Chapter 16: Sick: Lily

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"I would like to know how he escaped!" The dark lord called as he Crocio'd another guard.

"I don't know!" The guard called.

"Try harder!" He called.

I felt lightheaded. A pain spread through my head. I saw George. He tried to get me to leave with him. I tried to put walls up around it but they kept falling.

"Lily?" A voice whispered in my ear.

I turned to see Draco

"Lily, are you ok?" He whispered.

"I don't feel good." I said grabbing onto him for support.

"Just hold on a little longer." He said.

"I know." I said, trying to blink away the pain spreading through my head. What was wrong with me? Was it because I talked to George?

"I- I can't." I said succumbing to the pain. I fell. I felt arms catch me before I hit the ground. 

When I woke up, I was in my room at the apartment. I woke up to see Draco sitting in a chair in my room.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You have been throwing up more than you have been eating. Your body shut down." He said.

"What happened when I." I said but could not finish.

"Ah, well I was close enough that I caught you. I picked you up, told the dark lord what happened, he dismissed us and told me to get you checked out. I took you to the Mediwizards that stay at the manor all the time. She said you were very malnourished. Then I took you back here." He said.

"Oh." I said.

"Yeah, you needed to eat. She gave you nutrition potions, but you can't live off that." He sighed. 

"I know." I said putting my hands in my hands.

A knock came at the door.

"Soup?" Pansy asked.

"Sure, thanks." I said, taking it.

"What happened after we left?" I asked.

"Torture, torture and more torture than death." She sighed sitting down on the bed.

"Parkinson, give her space, get off the bed." Draco said. She shot him a look.

"It's fine." I said.

"Yeah, she says it's fine." Pansy said.

"The dark lord wants an update on how you are." Blaise said standing in the doorway.

"Great, it's a whole party." I sighed. "What do I say? 'Oh yeah, I am a sucky death eater who throws up after every bad thing I do?' I don't think he will like that." I sighed.

"No, you tell him that you were studying very hard to try to be the best death eater you can to uphold your vow that you forgot to eat, then passes out from it." Draco said. "He will want to check your mind so use your occlumency to put up walls around it then give him the fake memories." Draco said simply.

"You make it sound so simple." I said. He shrugged.

"I am going to try on you, ok?" Draco said, walking closer. "We don't need an occurrence you know." Draco said to the people in the room. They shrugged but stayed.

"Alright then." Draco said. He looked into my eyes. I put up walls around my getting sick and my conversation with Geroge and pushed them to the back of my mind. I quickly pulled forward fake memories of me studying.

"Good." Draco said withdrawing. "Get there faster though. He won't wait as long as I did." He said.

"Ok. Again." I said. He looked into my eyes again and pulled the memory forward faster.

"Good." Draco said. "I think you should be good. When you get back, we can start practicing your wandless magic." Draco said.

"Really?" I asked excited.

"Yes. You should learn." Draco said.

I let out a whimper as my arm started burning.

"Are you guys burning?" Draco asked Blaise and Pansy. They shook their heads.

"He must just want us." I said. "Show time." I said getting up. I pulled on my death eater robes and followed Draco to the fireplace.

We floo'd to the manor and walked to the drawing-room. When we walked in the dark lord, Bellatrix, and Lucius were there. Along with a Narcissa on the floor.

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