Planning for the wedding

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I woke up and today is the day that me, Kirstie, Lucy and Francesca are going to be doing some planning for the wedding and then I am going to talk them over with Brad because after all it is mine and his wedding and he should get a say in what he wants and what he doesn't want. I then got out of my bed and wandered over to my wardrobe and I was picking out my things and I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I turned around to see Brad smiling behind me and he then said "have a very good day planning our wedding baby" I then said "I will do babe" Brad then said "I am just going to Tristan's and I am going to be having a lads day" I then said "have fun babe" he then said "oh I will darling" Brad then headed off out and I then began getting dressed for the day. 

- Wedding planning -

I had just finished when the door went and I walked downstairs and opened the door and there stood Kirstie, Francesca and Lucy we all then went into the kitchen and sat down and we began talking about some ideas and I then said "you know how people dream of a white wedding I want a white a red wedding" Kirstie then said "good idea" she then noted it down and Lucy then said "what flowers would you like?" I then said "red roses as they are my favourite" Lucy then noted that down. Francesca looked at me and said "pick a dress" I then said "I pick number 3" and number 3 was a red dress with sparkles and it looked like a princess dress and that is when Francesca said "I knew you were going to be picking that one" Kirstie then said "now pick a venue" I then said "I want our wedding to be outside" Kirstie then noted that down and that is when Lucy said "what car would you like to get you there?" I then said "A limo" Lucy then noted that down and Francesca then said "how would you like your hair?" I then said "I want it curled and pinned back" Francesca then noted that down and that is when Kirstie said "No the last part pick your bridesmaids dresses" 'I then said "I want them to have number 2" dress number two was red and it was a fishtail dress  and then Kirstie noted that down and then Lucy said "now pick your bridesmaids and a maid of honour if you want one" I then said "Natalie is going to be my maid of honour, and you girls are my bridesmaids" Lucy then noted that down and then Francesca said "we are all done" I then said "wow really" Francesca then said " yeah" I then said "what shall we do?" Kirstie then said "have a girlie catch up and then we can head back" I then said "alright" we then all began talking about our boyfriends and Francesca said "I am the only one who is single" I then said "do you have a crush on anyone?" Francesca then said "yeah Tristan" I then said "well he is single I could set you both up together if you like" Francesca then said "sure I would like that" I then got my phone and went into the group chat. 

- Group chat -

I then messaged the group chat.

Me: *Added Francesca*

Tristan: Brad: Connor: James: Lucy: Kirstie: *read message*

Me: "Tristan hi Francesca has a huge crush on you and she is the only single one in our group and she really wants to be with someone before mine and Brads wedding and before James' and Kirstie's wedding too" 

Brad: Connor: James: Kirstie: Lucy: Francesca: *read message*

Tristan: "I would love to talk to her"

Francesca: "Hello Tristan" 

Me: *Added Ian*

Tristan: "I heard that you have a crush on me ?" 

Francesca: "That is true"

Tristan: "How about we meet for a coffee?"

Francesca: "I would love too" 

Tristan: "I will pick you up in about 5 minutes" 

Francesca: "Alright" 

Me: "Have fun guys and tell us the gossip after" 

Francesca: "I will do"

Tristan: "yes we will"

The group chat then fell silent and within 5 minutes Tristan was here and Francesca then left and it was just me, Kirstie and Lucy and then they decided to head back and it was fine with me. I then sat there bored and I then started cleaning things away and I then left the notes on the table and I then saw Brad walk into the kitchen and he then came over and kissed me and said "how did the wedding planning go?" I then said "it went really well" he then kissed me and said "want to talk to me then about it" I then said "alright then babe" Brad and me sat at the kitchen table and I then said "So I was thinking about a red and white wedding and having a bunch of red roses and I picked a red and sparkly dress and I chose for our venue to be outside and the car to take us there would be a limo and I picked the bridesmaids dresses and I even picked my Bridesmaids, Natalie as my maid of honour and Kirstie, Lucy, Millie and even Francesca would be bridesmaids" Brad then sat there and said "that sounds perfect babe" I then said "do you like the idea?" Brad then said "Love the idea, I completely love it baby" he then kissed me and I kissed him back I couldn't believe we had planned a wedding and Brad then said "shall we set a date babe?" I then said "of course babe" Brad then said how about "26th January 2022?" I then said "erm yeah why not" he then said "I know the 26th is when your mom passed away but it will give you a more positive look on that day if we do it then" I then said "yeah so true babe" me and Brad then kissed and Brad and I then sat there watching some Netflix and that is when Natalie walked through the door and I got up and walked over to her and said "Natalie can I talk to you?" Natalie then said "of course" I then said "would you like to be my maid of honour?" Natalie stood there in shock and said "I would love too" I then said "well that's that sorted" Natalie then went upstairs and me and Brad continued to watch our Netflix show and then Brad got up and went into the kitchen to make some food. Brad then shouted me in as food was done and I walked in and he had cooked my favourite which was pasta bake and I have to say he is a good cook. I then sat there and ate it and Brad then said "when you back at university babe?" I then said "tomorrow" he then said "alright babe I will drop you off" I then said "alright babe" Brad and I had ate our food and I then went to clear things away and Brad then said "I will do that sweetheart" and that is when Brad took over and started putting things away and I then went upstairs and ran myself a bath and Brad then said "I could of done that" I then said "it is alright baby" he then kissed me and I then went upstairs in the bath. 

- Bath Time -

I was sat in the bath relaxing after washing my hair and body of course and I got the sudden urge to start singing so I did and I missed performing so much and I just went to check my Soundcloud to see that the streams on my song were going up everyday and it is lovely to see and I then got out of the bath and realised I forgot to get some pyjamas so I shouted Brad and said "BRAD! can you get me some clothes please" I then heard him come upstairs and walk past the bathroom and he then went into his room and I was shocked as to why but he then knocked on the door and said "here babe" I then opened the door to find him stood there with tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie and I then took them and said "thank you babe" I then closed the door and Brad went back downstairs and I then put on the tracksuit bottoms and I then put on the hoodie and I then went downstairs and I saw Brad sat there watching something and he looked at me and said "damn you even look good in my clothes" I then said "thank you baby boy" and he then kissed me and I kissed him back. It was getting late and I had university in the morning so me and Brad decided to head to bed. 

I then laid there and I felt really upset because I really did not want to go and I sat there and it felt like my chest was about to explode and I then tried to call for Brad but I couldn't but then Anne-Marie came into the room and said "your going to be alright sweetheart don't worry" I couldn't really talk but then Anne-Marie then said "Brad come here please" he then walked to the room and saw me and he then said "mom she is going to be alright, right?" Anne-Marie then said "yes son it is just a panic attack just go and get me a glass of water" Brad then went downstairs and grabbed a glass of water and came back up and then Anne-Marie then said "right Louise take some deep breaths" I did just that and I then went to talk and she said "don't talk sweetie just drink this" I then drank the water and it really helped and that is when I said "thank you" she then said "it is alright" Anne-Marie then went back to bed and Brad stood there and came over to me and said "Are you okay?" I then said "I am now I think I freaked out a bit at the fact I am at University tomorrow" Brad then said "it will be fine babe don't worry" I then said "I know" Brad then laid beside me and said "I am going to stay here just to make sure your alright" I then began to drift off to sleep. 

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