assaulted some lady, and before you ask, no, I wasn't there." he told.

Redd blinked. He was about to answer but the front door opened. Both of the brothers went quiet when soft voice called, "Jason, I'm home!"

"Jason, sweetie, I tried to text you, but you didn't-" Vixen cut herself off as she stepped in the kitchen. Jason looked over to her. "Hi mom!" he said, as he gave gentle wave to her.

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