Record Deal?

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I woke up and Brads phone was buzzing like crazy and so was mine I had no clue why but I then just laid there and I let myself drift back off to sleep. Brad then woke up and went into the bathroom and I laid there and just tried to drift back off to sleep but I just couldn't get some sleep, my phone then started buzzing and I realised that my song on tiktok had gone viral and I was so pleased as it meant I could potentially get a record deal. Brad then came back into the bedroom and then went on his phone and he was so happy about something and he then kissed my forehead and said "hi baby I need to go out for a bit is that okay?" I then said "alright then baby" Brad then got dressed and headed downstairs and then left and I was then all alone. 

I then decided to write another song as I loved writing songs and then I got a message from and unknown number that said "Hi meet us tonight at 5pm Tristan's place" I did not have a clue who it was but I replied back "Alright I will be there" I then finished writing my song but I had to do a music video for glass heart which is a song I recently released on Soundcloud and all the love and support on it so far has been phenomenal and I cannot wait to see where the future takes me. 

I then finished shooting the music video and uploaded it to YouTube and after that I then got another message this time from Brad which said "babe please wear your red sparkly dress with red high heels it is going to be a big night" I did not have a clue what was going on but I got dressed and of course put the red dress on like Brad had instructed and I even put on high heels and did my make up and I then curled my hair and then sat on the sofa and waited until it was near 5pm and then I got another message but it was from that unknown number and it said "I will be picking you up" I had no idea who it was but I did not care as clearly tonight is some kind of secret. I then looked at the time and it was 4.45pm and I then heard a beep outside and I knew it was my lift so I walked out of Brads parents front door and shut the door and locked it and I then walked to the car and that is when Connor came out of the car and opened the car door for me and said "there you go my lady have a seat" I then got in the car and said "thank you" Connor then got in the drivers seat and drove us to Tristan's house. Connor then said "do you have any idea what is going on?" I then said "no not a clue" Connor then said "good because you are going to love tonight" the car then fell silent. 

- At Tristan's house -

I got out of the car and Connor went in first and he told me to wait outside the living room door and Connor's phone lit up and we then went inside and everyone stood there and yelled "congratulations" I then was gob smacked I had no idea what happened and Brad then came over and said "you did it, you have got a record deal babe" I then said "wait really?" Brad then said "yeah all thanks to me" I then said "your the best" me and Brad then kissed and then everyone came over congratulating me but Francesca and Ian were there and I went over to them and they then said "we are proud of you, we knew you could do it" I then said "thank you so much" they then hugged me and that is when Millie came over and said "your like mega famous now" I then giggled and she then did the same. Millie then said "Louise can you perform at my school tomorrow?" I then said "I would love too" she then hugged me and went upstairs and facetimed her friends. Brad then handed me some wine and said "I am proud of my baby" I then said "thank you baby boy" I then got a flashback from when my mom was ill which was "hi Louise I just want to let you know I have cancer and I have to get treatment in 6 weeks, I remember the treatment not working and now I am here with no mom and she is missing out on all these happy events" a tear rolled down my eye and Brad then wiped it away and said "what is the matter baby?" I then said "I wish my mom could enjoy this moment with me too" Brad then said "she will be so proud of you baby girl" I then said "yeah your right" he then hugged me and kissed me. Me and Brad had more glasses of wine and then we got a Uber home. 

- Back at Brads parents -

We walked through the door and Brad took me upstairs as I was more drunk than him, he then took me into my bedroom helped me take my dress off and put my pyjamas on which was Brads pyjama bottoms and one of his hoodies and he then went downstairs and fell asleep on the sofa, I then looked up to the sky and said "Mom I finally did it I finally have my dream, just wish you were here to celebrate it with me" I then sat on the bed and had a good little cry and then I fell asleep. I then woke up and I then went downstairs to get a drink and when I had finished drinking my drink I heard someone get up and I legit crapped myself and it was just Brads mom coming into the kitchen and she said "well little superstar what you doing up this early?" I then said "I was just grabbing a drink" she then said "can you not sleep as well?" I then said "not really" she then said "want to watch a movie together?" I then said "of course" me and Brads mom Anne-Marie sat on the sofa and watched a movie and tried to not wake Brad up and after the movie finished me and Anne-Marie went to bed. I sat there feeling so blessed to have this life that I had finally been dreaming of. 

Authors notes

Hi guys I recently dropped a song on Monday called Glass heart I will drop the link so you can listen to it.

There is the link and I really hope you enjoy it as it currently has 100 streams on Soundcloud and I am so proud of myself and no sadly I do not have a record deal as of yet but I would love too. One day it will happen I know it. 


Imagine Glass heart hit 1 Million streams I think anything is possible anyways hope you enjoy the song peeps love you all so much xoxox 

Much love 

Louise Sheene official xxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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