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I woke up and Brad was still asleep and I must have threw up twice this morning and he kept hugging me last night and that is what I love about him. I then got up and washed my face and I then went into the living room and sat on the sofa and that is when Natalie came down and said "Morning Louise" I then said "morning" Natalie then went into the kitchen and I then said "Natalie I think I am pregnant what do I do?" Natalie then said "go upstairs and in the drawer in the bathroom there should be a pregnancy test do it and come down and I will help you" I then said "thank you" I then went upstairs into the bathroom and got the test and I then sat there and I did the test and I then went downstairs and Natalie was sat on the sofa. Natalie then took the test and she then said "wait two minutes and then we will see" I then said "okay" we then waited and someone had went into the bathroom at this point and then Natalie then looked at the test and looked at me and said "congratulations Louise you are going to be a mommy" I then said "wait I am pregnant?" Natalie then said "yeah" I then smiled and said "yey but I want to tell Brad a bit later on" Natalie then said "yeah you should do it tonight at tea time" I then replied "of course I will" Natalie then went upstairs and got ready for the day as she was going out with her boyfriend on a date. I then sat and waited for Brad to get up. I then decided to message the girls. 

- Girly Chat -

Me: "hey girls I am pregnant!"

Francesca: "Yey Congratulations"

Lucy: "oh congrats"

Kirstie: "so happy for you"

Millie: "yey I am going to be an auntie"

Me: "thanks guys and yeah you all will be Aunties" 

I then sat there and Natalie then came down and I then said to her "Natalie when the baby is born would you like to be their god mother?" Natalie then said "I would love too" I then smiled and she then left with her boyfriend to go on their date. 

I then sat there and waited for Brad to get up, I then finished getting ready which was just getting washed and brushing my teeth and my hair and then I went back to sit on the sofa and that is when I heard someone getting up and I knew it was Brad. I then went into the kitchen and made us both a cup of tea and I then went into the living room to see Brad sat on the sofa and he looked at me and said "don't you just look amazing baby" I then said "you don't look too bad yourself" he then giggled and I then said "here is your cup of tea" he then said "thank you babe" I then went on Soundcloud and I was so shocked and Brad then said "what is up babe?" I then said "my song Glass heart has just hit 1.5K streams" Brad then said "that is amazing babe" he then leaned in and kissed me and I then kissed him back and we drank our tea and Brad made us some lunch which was a sandwich but I had ham and Brad had cheese. 

Me and Brad then decided to write some music and when we were done we then recorded the vocals and Brad was mesmerized by my singing and I just loved the look in his eyes when he is passionate about something. It was almost tea time and my heart was pounding as I am so scared to tell him as I don't know how he is going to react. Anne-Marie and Derek walked through the door and Brad then helped them cook tea and I was sat in the living room trying not to have another panic attack. Tea was then ready I then sat besides Brad and Natalie and we were eating and Natalie looked at me and smiled and I then said "I have an announcement" everyone looked and I then said "I am pregnant" Anne-Marie and Derek both said "we are happy for you both" Natalie and her boyfriend said "congratulations lovely" I then looked at Brad and he then looked at me and said "excuse me I just need a few minutes to myself" I then went to go after him but Natalie then said "just let him calm down" I did exactly what she said. We all finished eating and Natalie, her boyfriend, Anne-Marie and Derek were watching a film and Brad was upstairs in his room but I got up and said "I am just heading out for a walk" they all then said "alright dear"   I then walked out of the house and I saw Brad looking out the window and I then walked down to the skate park and sat on the bench and I began to sob and that is when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and they then said "don't cry my love" I then looked up to see Tristan he then said "what you doing out here on your own?" I then said "I found out I was pregnant and Brad won't talk to me" I sobbed and that is when Tristan then said "go back home and I am sure he will talk to you don't worry" I then hugged Tristan and he walked me back to Brads and I then got to the door and Tristan then walked off and I went inside and I then saw Brad, Natalie, her boyfriend, Anne-Marie and Derek watching a movie I then smiled and said "I am just going to get ready for bed" I then went upstairs and sat on the bed and sighed and then looked at the group chat. 

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