Chapter 1: Harry Potter Is Dead: Lily

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"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort called out. I let out a sob as did Ginny.

"From this day forth you put your faith in me." Voldemort said smiling. Well smiling as well as he could with his slit of a mouth.

"Never!" some yelled.

"Now is the time to declare yourself to me." Voldemort said.

"Or what?" Seamus asked.

"Or die." Voldemort said.

No one stepped forward.

"Draco." Lucius said. I turned to see that Draco was still standing on our side.

"Draco." Narcissa beckoned with a smile.

Draco looked around. He locked eyes with me. I shook my head. He gave an 'I am sorry look' Then walked through the crowd to get to his parents.

"Draco no!" I called and tried to run forward to stop him, but George held me back. "Draco!" I called again.

Draco did not look back at me. Voldemort embraced him into a weird hug.

"Well done, Draco." Voldemort said. Draco broke away from the hug and went into Narcissa waiting arms. "Anyone else?" Voldemort asked.

Blaise and Pansy walked forward. 

"No." I whispered. They walked to stand with Voldemort.

"Is that all?" He asked. He turned to me. "Ah, Lily Black, perhaps you would like to follow your cousin and the rest of the family and join me?" He offered.

"Never." I said.

"Ah, I do want another Black." He drawled. "I guess I will just have to go get little Teddy Lupin from his slumber at Grandma Andromeda's. I would have to kill her of course but it would be worth it." He sighed. I saw Narcissa flinch at the thought of her sister's death. Bellatrix just laughed.

"Touch Teddy Lupin and it will be the last thing you do." I said.

"All in due time Miss. Black." He smiled. "Anyone else?" He asked again.

Neville walked forward.

"Who might you be?" Voldemort asked.

"Neville Longbottom." Neville said. The death eaters laughed.

"Well Neville I am sure we could find a place for you amongst our ranks." Voldemort said clearly unimpressed.

"I would like to say something." Neville said. Voldemort nodded

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die every day. Yeah, tonight we lost Harry, but he is still with us, in here." He said pointing to his heart. "He did not die in vain. But you will!" Neville called pulling out the sword of Gryffindor.

Just then Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms. He and Voldemort instantly started fighting.

"Let's go." George said, pulling me away from the battle.

"No! I have to help." I said shooting spells at death eaters that were trying to get to Harry. George gave a sigh but started fighting right beside me.

"Avada Kedavra!' Voldemort called. Harry missed it by an instant.

"We're outnumbered!" I heard someone yell.

"Retreat!" Another yelled. Slowly the people on the outside started to apparate away. In a few seconds only Harry, Voldemort, George and I remained in the courtyard.

Voldemort called out a spell knocking Harry down. Harry did not move. Voldemort walked closer. I ran but George grabbed me.

"We won't win this. We need to regroup." I said. "Go find Ron, Ginny, and Hermione and anyone else you can and get out of here!" I said all while throwing spells at Voldemort to keep him away from Harry. It was working but barely.

"What about you?" George asked.

"I gotta save the chosen one." I winked. "See you at base!" I called running out from behind where we were.

I ran closer to Harry and dropped down to my knees. I put two fingers to his neck. He had a pulse. It was light but it was there.

"Miss. Black you have lost." Voldemort said, drawing closer.

"I know when to admit defeat." I said. He gave his smile. "And that's not today." I said, grabbing Harry's arm and apperating away.

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