Moving into our house

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I woke up and I realised that it is the day that me and Brad officially move into a house together and I cannot wait. I got dressed and I could hear Brad singing and his voice melts my heart, he then burst into my room and said 2today is the day babe you excited?" I then said "I am more than excited" Brad then hugged and kissed me and left my room to load the removals van as I couldn't as I am pregnant and I cannot carry heavy boxes. 

The van was now loaded and me and Brad got in his car and left his parents house and we hugged them and waved goodbye and it was very emotionally but we are welcome there anytime we want. Brad then drove us to the new house and I had not seen it and I am so excited to get to see it today as it is a new beginning for us and bringing a baby into the world is excited but nervous too. 

We have now arrived at our new house and it looks amazing and I looked at Brad and said "it looks incredible" Brad then said "you haven't seen inside it yet babe" Brad and the guys got all the boxes into the house and they put the boxes in the correct rooms and they then unpacked them all and I had to wait outside until the house was done. I was waiting outside that my legs begun to hurt but within a few minutes Brad came out and said "close your eyes and hold my hand so I can guide you" Brad then guided me into the house and he then said "open your eyes" the living room and kitchen looked amazing and Brad then said "come upstairs" I then went upstairs and I saw the baby's nursery and it looked so adorable that I burst into floods of tears and Brad said "you don't like it do you?" I then said "Brad I love it and it is so cute" Brad then hugged me and kissed me and I couldn't be happier.

It was getting quite late and Brad turned to me and said "I ordered our favourite" I then said "Nando's?" Brad then said "yes babe" I just hugged him and told him I loved him.  I heard Brad playing my new song and he said "this is a really good song babe" I then said "thank you babe" he then said "no problem babe" me and Brad were waiting for our food and there was a knock at the door and Brad opened it and it was Connor and Lucy and they came in and Lucy hugged me and said "wow your glowing" I then said "thanks" Lucy then said "no problem girl" Connor then said to me and Brad "Congratulations on getting your own place" me and Brad said "thank you" Connor and Lucy then stayed for a bit then they went back home. After they left our Nando's showed up and me and Brad sat there and ate it while watching Scream and Brad got scared and cuddled into me and I just laughed and he then said "its not funny" I then said 2it is but your so cute" he then said "thank you babe" I then said "your welcome" Brad then rubbed my stomach and said "I cannot wait to meet this baby" I then said "I cannot wait to meet it too babe" Brad then said "babe shall we head to bed as it had been a long day" I then said "of course we can babe" me and Brad then headed upstairs and got our  pyjamas on and then we climbed into our bed and then we both fell asleep. 

- 2 AM Thoughts

I woke up and turned to me and saw Brad was asleep and he looked so cute but I just couldn't sleep as I have too much on my mind and I don't know if it is because I am pregnant or it is my anxiety. I then decided the best thing to do would to go and get myself a drink from the kitchen and that is what I did. I grabbed myself a glass out of the cupboard and I then went to put it on the side but my hands begun to shake and I ended up dropping the glass on the side and I went to clean it until I saw Brad walking into the kitchen and he then looked at me and said "what happened babe?" I then said "I accidently dropped the glass on the floor I am so sorry" Brad then said "oh it's okay babe" Brad then cleaned it and while he did that I then started to have a panic attack and Brad got me a glass of water and sat by side and he then said "Take a deep breath and breathe" I did just that and my panic attack slowed down and I then had a drink of water and me and Brad then walked back upstairs and we got into bed and Brad fell asleep and I fell asleep in Brads arms.  

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