Chapter 45: Dress: Lily

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"So that was.." Draco started but I stopped him..
"I don't want to talk about it." I said cleaning the blood off my nose. "I am assuming you were saying spells and charms to keep me from passing out?" I asked. He nodded.
"Madame Pomfrey taught me a few to help you." He smiled. "That was quick thinking on Weaslebees part." Draco said.
"George. His name is George. Or Weasley, not Weaslebee." I said annoyed.
"Sorry. That was quick thinking on Weasleys part." Draco said, rolling his eyes.
"Why do you call everyone but me by their last names? You call Pansy, Parks or Parkison. You call Blasie Zabini. But yet you call me Lily? Why?" I asked.
"I was raised by people who taught me to call people by their last names as a sign of respect. It was taught that way to remind me that I was superior. I still believe I am." Draco said and when I rolled my eyes, he corrected himself. "Sometimes. I sometimes believe I am still superior because of my blood line and who I come from. But you are a Black as well. So while you were not raised in a big manor or taught fancy dances we come from the same blood line so we are the same amount of superior." Draco smiled but when I gave him a not understanding look he sighed. "It's because you're my cousin and I like you the most." He said, rolling his eyes.
"Ah, now I understand." I said with a small laugh.
"Draco, can I talk to you?" Pansy said coming in.
"Go, I will be fine." I smiled. He got up and left. As soon as the door closed, I pushed up off the table and ran to the bathroom. I barely made it in time before I got sick.
"Gross." I sighed, flushing the toilet. I washed my hands just as Pansy came back in.
"What is wrong?" I asked, looking at her happy face.
"Can't I just be happy?" She asked.
"I guess but you are never this happy unless you get to design something." I said walking over to the desk where I was sitting.
"That's because I did get to design something." She smiled walking over to me.
She conjured a mirror and sat it in front of me.
"What are you doing?" I asked as she played with my hair.
"You look like death, girl." She said,
"Thanks." I sighed.
"When I am feeling down or sick. I like to put on a fancy dress and go out and show people. So that's what we are going to do." Pansy smiled.
"Ok." I said. I had no fight left in me. All I wanted to do was go to bed but I felt bad since she was so happy.
"How do you feel? If you don't feel well enough-" She said but I stopped her.
"I feel great." I lied.
"Really? I know using your magic makes you sick and that was quite some magic." Pansy said while pulling up part of my hair.
"Yeah, it was." I sighed.
We sat in silence as she pulled back my hair.
"I saved this." She said pulling out the pin she gave me on my wedding day. "Tap it." She said. I tapped the Black crest and it turned to the Gryffindor crest. I taped it again and it turned back to the Black crest.
"You're not going to keep it on Gryffindor?" She asked.
"Not feeling very Gryffindory tonight." I said as she stuck the pin in my hair.
"Got it." She said fixing my hair. She turned the chair so she could do my makeup.
"Done." She said after a few minutes.
"Can I see?" I asked.
"No!" She said. "Not until you put on the dress." She smiled.
"Dress?" I asked.
She waved her wand and conjured a dress. It was a red poofy dress.
"It's red." I said looking at it.
"You have worn enough green and black in these past years." She smiled.
I snapped my fingers, and the dress was on my body. I grabbed onto the desk after feeling lightheaded.
"You alright?" She asked.
"Fine." I nodded.
"I took inspiration from your yule ball dress." She smiled. "Shoes!" She said and a pair of red heels with gold on the heels appeared.
"Pansy this is a lot." I said as she slipped on the shoes.
"Nonsense." She said running into the bathroom. A few minutes later she ran out in a green low-necked dress.
"What? I still like green." She said with a smile. "Now up!" She said helping me up. I stood and my feet wobbled.
"Pans I don't know if I can." I said taking a step and wobbling.
"Here." She said, casting a quick spell. "Stabilizing charms. They will help you walk." She said.
She took my hand and led me down the hall.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You will see." She smiled. She pushed open the door to the courtyard.
"No." I said stopping.
"Oh relax. Only Pans approved people here." She said, rolling her eyes and pulling me out. When I looked out the field where I had taught kids a few hours ago had changed. It was now surrounded by fairy lights and a dance floor in the middle.
"What is this?" I asked, looking around amazed.
"A ball. Seeing as the last ball did not end so well. I believe it ended with us in cages." She smiled. I rolled my eyes. I looked down to see George in a red suit standing there smiling.

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