could the baby be coming?

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I woke up and I was in so much pain and I looked down and there was a puddle on the floor and I knew my waters had just broken and it was almost time to meet my little girl. I then walked over to Brads side and woke him and said "Brad its time the baby is coming" Brad then picked me up and put me in his car and said "hold tight babe" Brad then rang his mom and dad and even his sister and told them what was happening and they are meeting us there. 

Brad then began driving to the hospital and the pain was gradually getting worse and it was making me feel so ill but I couldn't wait to meet my little girl. Brad then stopped at the red lights and I then said "what did you stop for?" he then said "babe I cannot run a red light" which was true he couldn't. Brad then began to drive again and we are now at the hospital. 

- In hospital -

I am now in a hospital bed with Brad by my side and he is holding my hand and we are waiting for the nurse to come back and tell me if it is time for me to start pushing. The nurse then came in and "Hi Miss Sheene it looks like it is time to start" I then held Brads hand and began pushing and Brad then said "that's it baby you got this" I then pushed some more" Brad then said "Keep going babe" I then said "I don't think I can do it anymore" Brad then said "yes you can babe" I then kept on pushing even harder and the nurse then said "Louise stop pushing I can see the baby's head. I then couldn't believe my little girl was going to be here real soon. I then began pushing again even more and the baby then came out and the nurse took her to clean her up and cut her umbilical cord and weigh her. I looked to Brad and said "why isn't the baby crying" Brad then said "I don't know" after Brad said that our little girl started crying, the nurse then handed me my little bundle of joy and I then had to have some skin to skin contact with the baby and Brad went out to tell his mom, dad and sister that our little one made it safely. I then looked at her and kissed her forehead and she had her dads nice brown eyes. Brad then came back into the room and I then said "how about we call her Carla Rose Simpson?" Brad then said "I love that name babe" I then felt really tired so Brad took our daughter and let his parents and sister see her.

I then got my phone and tweeted: 

"Welcome to the world Carla Rose Simpson, you are a blessing and I am so grateful I have you in my life and this is such an amazing gift and I am going to protect you as much as I can darling" everyone seen it and commented on how cute she looked and how she had Brads eyes and everyone kept congratulating me and it was nothing really. I have to stay in another night which sucks but it will be fine. 

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