Chapter 14: Rescue Mission: George

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"This will work." I said to the group.

"George, it's time." Seamus said,

"Ok, here is the plan. Luna, Neville, Seamus go find Ron. Try not to get captured or killed. I will go find Lily." I said.

"Hermione-" I started but she stopped me.

"I know. Distract anyone who asks questions." She nodded.

"Exactly. Let's go." I said walking past the barrier of the base. I looked back to see that it was no longer there.

"The barrier is working." Luna said.

"Yes, that's good." Neville said.

"Please be careful." I said as they apperated away. I took a deep breath.

"You have to get her back." I said to the darkness.

I apperated away and landed in a black hallway. I quickly cast a dissolution charm on myself. I walked around the halls.

What if Lily was not here? What if she does not stay at the manor?14 What if Ron is not here at all. I pushed the thoughts aside. She was here. I could feel it.

I walked further into the manor.

"I know I can't believe we caught such an important person." A death eater said rounding a corner.

"You did not catch him, Black did." A voice said.. A familiar 1voice. I looked closer and saw Draco.

I cast a stupefy on the other death eater and a silencing charm so his fall was not loud. Draco pulled out his wand. I undid my disillusion charm..

"Weasley." Draco half asked half sighed. "I assume you are not here alone?"

"Where is she, Malfoy?" I asked.

"I assume you mean Lily?" He asked, leaning against the wall.

"Who else?" I asked.

"What makes you think she is here at all?" Draco asked, looking at his hands.

"I can feel it." I sighed.

"Well, you just may be right. I don't know. She may have left with Parkinson and Zabini."  He said. I let out a huff. "Or she could be in a bathroom getting sick." He said.

"What?" I asked worried.

"Yeah she doesn't really have the stomach to do this." He sighed.

"Where is she?" I asked again.

"Let's go see if we can find her." He said, leading me away.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked, casting another dissolution charm on myself.

"I don't want her to be doing this either. She is not like us. She is too good for this." He said simply.

"I agree." I said.

We walked around silently. I heard a door close. I turned to see a figure running towards us. I pushed myself against the wall. When the figure got closer it collapsed into Draco's arms.

"Lily?" He asked. She looked up crying. She still looked so beautiful, but she looked broken.

"I-I had to." She said but Draco shushed her.

"I know, I know." He said, rubbing her head. This hurt. She was hurt and she ran to Malfoy.

"Someone is here to see you." He said. I uncast a dissolution charm on myself.

"George." She stammered.

"Hi Lily." I said.

"Why are you here? Oh merlin. No, I can't talk to you." She said backing away.

"Lily.." I said

"Lily, stop." Draco said, catching her arms

"It is my promise." She gasped.

"Shush, it will be ok. This may be the last chance you get to talk to him." Draco said, cupping her face. "I will be right down there." He said walking away.

"You're here for Ron?" She asked.

"Yeah, and you.." I said.

"I can't George. If Hermione told you right then you know why." She said voice breaking.

"I know. We can find a way around it. Teddy is safe. We can put him on lock down." I said throwing out ideas.

"No." She said simply.

"Why?" I asked.

"This promise makes sure that no one can touch Teddy. If I break it I will die. Plus, I won't have Teddy living a life inside like I had too." She said.

"Lily we can-" I said but she stopped me.

"No! I will protect him. I have to." She said.

"Lily, your soul and life is not worth all of this." I said.

"It is for Teddy." I said.

"Lily." I said.

"You should leave." She said.

"Not without you."  I said. She looked away.

"Lily." I begged grabbing her hands

"No." She said pulling away.

"Lily, please don't make me leave you here." I said. Just then an alarm went off.

"You guys are out of time. I am assuming they just found out that some people are here who are not supposed to be." Draco called running back to us.

"Please, George, go. Don't get captured." She cried.

"Lily." I said.

"Please. Stop making this so hard. Just go." She said.

"Weasley, I think it's time you leave." Draco said, putting a protective arm around Lily.

"Lily." I asked one more time. She looked away. "I love you. Still." I said turning and walking away.

"Wait!" She called.

I turned to see her running to me. I picked her up in my arms and kissed her.

"Live. For me. Live." She said breaking away and walking back to Draco. She spared me one more look then walked down the hall. I watched her walk away.

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