First night with a new-born

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I was sleeping next to Brad when our little baby girl decided to start crying so I decided to get up with her and feed her and after I fed her the bottle she still wouldn't stop crying and I sat there and rocked her to try and soothe her but she still wouldn't stop crying and that is when I said "Please stop crying baby girl mommy doesn't know what else to do" I felt a tear slide down my face and that is when I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Brad he then said "let me try babe" he then took our daughter and said "I've been up all night no sleep, cause I feel like I am always dreaming" he voice seemed to soothe her but I wasn't surprised. Our beautiful baby girl fell asleep in Brads arms and he then put her back in her cot and I then climbed into bed. 

I then woke up and Brad was fast asleep and our  little daughter was wide awake so I decided to talk her on a walk and while I was out I saw Kirstie and she walked over and said "aww she is so gorgeous" I then said "thank you" she then said "no problem" I then walked back to the house feeling extremely exhausted then  walked through the door and Brad then said "there you are" I then said "sorry babe I just took our daughter for a walk" he then said "it is okay babe" when I looked I noticed she was fast asleep in her pushchair. Brad then kissed me and said "your the best mommy she could ever ask for" I felt beyond grateful for our little family. 

Brad then made some pasta and I made the sauce and our little girl decided to start crying and Brad said "I've got her babe" I then said "alright babe" I then put the food on the plate and me and Brad sat down and ate food. Carla just looked at her dad and the way she looked at her dad was the cutest thing ever. Brad then started singing to her and I then put the dishes in the skink and went to wash up and Brad said "I will do that babe go and have a rest" I then decided to go in the bath. While my bath was running I then sat on the bed and looked through the wedding plans and honestly I cannot wait it will be the best day ever. I then got into the bath and listened to some music and of course sang but then I got all teary eyed and started crying. I just didn't understand why Carla wanted her dad all the time and not me like am I really that hard to love. I then snapped out of my thoughts and I just know she is a daddy's girl and he is protective of her already which is the best. I then came out of the bathroom and headed into mine and Brads room and there was rose petals all over the duvet and on the floor and there was a candle lit and Brad stood beside the bed and said "this is a little mini date night" I then said "what about our daughter?" Brad then said "she is fast asleep" Brad and I sat on the bed and watched films eating food and it felt so nice to be right next to him. 

Brad then got up and said "want a drink babe?" I then said "yeah I would love too" Brad then went and got us a drink and he then came back up and said "I forgot the boys are coming over to meet Carla you don't mind do you?" I then said "of course I don't mind" Brad then smiled and he then went downstairs and I was in the bedroom alone and I just sat there and just wished my mom could meet her but I know she can't and I miss my mom loads. All of a sudden I heard the boys come into the house and they were looking at Carla and they all fell in love with her. I then wanted to go downstairs but I didn't feel up to it but I had to face people at some point. I then went downstairs and the boys looked at me and said "Wow Louise what a lovely daughter you have" I then said "thank you ever so much" they then said "no problem" the boys then left and Brad got Carla back to sleep and then me and Brad headed to sleep. 

I woke up to go to the toilet and Carla had woke up crying so I went down and fed her a bottle and I then rocked her to sleep and started singing "you are my sunshine, my only shine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you" she then drifted off to sleep and I was so shocked, I then put her in her cot and kissed her forehead and I then climbed back into Brad and he turned to me and said "is Carla awake still babe?" I then said "No baby she fell asleep" he then kissed me and said "I knew you could do it" I then kissed him and he kissed me back" Brad then fell asleep and I then wrapped my hands around his waist and kissed his forehead and rested my head on his check and cuddled into him as he made me feel so safe.  

I woke up an hour later and I just had a suspicion to go and check Carla and I did and she was fast asleep, I then decided to go and get a glass of water, after I had drank my water I then got back into bed next Brad and he then turned to face me but he was asleep and that was when I put my arms around him and cuddled back into him and I finally drifter off to sleep. 

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