Chapter 19: Get Her Back: George

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"George, you need to get out of bed." Ginny said, shaking me lightly.

"She did not leave." I said.

"No but you have to let it go. If we fight this war and win you can get her back." Ginny said.

"We can't win." I sighed.

"Not with that attitude we can't." Ginny spat.

"Gin what's the point? We fight again, we all die, you-know-who is still around and gets stronger." I said.

"If we don't try, he gets stronger anyway." Ginny said.

"I guess." I sighed.

"Do you want Lily back?" Ginny asked.

"Yes of course." I said.

"Then get out of this bloody bed, fight with us and get her back!" Ginny said.

"How do you know we would win if we fight again?" I asked.

"I have to have faith, George." She sighed. "Having faith is the only way to get through this." She said standing. "We are practicing spells in the rec room in 5 minutes if you want to be there." She said leaving.

I got out of bed. I stank. How long had I been lying in bed for? Forget it, I should shower.

After I showered, I walked down to the rec room where Ron was standing at the front with Ginny at his side.

"Look who decided to show up." Ron said.

"Figured it was time to do something." I smiled.

"Welcome back." Ron smiled.

"Alright. We all know this will end in another war." Ron said. Everyone grumbled.

"It's true and you all know it." Ginny said.

"She is right." Ron said. "The first time we went in with stunning spells. That won't work a second time. We need to start putting force behind our spells." Ron said.

"What do you mean like, use unforgivables?" Someone asked.

Ron looked away.

"The death eaters won't hesitate to use them on you." I said.

"How would you know? Your girlfriend became a death eater!" Someone yelled.

"She did, she made a choice, I tried to change her mind, but it did not work. Now we win this war, we avenge everyone we lost, and we get her back." I said.

"Why would we want her back? She is evil!" Someone yelled.

"Maybe she is. Maybe getting rid of our morals and high ground is the way we are going to win this war." Ginny said.

"So, are we allowed to use unforgivables?" Seamus asked.

"Yes, I am trying to talk to Kingsley and McGonagall about it, but we have to. It is the only way we can win this." Ron said.

"Do we practice them on each other then?" Someone asked.

"No, they will never be uttered in the bases." A strong voice said. We turned to see Kingsley.

"Sir?" Seamus asked.

"Ron is right. These are the only ways to win. I understand if you don't feel comfortable doing that, but you may have too. We will never make you use one unless you feel like you can. They are not easy on the soul. The only rule is you will NEVER ever use it inside the base. You will never use it on another Order member." Kingsley said.

"What about Lily?" Luna asked.

"What do you mean?" Kingsley asked.

"She is still an Order member so should we not use the spells on her?" Luna asked. Kingsley faltered.

"She..." Kingsley said but stopped. "She is a death eater. She chose that path. So she deserves them too. She may have been an Order member once, but she no longer is. The second she left she is no longer an Order member." Kingsley said.

"So if we see her we kill her?" I asked.

"Would she stop to not kill you?" Kingsley asked.

No one spoke.

"Think about it like that. Ron, you may continue." Kingsley said leaving the room.

"I won't kill her." I said.

"Neither will I." Luna said.

"Let's be honest, the likelihood of anyone here killing her is slim." Ron said.

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