Having dinner with the Simpsons

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I woke up to my alarm going off and I turned it off and stumbled to the fridge and got some breakfast and then fell asleep for another few minutes. I woke up a few hours later and I had a message from Brad that said "hey stranger just want to make sure your still up for the dinner later" I then said "of course I am up for it" he then said "great I will come by at 5pm and we will head to my moms" I then said "it sounds like a plan" he then sent me an emoji. 

I then decided to have a bath and while I was in the bath I decided to sing one of my original songs and I then got out of the bath and got dressed and once I was dressed I then curled my hair and the time was 2.30pm and I decided to make myself a pot noodle and when that was done I then sat on the sofa watching Netflix while I was doing that I got a buzz on my phone and it was my ex Ryan saying "that guy who saved you last night ruined everything but I will be back" I then just sat there and cried because I was completely done. I then text Brad saying "hi what you up too?" he then said "just doing some errands what about you?" I then said "just chilling watching Netflix" he then said "what I love doing" I then said "did not take you for a movie kinda guy" he then said "oof cheeky ain't ya" I loved texting him.  That cheered me up and I then decided to do my make up and I then I messaged Francesca and Ian and said "I am going to dinner with a guy called Brad" Francesca and Ian said "have fun" I then said "I will do don't worry" I then finished my make up and the time was 4.55pm and Brad was picking me up in five minutes so I quickly put on my shoes and got my bag ready and then there was a knock at the door and I opened it and Brad then stood there and he then said "you ready Louise?" I then said "of course I am" he then waited for me to lock my door and then he lead me to his car and then took me to his parents house. 

- At Brads Parents house -

We arrived at his parents house and we then sat there at the table and his mom looked at me and said "so your the girl who cheated on my son then" I sat there and I was shocked and Brad then said "mom that was Olivia this is Louise" his mom then looked shocked and she then said "oh dear I am ever so sorry" I then said "it is okay honest" she then said "so how did you and Brad meet?" I then said "well I was on a walk at 2am and he was doing the same and he just sat there on a bench with me while I talked to him and I was surprised when he listened to me because nobody ever does" Brads mom then said "aww that is our son" I then said "he also stopped my ex from beating me up last night" his mom then said "he has the purest heart" I then said "he sure does" Brad then started blushing and that is when his mom said "well I am Anne - Marie but do just call me Anne and this is my husband Derek and our lovely daughter Natalie but you can call her Nat" I then said "it is nice to meet you Anne, Derek and Nat" they then said "it is lovely to meet you too Louise" we were then eating desert and I then heard my phone buzz and it was my ex and I then said "can I be excused I need the bathroom" they then said "of course lovely it is the first room on your left" I then headed upstairs and I re read the text over and over again "YOU ARE DEAD IF YOU RETURN TO YOUR APARTMENT" I got so scared, I did not know what to do so I went back downstairs and I then looked at Nat and said "Nat can I talk to you please" she then said "of course Lovely" we then went into the living room and she then said "so what is wrong?" I then said "my ex text me saying I am dead if I go back to my apartment what do I do?" Nat then said "can I speak with my parents they might be able to help you?" I then said "okay" we then sat back down and Nat then said "mom, dad this is very serious but Louise cannot go back to the apartment block tonight" Brad then looked very sad and he held my hand but then let go and his mom said "why not dear" I then said "my ex wants me dead" Anne then said "you can stay here dear in Brads old room" I then said "thank you so much if you are sure" they then said "of course we are sure sweetheart we need you to be safe" I then said "thank you so much" after desert Brads mom and dad went upstairs and made the bed in Brads room and Nat then said "Louise I am going out but I will be back soon" I then said "Okay" Brad then looked at me and said "need me to get you some clothes and things?" I then said "yes please Brad" he then went to get my stuff but I pulled him back and he then said "what's wrong?" I then said "please can you stay here just for tonight?" he then smiled and said "of course but obviously I will be on the sofa" I then said "that is completely fine" Brad then headed out to get me some things. 

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