Chapter 7:Aparment: Lily

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"Thank you for letting me stay here." I said, looking around the apartment.

"Of course. Figured you needed someplace. Can't quite go back to the Order base can you." Blaise said.

"So, what is the real reason you turned because I am guessing that the dark lord's reason was fake." Pansy asked.

"Yes, it was." I said sitting down on the sofa.

"Here tea." Draco said, handing me a glass.

"Thank you. He kidnapped Teddy. I gave myself to the dark lord so that he would take me instead of Teddy." I said, sipping the tea.

"I am not surprised." Blaise said.

"He has always had a... fascination with you." Draco said.

"I don't know why." I said.

"Nor do I." Blaise said.

"So, are we the only people that live here?" I said looking around the apartment.

"Yes." Pansy answered.

"Draco?" I asked. He looked up.

"Yes Lily?" He asked.

"Where was Narcissa, I saw Lucius but where is Narcissa?" I asked. Everyone took in a sharp breath.

"In the dungeons." He said.

I gasped.

"The dark lord was not happy about her betrayal." Draco said.

"Draco, I am so sorry." I said.

"Me too." Draco said. "You should go to bed. The first day is never easy." He said.

"What is it like?" I asked.

"Pardon?" Draco said.

"The first day." I sighed.

"Torture, he tries to go into your mind while someone curios you. I suspect he will choose Draco to do it. He picks someone close to you." Blaise said.

"Take a numbing potion. It helps." Pansy offered.

"Thanks." I said getting up.

"Lily?" Pansy said.

"Yeah. Get rid of the jacket, and thigh wand holder." She said,

"And the necklace." Blaise said. My hand instinctively went to it.

"And the bracelet. He won't want you wearing anything that symbolizes your old life." Draco said.

"Got it. Can one of you conjure a box for me? He took my wand." I said.

Pansy flicked her hand and one appeared.

"Here you go." She said, handing it to me.

"You can do wandless magic?" I asked.

"We all can. Draco taught us." Blaise said.

"Yes, before you ask, I can teach you too." Draco said, rolling his eyes.

"Thanks." I said.

I walked into my room. It was plain. I left it like that. I opened the box. I took off the jacket and took out the letter and picture then folded it. I took off the necklace George gave me and set it onto the jacket. I put the bracelet Dad and Remus had given me next to it. 

I picked up the letters from my dad and set them on top. I put the photo of us over the notes. I closed the box and slid it onto the top shelf in my closet.

The Lily Black that stuff belonged to was gone. She was replaced by a death eater. 

"This was the right thing to do, you have to protect Teddy. This was the only way." I said into the mirror.

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