Moving Towns

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I woke up and my younger brother Paul came into my room and said "you need to get up as your leaving today" I then said "I totally forgot about that dude" he then looked at me really sad and said "why do you have to leave?" I then said "because of my ex boyfriend Ryan he is after me and he will hurt me if he finds me" he then looked at me and said "where will you go?" I then said "I am staying with a friend for a few days until I get back on my feet and you can always visit me whenever you like." He then left my room, I then got up and looked out my window and looked at the view for one last time and I then got my bag and my suitcase and took it downstairs and I then headed back to my room and got dressed. I decided to wear some black skinny jeans with some vans and I then put my hair in a messy bun and I headed downstairs. 

I then went into the kitchen where my dad was and I then got some breakfast, while I was eating breakfast my younger brother then said "are you taking our mom's ashes with you?" I then said "no but can you look after them for me please?" he then nodded. I finished my breakfast and Me, my dad and Paul got in the car and drove to Birmingham. 

I was sat in the car and tears were rolling down my face, I was going to miss getting up there and seeing the view, I was so grateful that my friend Francesca said I could stay with her. She also told me she had a roommate called Ian and he is sweet and I did not mind. I then looked at my brother and he did not say a word to me at all and I then put on some music and he then turned to me and said "what you listening too?" I then said "want to listen to it with me?" he then said "yeah I would love too" so me and my brother sat there and listened to some music and it was amazing that I could spend time with him before I left. 

- Friends House -

I then arrived at Francesca's house and I was nervous, my dad then knocked on the door and Ian came out and said "hello Louise, you will be staying with us until your okay again but until then come on in" I then came in with my bag and suitcase and waved goodbye to my dad and brother and I then went up to my room and unpacked and I began to cry and Francesca came into my bedroom and hugged me and said "everything is going to be okay but I want to know are you coming out to the club with us tonight?" I then said "of course I would love too" Francesca then left my room and I then redone my make up and checked my phone and it was my brother saying "can I stay in your room?" I then said "of course you can" I then smiled and then headed downstairs and Ian then said "you can't go out like that please dress fancy" I then decided to head upstairs and put on my blue dress that I had worn for my 21st birthday.  I then went downstairs and Francesca and Ian were ready and then we hit the bar. 

- At the bar -

We then went into the bar which was a bit empty but we got a table and Francesca then said "Louise what drink do you want?" I then said "can I have a dark fruits cider please?" she then said "of course" Francesca then went up and got the drinks in and we talked about my ex and we then drank but I did not drink much because I wasn't in the mood but then my phone buzzed and it was a text from my ex saying "I am looking for you Louise" I grabbed my drink and guzzled it down like there was no tomorrow. Ian then said "That's the spirit Louise" I then smiled and Ian then said "I will get a drink for you" Ian then went and got me a drink and he came back with an Orange drink I drank it really quickly and Ian then said "Louise please slow down it is gin you know" I then said "oh I did not know" but after the gin I got really drunk and Francesca and Ian thought it was time for us to head home. 

- Back at my friend's house -

When we got home I drank some water to help sober up, I then went to bed and my overthinking kicked in and I then decided to get out of bed and go for a walk. I then left the house and went for a walk, I was walking down the street when I bumped into a guy with brown curly hair and he then said "what is a lovely lady like you doing out this time of night?" I then said "I can't sleep" he then said "want to sit down and chat about it?" I then said "sure I would love too" we sat down and he then said "so what is up?" I then said "I just broke up from my ex and he keeps threatening me and I don't really know what to do and I just feel hopeless and I moved here well living with my friend and I - I *started crying" He then hugged me and said "Love does anyone else know about this?" I then said "yeah my dad and my friend" he then said "good I hope you keep safe darling" he then hugged me and walked off and I was sat on the bench alone and I then headed back into the house and I then locked the door and I then went to bed and fell straight to sleep. 

8 Months later 

I have my own viewing for a apartment in Birmingham which isn't too far from my friend's house and I cannot wait to move in and have my own space again and finally be happy again. I have told Francesca and Ian and they are happy for me and they will visit when they can and I am so happy. The curly haired boy has not made any appearances again sadly. The guy I spoke too 8 months ago was really sweet. 

I then packed all my things ready to see if I actually get the flat and I cannot wait to view it later this afternoon. I then decided to get dressed and I put on my skinny jeans with my vans with a grey hoodie. I then got some breakfast and chilled in the living room with my friends. I then got a text and it was from my little brother he said "so happy you have your own place little sis" I was so happy hearing those words but I don't know if I actually have the apartment yet. 

- Viewing the apartment

I arrived at the apartment and I took a look around and it had a big bedroom with a bathroom and a really big kitchen and living room which was perfect and I told the women I liked it and there was no repairs that needed doing to the flat which was great but she did tell me that she will get back to me. I then left the apartment block and headed back to my friend's house. 

- Back at my friends house

I arrived back at my friends house and we all sat down and eat together as it might be my last meal I have with them if I get the flat as I can move in whenever hopefully. I was sat at the table and I got a notification and it was a message from the lady and it read "Dear Miss Sheene, I am delighted to tell you that you have got the apartment 14B you can move in whenever you like just come by and pick up the keys" I smiled and Francesca and Ian then said "SO?" I then said "I got the apartment" they both got up and hugged me and said "we are so proud of you and you can stop by whenever don't ever be a stranger" I got so happy I cried and then we decided to chill on the sofa and watch some Netflix. We watched films until 2am and it was time to sleep so I went up to my empty room and I then got into bed and fell asleep. 

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