Chapter 10: Narcissa: Lily

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"Well done Lily." Voldemort said.

I tried to stand but was wobbly. It took a second, but I pushed to my feet.

"You have done very well. I can tell you are good with Occlumency. If you use it around me, I will not hesitate to break the walls down and destroy whatever memory you're hiding. I saw no walls right now, so you are on a good path.

"Thank you, my lord." I said, giving a little bow. The motion almost tipped me over.

"Bring her out!" Voldemort called.

Wormtail walked out with Narcissa in chains. I saw Draco shift in my vision. Somehow even in chains she was still very graceful and pretty.

"Lily?" She gasped, taking my arm.

"Get off me." I said, shaking her arm off.

"Narcissa here lied to me about Harry Potter being dead." Voldemort said as Wormtail dropped Narcissa.

"I know my lord." I said.

"What would you call her?" Voldemort asked. I took a deep breath.

"I would call her a blood traitor. Much like the Weasley's. A disgrace to the wizarding kind. Just like mudbloods." I said without flinching. My tongue and brain wanted to revolt for saying things like this, but it was what needed to happen.

"What happened to you?" Narcissa asked. 

"I got on the right side." I said squatting down beside her.

"This is not the right-side Lily." Narcissa said.

"Oh, but it is." I said standing. "I should have realized it sooner." I sighed.

"Lily?" Voldemort said.

"Yes, my lord?" I asked.

"Torture her." He smirked. My mind revolted at the sound of that

"It would be my pleasure." I said. "There is the slight problem that I don't have a wand. It was taken from my possession." I pointed out.

"Yes." He said, pulling out a wand. I walked up and grabbed it. It was a plain black wand. "You will get a stronger one once I trust you more. I am not going to give you a strong wand right away."

"Of course, my lord. That makes perfect sense." I said.

"You may begin." Voldemort said.

"Crucio!" I called and it hit Narcissa and she writhed in pain. I was not putting my all behind it so it seemed she was making it look worse.

"Crucio!" I called again. My body felt very weak. No doubt for what I had just endured.

"Crucio!" I called again. I tried not to think about what I was doing.

"Very good Lily." Voldemort said.

"Thank you, my lord." I smiled.

"Wormtail, take her back to her cage. I will have use of her later." Voldemort said. Wormtail picked her up and took her away.

"You are dismissed." Voldemort said to all the death eaters. I turned and tried to walk away but got lightheaded.

Blaise suddenly appeared on my left side and put his arm around my waist to help me.

"Thank you." I said. He helped me to a fireplace where we floo'd home. The motion of it made me want to be sick.

As soon as we got back to the apartment I ran to my bathroom and threw up. I felt so sick and disgusted with what I had done.

I sat on the floor in my bathroom with my head in my hands.

"Lily?" A voice said. I turned to see Draco.

"I am a monster." I said.

"We all are." Draco said, sitting down beside me.

"How can you be this close to me after what I did to your mother." I said. Suddenly feeling sick again.

"It had to be done. He made me do it as well. After the battle ended. He said it was my punishment for ever being on the side of the Order." Draco sighed.

"I can't move." I said. My body felt so weak from the Crucio's I took and the Crucio's I did.

"I know." Draco said standing.

He bent over and picked me up. He held me like a baby and took me back to the bedroom.

"Here you go." He said, taking off my shoes.

"Thank you." I said.

"I will have Pansy send in a bowl of soup in a little bit." Draco said as he pulled the covers up over my body.

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