The Risky Text

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I woke up and James then said "do you want me to drop you off at Brads parents?" I then said "yes please" he then drove me to Brads parents and I then went inside and I sat on the sofa and I kept re reading Brads message but I then said to Nat before she went out "Nat can we talk about something please?" she then said "Of course we can Louise what is up?" I then said "I have got really strong feelings for your brother but my friend asked him out before I got my chance and she took him off me and I am happy for them but what can I do because what if he feels the same?" Nat then said "Louise I would just tell him and if he gets mad at you let me deal with him okay" I then said "Alright Nat I will do just that" Natalie then left for work and I was sat in the house alone but it was not strange and it did not make me upset. 

I then went into the kitchen and went to get a cereal bar when I noticed a note that read "to Louise I made some extra pancake batter for you yester love B x" I then made some pancakes and I then had some apple juice and I then sat on the sofa thinking what to say to Brad I then got the courage and I then messaged him saying this "Dear Brad, I know we have only known each other for 10 months but it feels like a life time and from the day I saw you I know you could be the one I could love and trust but my friend got in the way but what I am trying to say is that I have feelings for you and I think I love you, yeah I love you but it is okay if you don't feel the same lots of Love Louise" it then took me 2 minutes before I could eventually hit send and it had been delivered and now it is the waiting game. I then decided to have a bath but as I was running the bath I checked and he still had not read it, I then got in a nice bubble bath and I then sat there and sang a song to my self and I had a crazy idea for a new song and I called it paper people and it is out on SoundCloud and it is my favourite. I then got out the bath and I checked my phone and Brad had finally read the message that I sent but he had not replied but it was totally okay. I then finished getting into my comfy pyjamas and I then sat on the sofa and watched a bit of Netflix as I knew Brads mom and dad will be out late and Natalie will be too.  UI then decided to message the group chat and I said "I have told Brad how I really feel" Connor then said "I am happy for you Louise" I then said "thank you" James then said "bout time girl" I then said "I know right" and Tristan then said "happy for you" I then said "thank you" Brad then commented and said "yeah I know you did" I then did not know how to feel I then put "so ..." Brad then replied in the group chat " sorry I do not feel the same" I then said "it is okay" I then sat there and broke down and my heart felt like it was about to burst but then he replied back to my message saying "Louise I am sorry but I am in a relationship and I want to see how it goes I am always here if you need a friend" I then said "it is totally okay you don't need to worry about me I will be okay" Brad then replied "please don't fall out" I then said "I have to let you go so it won't hurt me" Brad then said "ok" I then cried and Brad then put in the group chat "when everything goes wrong and now I do not know what to do anymore" Tristan then put "what is going on?" Brad then put "Louise don't want to be my friend anymore because of her feelings and that I am dating her best mate" Tristan then said "dang mate I am so sorry" I felt really bad that I went into Brads room and cried and I then replied in the group chat " I am sorry all I do is mess things up" Brad then said "Louise it is okay" I then said "want to know what I am wearing?" Brad then replied "what's that then?" I then sent a photo of me in one of Brads hoodies and he replied "is that mine?" I then said "yeah why?" he then said "it looks really cute on you" I then said "thank you" Brad then said "your welcome" I then said "I am happy being your friend" he then said "great" I then said "you busy Brad?" he then said "no why love?" I then said "can you come over so I am not on my own" he then replied "of course" and then group chat then fell silent. 

There was a knock at the door and it was Brad and I felt bad so I just hugged him and he hugged me back and I then said "want to watch Netflix and eat some pizza?" Brad then said "of course I don't see the harm in that" I then went to grab a slice of pizza and Brad did too and our hands touched and we both looked at each other and Brad then got a slice and pulled his hand back and I did not know what was going on. I then went to grab the remote and Brad did and our hands touched again and this is when I got mad and I then said "please stop, I know you don't feel the same so please stop leading me on" Brad then said "I am not I swear" I then said "good" we were watching the kissing booth 1 2 and 3 of course and Brad then said "you look like Elle" I then said "thanks" while we were watching the movie Brad rested his head on my shoulder and I then said "aww" he then said "oh sorry" he then got out his phone and messaged Emma which said "Hi baby girl I love you so much just chilling in my apartment bored" I then said "your such a liar" Brad then said "she will go mental if she found out I was here with you" I then said "then why are you here then!" Brad then said "I love spending time with you" I then said "oh" Brad then said "Emma can be controlling" I then said "I know it's what she is like" Brad then rang Emma and said "sorry this isn't working I cannot be with someone that controls me sorry" Brad got really sad and cried so I hugged him and said "I am sure you will meet the right girl one day until then you have your best friend" Brad then said "yeah your right and yeah I do" we were now watching kissing booth 3 and it got me all emotional and Brad then hugged me and he then kissed me and I then said "huh" he then said "I have feelings for you and I have been fighting them" I then said "really?" he then said "yeah" I then kissed him more and we then hugged and Natalie then came in and said "aww the cute couple" Brad then said "we ain't dating yet" I then said "what you mean yet" he said "I will ask you when I am more ready" I then said "alright then" I then put in the group chat "Brad confessed his feelings for me" the boys then said "about time he did as he never stops going on about you" Brad then commented "it is true" I then said "oh boy how much I love you" he then said "I love you too" the boys then said "a cute couple" Brad then said "we are not official yet" I then said "yeah we not official yet calm down guys" and me and Brad then decided to go to sleep as it was getting late. Brad slept on the sofa and I went up to his room and went to sleep in Brads comfortable bed and I then drifted off to sleep. I was then woke up by Brads mom and dad coming in and they then headed to bed and the whole house then fell silent.

- The Next day

I woke up to knocking on the bedroom door and I then said "yeah?" Brad then said "just going to the gym okay see you when I get back" I then said "yeah see you when your back" Brad then headed downstairs and headed out the front door and out to the gym. I sat there on the sofa and I messaged Brad and sad "I love you so much" he had seen it and not replied bac so I just guessed he is busy working out. I knew I had just finished college last month and now it is time for me to check my emails to see if I got into university but I had not told Brad so I just messaged him saying "hi Brad I have to check to see if I got into university but I want to check when your back is that okay?" Brad then read the message and replied and said "hi Louise and I love you too and of course you can check when I get back s I am on my way home right now" I then smiled and said "great" I then ran up to Brads room and slid on the stairs and grazed my elbow but it was okay I then grabbed my laptop and headed back into the living room. 

I was sat waiting for Brad to walk in the house and just as I was about to get up to grab a drink Brad came into the living room and said "hi I hope you don't mind but I grabbed you a coffee too" I then said "no not at all" he then gave me the coffee and he then looked at my elbow and he then said "how did you do that?" I then said "I fell up the stairs" he then giggled and said "your so clumsy" I then said "I know I am" Brad then held my hand and said "check your email then" I then logged onto my laptop and went into my emails and logged into my UCAS and I saw the email that said "Dear Louise, I am delighted to congratulate you on getting your place confirmed in doing a music career, we cannot wait to see you on the 27th September 2021" Brad then said "well?" I then said "I got in, I did it" Brad then kissed me and said "I am proud of you" I then said "thank you" Brad then went upstairs but I think he is using me and I knew it was time for me to start drifting away and distancing myself. Brad then cam down and said "are you hanging out with me and the guys tonight?" I then said "no sorry I have to get ready for tomorrow as I have university" he then said "oh alright I understand" I felt really bad but I had to stop myself from getting hurt so I then said without thinking "Do you want to be in a relationship with me?" Brad then said "its early days Louise" I then said "well stop leading me on" Brad then stormed out and I went upstairs and I cried. I knew I fucked everything up and I did not want to do anything, until he messaged me "Louise I did not know I was making you feel like that I am sorry but I do not know what I want right now so I went out for a walk to think and try and figure out what I want" I then said "it is okay Brad and alright I will be on the sofa waiting for your answer" he then said "alright" I ten went into the bath and relaxed and stopped my thoughts from racing and when I go out I then went and put on some comfy clothes and sat on the sofa waiting for Brad to come back. 

I then sat there waiting and 20 minutes had passed and that is when I heard the front door opened and closed and Brad and came into the living room and sat next to me and held my hand and he then looked at me and said "I really wanna try a relationship with you" I the said "are you sure?" Brad the said "I've never been so sure about anything in my life before until now" I then said "alright then" Brad then got up and said "I need to get ready to go out with the guys tonight babe" it was weird hearing him call me babe but I liked it and that is when I looked at him and  said "wait I want to come with you baby" Brad then smiled and said "lets get ready then baby" me and Brad gt ready o o out with the guys tonight. 

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