Chapter 17: Horcrux: Lily

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"Ah, the last two pieces of my puzzle are here." Voldemort smiled at us.

"My lord." I said giving a small bow.

"Why did you pass out?" He asked me.

"I was working hard on studying the best methods of torturer and learning what the best ways to hurt a person the most were so that I could hurt the blood traitor the most I could." I said.

"Ah, yes my perfect little death eater." He said. "Not that I think you would lie but do you mind if I check?" He asked.

"No, my mind is an open book to you." I said. He looked me in the eyes. I pulled forward the memory of fake studying. He poked around and looked at other things.

"Very well." He said withdrawing.

"I believe there is another part of our deal we have yet to talk about." He said.

"My lord?" I asked.

"The part about turning you into a horcrux." He smiled. I swallowed.

"I was waiting until I trusted you with a piece of my soul and I now do so it is time." He said.

"I am honored, my lord." I said. I was in fact very scared.

"You may not know but to make a horcrux a death is required. I then have to put the broken part of my soul into you." He smiled.

"I am ready, my lord. But who must die?" I asked.

"Narcissa." He smiled. I felt sick. I saw Draco shift.

"I have called her family here to say goodbyes." Voldemort smiled. No one moved.

"I love you both so much." Narcissa said to Lucius and Draco.

"Lily I am sorry I did not protect Teddy, I should have." She said.

"Bellatrix, I am sorry to say that you have failed me as a sister. You have failed Andromeda. And you Voldemort. I am not sorry I lied to you. I am just sorry you lived." She spat.

"Strong words." Voldemort said. "Avada Kedavra!" He called. Narcissa's body fell. Draco went rigid.

He hit me with a spell I did not recognize. I fell to the floor in pain. I thrashed and screamed. It burned. I felt as if my body was on fire. I rolled in pain on the floor. I felt myself lift up off the ground then the pain was gone. All I felt was power. Dark power which was in my reach. I reached out with my magic and pulled it towards me.

It engulfed me like how water takes sand. I felt myself swept into it. I looked around and saw blackness. I felt power like I never had.

I looked around and saw that I was levitating. I lowered myself back to the ground using magic. How was that possible? That should not be possible.

"Lily?" Voldemort asked.

"My lord?" I said looking up. I was vaguely aware that Draco looked stunned. Bellatrix looked mad and Lucius was just staring at his wife's body.

"You did well. I was not sure it would work on a person, but it did. It was quite something to see." Voldemort said almost in awe. "What did it feel like?" He asked.

"It felt like a powerful dark magic that was in my reach. I reached out to it then I felt...powerful." I smiled.

"Very good. I hope you know how much this means I trust you since I have gifted you a piece of my soul." He said.

"I do my lord. I am very honored." I said.

"You may take a day off if you feel like you need it." Voldemort said.

"I think I will be fine. What time should I be back tomorrow morning?" I asked.

"I would like you to start practicing dueling. Draco is my best dueler so you will start tomorrow." He said.

"Draco, will you teach her?" He asked.

"I would be honored too." He said, still looking stunned.

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