Back at University after an accident

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I woke up and realised I had to go back to university and I am a bit nervous as I do not want to bump into my cousin as I cannot believe he tried to kill me after everything I did for him and he repays me like this. I then got out of bed and got ready and went downstairs and made myself a hot cup of tea and I then waited around until 11.5am as that was the time I was heading out for my driving lesson and it went very smoothly. 

I then got to University at 12.51pm and I could not be bothered going in but I had to, I sat on a bench and got out my sandwich and ate it on the way to my lesson. As I was walking to my lesson everyone was looking at me weirdly like I know I have a few cuts on me but still don't mean nothing I then saw Kirstie and Lucy and we then all walked to class together and Lucy then said "they all looking as they are shocked that you came out alive girl" I then said "oh I thought they were talking about the scars on my face" Lucy then shook her head and they went to their lesson and I went to mine. 

I was sat in my lesson sat next to Ian and Francesca and they said "girl you escaped death you know" I then said "I know but can we not talk about it please" they then stopped talking about it and this lecture made me almost fall asleep as it was about research but I still stayed engaged and then I did not finish until I 5pm. 

I then went into the IT Lab and I logged into the computer and sat near Francesca and Ian again and then I left to go to the toilet when this girl stopped me and said "Louise did you really get hit by the car or do you purposely walk out in front of the car" I then just ignored her and continued walking and I then went to the toilet and then headed back to my lesson and got on with my work. I was then allowed to leave at 4pm so I messaged Brad and asked him to message me but he is too busy so I then I decided to walk home and I was walking home I saw Francesca and Tristan drive past and I did not think he was going to stop but he did and he then drove me home.

- Home

I then got inside and Carla was crawling around on the floor but there was no sign of Brad so I shouted "Brad babe you home?" there was no answer so I turned to Carla where is daddy?" she then pointed to the back door so I then went to the back door and I then looked outside and Brad was there and he then saw me and said "damn babe you scared me" I then said "I am very sorry babe" Brad then stopped what he was doing and he then kissed me and I then went upstairs and ran myself a nice hot bath. 

While I was sat in the bath I heard my phone buzz so I then checked it and it was a message from my cousin and he then said "Louise please tell the police it was a miss understanding please" I then messaged back and said "I am not doing that because you ran me over on purpose and you deserve to rot in prison" he then got angry and replied back "that's it you lied to me now and I will have to kill you" I just laughed at the message as my cousin did not scare me anymore. 

I then finished my bath and checked out the window and there was a new couple moving in and they have a baby  like me and Brad the guy smiled at me so I smiled back and I got a message from Lucy that said "be careful Louise two serial killers just moved in next door to you" I smirked at the message and I then went to Brad and kissed him and told him I want to get to know the neighbours and he then said "alright babe." 

- At the neighbours house -

I then knocked on the door and the woman answered and I then said "Hi I am Mrs Simpson I live next door with my daughter Carla, please can I come in?" She then invited me in and I then sat on the sofa and I they then said "I am Joe Goldberg and I am Love Goldberg" I then said "it is a pleasure to meet you both" Love then went to put her child to bed and I said to Joe "I need your help please?" He then said "help with what?" I then said "I am in danger and I need you to get rid of him so me, my husband and child can be safe please" Joe then said "how do I know you won't get me in trouble" I then said "look I won't tell the police you have a wife and daughter and they need you like my family need me" Joe then said "help me then too" I then said "alright" I gave Joe my cousin's phone number and address and he was going to pay him a visit and he was going to let me know when the deed is done. I then said "thanks to Joe" Love then came downstairs and I then said "I have to go now thanks for letting me get to know you guys hope you have a goodnight" I then went out of the house with a revengeful look on my face and I then went back home. 

- Back at my home -

I then went back inside and Brad then was asleep on the sofa and I then grabbed Carla fed her a bottle and I then went and put her into bed before waking Brad up. I then woke Brad up and I then told him we don't need to worry about my cousin anymore and Brad then said "how come babe?" I then said "he is going on the run because the police are after him" Brad then smiled and kissed me and went to bed and I sat there and wandered around the house and I was wondering if I had done the correct thing and I am sure I have.  

I then headed upstairs and went in the bathroom and I saw Joe on the phone to someone and he smiled at me and I then brushed my teeth and I then put my pyjamas on and then I headed into bed and I then cuddled into Brad and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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