Chapter 49: Final Battle: Lily

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When I woke in the morning George was still rubbing my arm.
"Good morning." I said.
"Good morning my love. Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded.
After laying there for a few more minutes we got up.
"I had Pansy move your things over." He said.
"Thank you." I smiled.
I slipped off the red romper that was once a dress and slid on the pants Pansy had put with the stack of clothes. I put on the red shirt she had given me. It tucked perfectly into the pants. I slipped on my dad's jacket and my thigh wand holder. I put on the bracelet and necklace.
"George?" I said turning around to see him standing there.
"Yes?" He asked.
"In my bag. There are letters I wrote a long time ago. Please hand them out after the battle." I said.
"You can hand them out yourself." George said.
"Ok." I smiled while taking his hand.
We stopped by Madame Pomphrey and she gave me some potions she said would 'help keep my strength up for the battle'. They tasted horrible but if they helped.
"I can not stress this enough. Harry must be the one to kill Voldemort!" Kingsley said. Everyone gasped when he said the name.
"Port keys have been set up. Take one and it will lead you to the battlefield. Please be safe." McGonagall said. Draco found us as we were about to leave.
"I have it. Potter gave it to me. When you need it say 'accio sword of Gryffindor' and it will come to you." Draco whispered as I nodded.
We took the port key and landed right where McGonagall said we would. We slowly walked towards the castle.
Harry was at the front with Ron and Hermione to his right. I was beside George who was next to Ron. Draco, Blaise and Pansy were beside us. When we stopped, we saw the dark lords arm of death eaters get closer.
"We meet again Harry Potter." Voldemort said.
"It has been a long time Tom." Harry said.
"I see you have stolen my top death eater. And my second-best death eater." Voldemort said.
"Yes and no, They came to us. Something about how you're an 'evil monster that needs to be killed'." Harry said.
"Oh I am not the one who needed to be killed, Harry." Voldemort smiled looking right at me.
"I mean this was your plan all along, right?" I asked.
"Ah, the one to die speaks. Yes. it was. Quite a nice plan I must say. Asham though. Not only did I lose my best two death eaters. and some ok ones. I had to kill poor Lucius for his helping you." Voldemort snickered. Draco flinched.
"Well, I did not. Bella killed him." Voldemort smiled.
"Oh how he screamed! 'Tell Draco I love him and I am sorry' 'Tell him I will be with his mother now.'" Bellatrix said. Draco started to walk forward but I stopped him.
"Later." I said.
"Enough talk Tom. Let's finish this. Once and for all." Harry said.
"I could not agree more." Voldemort smiled.
The death eaters came running at us. Draco and I quickly took the fighting pose we had learned so long ago that went put together made us deadly.
We killed every death eater that came our way. We battled and fired spells.
I heard Bellatrix crazily laugh.
"Go." I said.
"Lily?" Draco asked.
"Go. Get revenge for your mother and father. I will be fine." I smiled.
"See you on the other side." He smiled.
"Always." I said with a wink as he went running off.
I quickly cast a protective charm on myself.
"Ah, you should be my wife." Rabastian said.
"Ah, my would be dead beat husband." I smiled.
"You look ravishing as always." Rabsatian said.
"Thank you. I must also say thank you for the fact that I would not have left so soon had you not threatened Teddy. So, thank you for that." I smiled.
"Anything to help the cause." He smiled.
"Avada Kedavra!" He yelled at me.
"Oh, that was close. My turn." I smiled. I fired multiple wordless spells at him.
"Goodbye Rabastian." I said. "Avada Kedavra!' I yelled. He dropped to the ground.
"That was very therapeutic. I never liked him anyway." I said shrugging and walking off.
After a few more fights I realized we were losing more than we were killing. It was time.
"Accio George Weasley, Accio Harry Potter." I said. Harry and George came flying. "Accio sword of Gryffindor." I said.
"Lily what's wrong?" George asked.
"It's time." I said holding up the sword.

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