The party

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I woke up and I decided to get my outfit ready for the party. Brad then came into my room and said "what is my girl doing?" I then said "I am getting my outfit ready for the party tonight and your invited as it is at Tristan's house" Brad then said "alright babe and I will do the same thing" I decided to wear my red dress and I am not sure about Brad, I then decided to run myself a bath and Brad then said "do you mind if I go in first babe?" I then said "no not at all" Brad then went into the bath and I then went live on Instagram and I then started singing my own song glass heart and loads of people were telling me they loved my song and it made my heart melt and the fact it has just hit 2K streams is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I then decided to go down stairs and made my self some breakfast which was pancakes of course as I watched Brad make them for a while now. Me and Brad move in to our new house tomorrow and we are so excited. 

I then sat on the sofa and waited for Brad to get out of the bath so I could go in, I then heard the bathroom door open and Brad shouted down "I am out of the bath and yours is running" I then went upstairs and went into the bathroom, I then got into the bath and relaxed for a while. After I was done in the bath I got out and dried my hair and curled it and then I did my make up and I was already for the party. I then went downstairs and Brad was sat there in his red suit and he looked at me and said "we did not just colour match by accident" I then said "yeah we did" me and Brad then went into his car and Brad drove us to the party. 

- The party -

Me and Brad had arrived so we got out of the car and we then went to the front door and we knocked on the door and Tristan opened the door and we then went inside and Brad then said "Lou babe why don't you sing for us" I then said "good idea" I then began singing and everyone gathered around and I caught a glimpse of Ryan but it didn't bother me and I kept singing but when I was done everyone clapped and I then went to go get a drink as my mouth was dry. Ryan then stood next to me and said "your voice is improving everyday" I then said "thank you" he then said "no problem" he then leaned in to kiss me and Brad then said "WHAT THE HELL!" Ryan smirked then walked away and whispered and said "I don't really like you like that Louise" he walked away and Brad walked out of the party and I went after Brad and he then said "Louise just leave me alone" I then stopped chasing him and went back to Brads house and I then went straight up to my room and everything Brad had said about Ryan using me was correct and I was too stupid to noticed and now I might of lost my husband to be. I then just laid there and wished Brad wasn't mad with me but he is. I then heard someone come into the house but I did not make a big deal out of it but then I heard them come upstairs and my bedroom door swung open and there stood Brad and he then said "look I know you weren't going to kiss him but I just got really angry" I then said "it is normal babe" he then kissed me and went into his room and I just sat there and thought about everything but I then checked to see how well my song is doing and it is on 2.5K streams on my Soundcloud and I am so grateful for all the love and support on my song. 

Me and Brad then went downstairs and sat with his family and watched some films and Anne-Marie said "it is going to be strange not having you two here" I then said "we will pop round regularly don't worry" Anne-Marie then said "good, don't feel like strangers your always welcome" I then said "thank you" she then smiled and her and Derek went to bed and it was just me and Brad on the sofa and we were snuggled together and we both were cuddling into Jesse as she is staying with Brads parents and I saw a tear roll down his face and I looked at him and said "what is wrong babe?" he then said "I am looking forward to moving out and living with you but I am nervous babe" I then said "it will be okay babe" Brad then said "I just don't want to let you down" I then said "you will never let me down babe" he then kissed me and we then continued watching our Netflix show which was All the boys I've loved before."

- Studio -

I then got up and went into the studio in Brads parents house and I then produced a song called Self doubt and I then posted a snippet on Tiktok and everyone keeps telling me to release it but I am unsure so I will ask Brad what I should do as he gives the best advice. 

After I had finished in the studio I then went into the living room and I went back and sat near Brad and said "want to hear a bit of my new song" he then said "go on then babe" I then let him hear my song and he then started to dance and it made me smile and laugh and he then said "are you releasing this?" I then said "should I?" Brad then said "yes of course you should girl" I then said "alright babe I will do" I then put that I will release it when I get the chance. Me and Brad decided to go to bed as it was getting late and we are moving tomorrow and it would be a long busy and stressful day so we then headed to bed and Jesse followed Brad and it was the cutest thing ever, Brad went into his bedroom for the last time and I went into Natalie's bedroom for the last and final time. 

I then laid there wide awake as I couldn't sleep what so ever so I decided to check my timetable for Uni on Monday and I then I saw a notification that one of my friends from Uni had gone missing and they don't know where she is but if anyone has heard from her they need to contact the police and she had been distant from me ever since the party and now I am concerned about her.  I then got out of bed and put on a hoodie and I went out looking in the places where I thought she could be and she was no where to be seen so I then headed back to Brads house and locked the door and that is when Brad had got up and I was just going back to bed when he then said "where have you been?" I then said "my friend went missing and I need to know where she is Brad" Brad then said "have you looked for her?" I then said "yeah but there is police looking for her" Brad then said "yeah babe it is best if you let them do their job" I then said "yeah I know" me and Brad then went to bed and we both fell fast asleep. 

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