Here are the letters she left people :)

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Dear Ron,

It is Lily. but I suppose you know that... I wanted to say sorry for what I did years ago. I thought it was better to kidnap you than kill you. I know that may not have been the right choice, but I needed you to stay safe. Just for George's sake. I am sorry about the things I said. They were horrible, horrible, things and I did not mean a word of it. I had to do and say those things because if I did not Voldemort would have killed you, me and Teddy. I know that is no excuse for what I said but I thought you needed a reason at least. I know we were never the best of friends in school, but I did care for you. You were George's brother after all. I hope you can forgive me for the things I said and did to you.


Dear Hermione,

I never got the chance to tell you thank you for what you did for me. For telling the people who needed to know the truth. It means a lot. I know you blame yourself, but you must not. You could not have stopped me. My mind was made up. You were a great friend to me, and I am so thankful I got to know you. You truly are an amazing, gifted witch. I think I may say the brightest witch of our age. I know it's cheesy, but you truly are. Thank you for protecting Teddy.


P.s. You should try and get to know Draco. You too would make a cute couple.

Dear Harry,

Oh Harry. We have been through quite a lot. It is very surprising to me how long we have lived with all the things we have gone through. I am not afraid or scared to die. I know I should be, but I am not. I have come to terms with it, and I think knowing that you will be here for Teddy helps. I am putting my trust for him, in you. I know you will be a great person to look after him. I mean you did while I was...away. I hope you are happy and find peace after the war. You deserve it. You truly do. I will tell your parents and Sirius you said hi.


Dear Lucius,

Thank you for your help. I never would have gotten out had you not hinted to me that night at the party. I know it is a silly thing, but you saved my life. I am sorry about Narcissa. She truly was amazing. I wish she could have lived but wishes get you nowhere in war. Anyway, Thanks for the help. You save me. I owe what little I have left of my life to you.


Dear Pansy,

Pansy, how are you dear? I hope you got your shop. You deserve it. You truly are a great fashion designer. Anyone who wears you would be lucky too. Not saying you have to, but I would like a line named after me. "The Lily Line' Yes, I quite like the sound of that! Maybe some red shirts? A few leather jackets. You know my style. Anywho. Thank you for being there for me when I need friends. It means a lot. You are a great friend and I hope you get all you wanted in life. I wish you all the best.


Dear Blasie,

Ah Blaise, you were the best husband I ever had. Granted, our marriage only lasted for two days but still. You were great. Very kind and caring. I'm sorry we could not make it work. I hope you find someone who can make it work. My heart was just not in it. You knew it and I knew it. I will however always be grateful you saved me from marrying Rabastian. He would not have been a good husband. I hope you are well.


Dear Draco,

My dear, sweet cousin. You were there for me at my highest and my lowest. You truly are my family. I know you blame yourself for letting this happen to me but at least we had each other. You were more than a cousin to me, you were like my brother. I trusted you with my life and I do not regret that. I would and will never regret that. I am sorry about your mother though. I know you don't blame me for that, but I blame me. I know it is silly, but she was a wonderful woman. She did what she did to protect you. I am grateful that if any of the Blacks I had to be a death eater with it was you. We made a great team. I wish we would have gotten to spend more time together but at last we cannot get everything we want. I want you to be happy. If you live in Malfoy Manor please make it not so dark. I know it is silly but when you go in there it feels like death. Oh! I told Pansy to name a line of clothes after me so maybe give me a wing? If not a wing then just a room. Put my name on a plaque! You know what I like.

Love Lily

Dear George,

I am writing to you last. I have pushed it off, but I must write it. I am sorry. I am sorry I have to go. It is not fair. The time we got was so little. We should have had more time. Maybe in another life we could have had a long happy, healthy life. I wish we could have had that, but I do not make the rules. I know what has to happen. And I know you will hate the idea, but I want you to know if there was another way I would take it. Who knows maybe after all I have done this is what I deserve? I know you won't think that but maybe it is. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I love you so much. When I was going through my training to be a death eater. I would think about the life we would have to keep myself happy. We had a house. A medium size house. Nothing crazy like Burrow but nice. We had 3 kids. The first two were twins for obvious reasons; we named them Fred Remus Black-Weasley and Sirius Arthur Black-Weasley. Then a few years later we had a girl and named her Molly Marlene Blacck-Weasely. We would have a black dog of whom we would name Padfoot. I know it is silly, but it made me happy. I am sorry that is not what we got. I will see you soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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