First day of tour

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I woke up and today is the first day of tour and I am so happy and I feel a little bit anxious, Brad cam into my room and said "today is the day" and h then went downstairs and made us both a drink of tea, I then got dressed ready for the first day of travelling for the show tomorrow. I then went downstairs and drank my cup of tea while Brad was getting dressed. Anne-Marie then said "how are you feeling love?" I then said "I am feeling nervous and excited at the same time" Anne-Marie then said "just enjoy it lovely" I then said "I will do don't worry" Anne-Marie then said "I am just going to see if Brad needs any help" I then said "alright" I then sat there and then got my suitcase as everything was packed and I could not believe I was going on tour with The Vamps it was a big thing for me and Brad told me it would get my name out there and attract a fanbase and it seemed really cool. 

Brad then came downstairs and he then said "babe the Uber is on his way to take us to the tour buses if that is okay" I then said "that is fine babe I have finished getting ready anyway" Brad then smiled at me and then leaned in and kissed me. Me and Brad got into the Uber and waved goodbye to his mom and dad and we then we looked at the view holding each others hand. Brad then looked at me and said "is music what you want to do full time?" I then said "yeah it is" Brad then said "well after tour email your university and tell them you ain't going back" I looked at Brad and said "I only have a year left Brad?" Brad then said "well get this year out the way and do your last year then" I then said "alright" Brad is so supportive and that is why I love him.  Brad had been messaging the group chat. 

- Group chat -


Tristan: "I CANNOT WAIT!!!!"

Connor: "I heard there is a special guest who is it?"

Me: "I don't know but have a good tour guys"

Connor: "oh we will"

Me: "Oh good" 

James: "Don't miss us too much Lou" 

Me: "I won't"


James: "YES IT IS"

Me: "have fun"

Brad: "we will baby" 

Lucy: "I am coming to each date" 

Me: "so am I"

Lucy: "we will have to meet" 

Me: "yes totally!"

Brad: "I have announcement for this chat later!"

Connor: "OOh Louise is pregnant?"

Me: "what no" 

Connor: "oh"

James: "what is it?"

Tristan: "yes Brad spill" 

Brad : "LOUISE IN 3 2 1"


Connor: "proud of you"

Brad : "She is on our tour"

Connor: "so Louise is our special guest?"

Brad : "Yes" 

Connor: "Yey" 

Me : "see you boys tomorrow" 

Kirstie: "have a wonderful time guys and Louise have fun and I will be attending every date with Lucy" 

Me and Brad got out of the Uber and hugged each other and then we met up with the boys and then we all hugged and got onto our tour buses and I was a little bit bored as I was on my own but I explored the tour bus and it was amazing. I then went and put my things away and I then got settled and it was amazing and Brad messaged me and said "Hi babe, hope your tour bus is as amazing as you" I then messaged him back and said "it is really good thank you babe" Brad then said 2good and I will see you bright and early tomorrow" I then put my phone on charge and went into one of the beds on my tour bus and fell asleep. I then woke up and looked around and Brad was not there so I sighed and I decided to write a song. I then went back into the bed and fell asleep. 

- Show day

I woke up and realised it was show day, I got dressed and there was knocking on the door and I then carried on getting ready but when I opened the door Brad stood there and said "well good morning stranger" I then said "morning stranger" me and Brad then went on a little walk and we then sat down and talked and Brad then hugged me and said "your song now has 300 streams on Soundcloud and I am so proud of you" I then said "thank you babe" Brad then kissed me and we then headed to the venue just in time for soundcheck. Brad has his soundcheck first and then it was my turn and there was so many fans and I took photos with them and they all said "Louise your music is so good" I loved hearing that as it made my heart light up and made me feel so happy. I then got ready for tonight, I decided to wear my red dress with sparkly heels. I then got my hair and make up done by a professional and after that it was my turn to go on stage and when I got on stage it was like I was finally home, I looked out in the crowd to see Ian and Francesca and Brads mom and dad and I was so happy, I then began singing. Before I know I knew it, it was my turn to come off stage and then it was Brads turn. Brad started singing and began sobbing because I loved seeing him do what he loves and it made me so happy. I then started to join in when I then got a message from my dad that said "you did good tonight kiddo" I then said "don't message me as I know you do not care" he then replied back "yes I do" I was like "whatever" I then blocked his number and then my sister messaged me and said "sorry I cannot speak to you anymore" I then ran of and cried in the back of the stage and I just sobbed and sobbed. I ran past a guy who I believe was called Shawn, he then stopped me and said "your Brads girlfriend right?" I then wiped my eyes and said "yeah that's me" he then said "what you getting all upset for?" I then said "my sisters can't talk to me because of my dad" Shawn then said "Louise, you will go far and they will be proud of you" I then said "your right" Shawn then said "you did good out there" I then said "thank you" I then went back into my little dressing room and I then started singing but softly and that is when I saw someone at the corner of my eye it was Shawn, I then said "hey what you doing" he then said "sending this to your boyfriend" I then said "okay" he then left after that and I then just chilled and that is when Brad and them walked past my dressing room going into there dressing room and you could hear them all laughing, Brad then came into my room and said "you did good out there babe" I then said "thank you" Brad then said "your welcome babe" Brad then leaned in and kissed me and after that he went back into his dressing room and I then headed to my tour bus ready for my second day of tour tomorrow.  My phone began blowing up from the group chat.

- Group chat -

Brad: "Louise did good tonight"

Connor: "she did in deed"

James: "she is incredible"

Tristan: "Her singing is so good"

Me: "thank you guys"

Brad: "Welcome babe, see you tomorrow"

Me: "yeah"

Connor : "your welcome queen"

James: "your welcome"

Tristan: "your welcome" 

Lucy: "well done Louise"

Kirstie: " Well done on stage tonight Louise" 

Me: "Thank you guys" 

I then went to sleep after tonight's gig as I am so tired and it has been so good. 

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