Chapter 4:Barganing Chip: Lily

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I apperated back to Grimmauld Place. No one was out. They must have been eating dinner.

I snuck up the stairs as quietly as I could. I took off my cloak. I put on my jacket that had once been my dad's. I grabbed the photo of my dad, Remus, and me at the table. I folded it and put it into my pocket.

"Lily?" A voice said I turned to see Hermione. She took one look at me. "What's wrong?"  She said frantically.

"He has got Teddy. He killed Andromeda, I have until 7:30 to get to Malfoy Manor." I said pulling out the note and showing her.

"Ok let's go rally the troops." She said,

"Hermione no. I have to do this. He wants me. No one else." I said.

"This is a suicide mission Lily." Hermione said.

"Exactly why I needed to do it myself." I said digging through my trunk. I found the notes from my dad. I shoved them into my pocket.

"Lily you can't." She said.

"I have too. I promised." I said.

"Ok, what's your plan?" She asked.

"I go alone. I offer myself instead. I see if I can get him to make an unbreakable vow with me." I said.

"An unbreakable vow? Why would he do that?" Hermione asked.

"Because I will become a perfect little death eater, I won't contact the Order, in return, he never goes near Teddy." I said simply.

"Lily that's...." She started but stopped.

"Don't." I said. "You guys cannot come for me. That is what he is wanting. You can't." I said. I looked at the time 7:20. "Hermione, I have to go." I said. She nodded and hugged me

"Tell George I love him?" I asked, she nodded. "Tell only who needs to know about this. Let the others think I defected or something. You know who needs to know the truth and who does not." I said.

"Got it." She said.

"I will be sending Teddy to the park across the way. Meet him there please." I said. She hugged me one last time.

"Thank you." I said.

I walked out and apparted away to Malfoy Manor. I held up the letter Voldemort left for me, the gates opened. I walked closer and the doors opened. It was dark inside besides one light. I followed the light.

I pushed open the door to see Teddy, 2-month-old Teddy in a cage playing with blocks.

"Teddy!" I said running to the cage. I touched it but was sent back with a shock.

"There is a field around it." A voice said. I crawled back to the cage.

"It's ok Teddy, I am here." I smiled.

"Yes, you are." Voldemort said.

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