Chapter 9:Betrayal: George

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I got no sleep. All I could think about was Lily.

"George?" A voice said. I turned to see Harry.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We need to call a meeting of everyone in the Order and tell them that Lily." He said but stopped. It seemed he could not believe it either.

"Yeah, I know." I said.

"5 minutes." Harry said, closing the door.

I dragged myself out of bed and put on a jumper and pants. It smelled like Lily. She must have worn this once and not told me. She does that...did that a lot. I thought mentally correcting myself.

I walked down the stairs to see everyone gathered in one of the rooms. Based on how many people were in the room I would sit and an undetectable extension charm was added.

"Thank you for meeting so early." KIngsey said standing at the front.

"We have some...unfortunate news. We wanted you to hear it from us first before seeing it in the paper which I suspect will be soon." Harry said.

"Get to the point!" Someone called.

"We have recently been informed that Lily has." Harry said but stopped.

"She has turned to the Dark lord. She is the enemy now." Kingsley said.

"She betrayed us?" Ginny said. 

"Yes." Kingsley said. Harry looked uncomfortable.

"She would never!" Neville said.

"She did." Kingsley said.

"Why?" Mom asked.

"We suspect it is because she thought this side was hopeless." Kingsley said.

"I don't believe this." Someone said,

"Believe it. I have no doubt that she is spilling all of the information she has to the dark lord as we speak." KIngsley said. I dug my nails into my hand. 

"Do we need to move?" Someone asked.

"Yeah, what if she gives away the location of the safe house here?"  Someone else said.

"Yes, we will start moving people to other bases. While she cannot give away the exact location thanks to Neville being the secret keeper, they will need Neville. I am willing to bet that she will say Neville is the secret keeper. So, he will be moved right away." Kingsley said.

"There are 3 other bases we can move people too. There is one for families so if you are a family and don't want to fight tell me and I will send you to that safe house. Others who do want to fight, you will be dispersed to the other 2 bases. As of right now Grimmauld place is no longer a safe house." Kingsley said.

"Will we see her in battle?" Luna asked.

"Yes, I suspect you will." Harry said. Finally speaking.

"Do we have to kill her?" Ron asked.

Kingsley did not answer at first.

"Yes. She is the enemy. She is powerful. I have no doubt that if she sees you she will kill you." Kingsley said.

"Why do you think she turned?" Someone asked Kingsley.

"I think she turned because she is a Black. Her whole family is over there. You can see it over time. She made friends with Slytherins, she got closer to Draco Malfoy. She was slowly turning." Kingsley shrugged. He really believed this lie he was spinning. I guess it was easier to believe it than to tell the truth.

"When do we leave?" Someone asked.

"The family safe house leaves in thirty minutes. Neville will go to safe house 1 right now. Neville, go pack. Everyone else will leave at night." Kingsley said.

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