Chapter 28: Pick: Lily

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I hid my shock.

"You want me to marry Rabastan?" I said looking at him.

"Yes." He smiled.

"So you want another Lestrange from the Black line?" I asked.

"No, I asked and he volunteered. He has already said yes." He said simply.

"Has he?" I asked annoyed. I looked at Rabastian and he smiled.

"My lord?" A voice asked. I turned to see Blaise.

"Blaise?" Voldemort asked.

"I am a pure-blood. I have money from my mother. So I would like to ask to marry Lily instead. We have been friends for a very long time and have even flirted back and forth some." Blaise said. I heard George move.

"I see. So, you think she would be happier with you?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes. I think she would be happier with me. She may even be more willing to have children if it is with someone she knows." Blaise said. I wanted to be sick.

"Very true. Lily you may pick." Voldemort said I looked at him.

"Pick?" I asked.

"Yes, Pick who you would like to marry." Voldemort said.

"My lord!" Rabatian said, rushing forward. "You told me that she would be mine!" He yelled.

"Stand down Rabatian. She will make the choice." Voldemort said.

"I can pick?" I asked. He nodded. I looked between the two men. Of course, I knew who to pick but I had to make it look like a hard choice. "I pick Blaise." I said looking back at Blaise.

"Very well. You will be married by the end of the day." Voldemort said.

"You can stay in a room here tonight. I dismiss you all." Voldemort said.

I turned and walked out of the room fast. I looked behind me too see no one was following me. I quickly ran to the front doors and threw them open. The cool weather air bust in. I ran down the steps of his manor. I felt my heels getting stuck in the snow. I leaned down and slipped them off.

I stopped when I got to the gate. What was my plan? To just run? This dress would not allow that. I heard steps behind me. I looked to the right and saw the right side of his manor was surrounded by woods. I took off running towards it. I ran deep into the forest. So running was the plan then.

I kept running until I tripped over a branch. I should have seen that branch I was trained to see everything. I heard the steps get closer. I was assuming it was Draco or Blaise but I really did not want to talk. I got back up looking down and my dress that was busted from my fall. I ran further.

"Lily stop! How far are you going to go?" Called the voice. Draco.

"I don't know." I said stopping and sitting down on the ground.

"Lily." Draco said, getting closer.

"He has taken everything from me. He took my free will, he took my life, now he wants to take my love too?" I sighed. Draco sat down beside me.

"Blaise is better than Rabatian." Draco said.

"I know. But I don't love him. I love George! But he is being tortured. The Dark Lord is doing this to punish him. The worst feeling is having the one you love marry someone else." I said starting to cry.

"Its ok." Draco said pulling me close.

"I can't keep doing this." I said.

"I know. You were never made for this lifestyle." He gave a small laugh.

"I never was." I said.

"I know." He said, rubbing my head.

"You know that I will not survive this right?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"I won't. I have to die for him to be killed. There is no other way." I said.

"We have not looked through every option yet maybe there is." Draco offered.

"There's not." I sighed.

We sat there in silence.

"We should head back." Draco said. He handed me my shoes. I laughed.

"You grabbed my shoes?" I asked.

"They were in the way and I figured you would need them. Give me your feet." He said, holding out his hand. I put my feet in his hand. He healed the cuts on my feet from running.

"Thanks." I said slipping my shoes onto my heeled foot.

"Dress too." Draco said, waving his wand and the dress fixed.

"Can you apperated us back?" I asked.

"No, Lily, you're the only one who can apparate inside his manor." Draco said. I nodded.

"Arm." I said. He held out his arm. I grabbed it and apperated us back. When we got there I almost collapsed. Draco caught me just in time.

We could have walked." He offered.

"There you are." Pansys voice said.

"We have to get you ready." Pansy said, taking my hand.  "Where did you go? You're muddy." She asked, looking at my hands.

"The woods." I smiled. She hummed. "Bye." I said waving to Draco as Pansy ushered me upstairs. She pushed me into a room that was black.

"Black." I sighed. "It's all black, black floor, black bed, black everything!" I yelled. Pansy cast a quick silencing charm.

"Are you going to keep freaking out?" She asked. I shook my head and sat down at the vanity.

She pulled my hair up into a bun. She stuck a pin into my hair with a wink.

"Double tap that later." She winked

  She put on some dark make-up. She conjured a white dress.

"It's traditional." She smiled. I smiled back. I snapped my fingers and the dress was on me.

"You have to teach me that." She said.

"I would if I could." I sighed. I looked in the mirror. I looked beautiful. "You did great." I said.

"I know." She smiled.

"Geez Pans, not self-centered at all." I laughed.

"I wanted to be a clothing designer. After school, my parents though it was a horrible idea 'not what a pureblood such as yourself should want to do' I wanted to do it anyway." She laughed.

"It's time." Draco said standing in the doorway.

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