Chapter 29: Marriage: George

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"Get up." A voice said from outside my bars.

"Get up I said!" The voice commanded.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"It's wedding time." He smirked.

My heart dropped. Wedding. Lily's wedding. I am not stupid I know Voldemort is doing this to torture me and it is working.

"I can attend?" I asked.

"Oh yes, you will have a seat right up front." The man smirked. He opened the cell door and pulled me out. I winced as he hit a spot where I was hit with a Crucatus earlier.

He pulled me up the stairs and into the drawing room. The archway was black. The chairs were a Slytherin green to match the groom's tie. The groom. I looked at Zabini who looked rather nervous. I guess he was better than Lestrange. The man pushed me into a seat right in by the archway. 

A few minutes later the doors opened revealing Draco with Lily on his arm.


She looked beautiful. Her black hair was pulled into a bun with a crest pin sticking out of it. The Black crest. Her dress was a light white that fit her figure well. Her make-up was a few shades darker than before making her look even paler. She look a little like a vampire.  She had a bright smile on her face. She cast me a quick glance then looked away.

Draco slowly walked her down the aisle to Zabini.

  "That should be me waiting for her." I thought as Draco handed Lily off to Blaise. Draco whispered something that made Blaise laugh and Lily smile.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Blaise Zabini and Lily Black." The minister said.

"If anyone has any objections to this union, speak now." The minister said. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I looked to Voldemort who was smirking. "Very well." The minister continued.

"Do you Blaise Zabini take Lily Black to be your lawfully wedded wife. In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do you part?" The minister asked.

"I do." Blaise smiled, putting a ring on Lily.

"And do you Lily Black take Blaise Zabini to be your lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer till death do you part?" The minister asked. Lily smiled.

"I do." She said beaming sliding a ring on Zabinis finger

"Very well, by the power vested in me by the dark lord I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride." The minister said. I closed my eyes.

"You must look." Said a voice in my head. Voldemort. My eyes where pried open to see Lily kissing Zabini. I tried to let out a cry but nothing happened. Lily waited a few seconds before pulling apart.

"Very well. The bride and groom will now be leaving." The minister said as Lily and Blaise walked down the aisle smiling.

"Well how did you enjoy the wedding?" Voldemort asked me once everyone had left. I tried to speak but nothing came out. "Oh right." He said, waving his wand.

I looked him in the eye and spat at him. "That what I thought about the wedding." I said. Voldemort smiled.

"Cruco!" He called. I fell to my knees in pain.

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