First gig at Uni

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I woke up and today is the first day I am doing a gig at my University and to be fair I am a little bit nervous and then I went into the bathroom to get ready and there it was again the sudden urge to throw up. After I threw up I then decided to get ready and I did, I wore my black leggings with a black Billie Eilish T-shirt and I then went downstairs and then I saw Brad sitting there and he smiled at me and said "my baby girl is going to smash it today" I then said "thank you ever so much baby" Brad then went upstairs to get ready for the day and I sat there and drank some apple juice because it is superior and I then ate some pancakes and I then messaged the group chat. 

- Group Chat -

Me: "Hi everyone today is the day"

Connor: "Yes it is"

James: "Wahooo"

Brad: "CAN'T WAIT!" 

Tristan: "It is going to be good"

Lucy: "see you there"

Kirstie: "yes can't wait" 

Francesca: "going to be the best show ever!"

Ian: "Going to be lit"


After talking in the group chat I then sat down and just went over my set and it was going to be s good. Brad then came don and he the said "shall we get there a bit early to do warm ups and sound check?" I then said "yeah babe of course" Brad then kissed me and said come on then baby" I then followed Brad and we headed t the University but first Brad had to lock the front door as his parents and sister were not home. Me and Bad were sat in the car and he then said "are you sure you are alright?" I then said "yeah why wouldn't I be?" Brad the said "you threw up this morning" I then said "it was probably my nerves babe" Brad then said "yeah it might of been babe."

- At Uni -

We then arrived at Uni and we then went to the theatre and we then go and do our vocal warm ups and then we did our soundcheck and we then went backstage and we talked and the other boys showed up and I just knew it was going to go really well. I then heard my tutor say "settle down students I would love to welcome on stage Louise Sheene" I then went on stage and I then said "hello everyone I really hope you enjoy this afternoon" I then began singing. I then got to the song and that is when Brad came on stage and everyone cheered and someone yelled "the best couple ever" it legit made my day but then me and Brad began singing married in Vegas and after our little mini duet Brad then said "give it up for the lovely Louise" everyone cheered and Brad then said "welcome on stage The Vamps" and that is when the guys went on stage and I just stood there and Brad started singing risk it all and that is one of the songs I loved and it made my heart melt hearing him sing it. A few songs in and I then felt a little bit better than this morning but I noticed Ryan was in the crowd and I had no idea why so I gave him a message. 

- Messages to Ryan -


Ryan: "got to see little miss perfect but I have to say your really good"

Me: "thanks maybe we can be friends yeah?"

Ryan: "I want more than that"

Me: "sorry I am engaged now" 

Ryan: "oh then friends it is then"

Me: "good good" 

After I messaged Ryan I then stood there and listened to the boys perform and Brads voice just makes my heart melt his accent is so hot and he makes me the happiest girl alive. Brad then said "well guys that was our last song" I then heard one person in the crowd say "sing with Louise again please Brad" it was Ryan and Brad then said "I will do" I then went back on stage and the other guys went off stage and it was just me and Brad and we then sang one of my songs together which was Glass heart and then me and Brad decided to sing somebody to you and after that we were finished and everyone cheered and then they headed back to their lessons and then me and the guys then went home. 

- Back at Brads

We then arrived back at Brads house and we then decided to watch some Netflix and rest our throats. We decided to watch the rest of Riverdale and then Brad made us a cup of tea and I then ate some choccy digestives because they are the best kind. Brad then said "want a cheeky Nando's?" I then said "go on then babe" Brad then said "what do you want sweetie?" I then said "I haven't had it before" Brad was shocked and he said "you are trying what I have no if's and buts and don't worry I do not eat spicy food" I then said "alright darlin" Brad then ordered the food while I went and had a shower and after my shower I then went downstairs and food had arrived and Brad then looked at me and said "how is food babe?" I then said "it is really good" he then said "that is good babe" Brads parents then walked in and said "boy that show was good" I then spun around and said "you guys went?" Brads mom and dad then said "of course we did, we wouldn't miss it would we" I then got up and hugged them and Brad then said "thanks for making her happy" Anne-Marie and Derek then said "no problem son" they then joined us at the table and ate their food and we then all laughed and drank some wine but I chose to have apple juice and Brad found it a little off but I told him I did not fancy wine tonight and he believed it. 

Me, Brad, Anne-Marie and Derek sat on the sofa and watched a movie on Netflix and when Natalie came in she decided to join us with her boyfriend as they were staying over for the weekend and I had to stay in Brads room with Brad and I then was beginning to fall asleep and Brad said "head to bed babe" I then said "alright babe" I then said "goodnight" to everyone and I then went to bed and Brad was staying up and I did not mind. I then got into bed and I then laid there and I then began to drift off to sleep. 

- 3 am -

I woke up at 3 am and I felt really rubbish again and yeah I threw up yet again and I knew I could be pregnant but I mean it could just be a bug but I will have to see if I throw up again. I then climbed back in bed and I tried not to wake Brad up. I then got in the bed and cuddled into Brad and fell straight back to sleep. 

- 5 am -

I then woke up again and I decided to head downstairs to get a drink and I did not feel the urge to throw up so I guess that was a plus. I then was grabbing a drink when I heard someone say "why you up early" I spun around and there stood Brad I then said "don't do that to me" and that is when I said "just grabbing a drink babe" he then said "alright babe" he then headed back to bed and I then followed him and I then climbed back into the bed sipping my drink and I then decided to go to sleep. 

Authors Notes

Hi everyone thank you for getting Glass heart too 1000 streams it is so surreal and I beyond grateful for the love and support you guys have given me and please support me on my socials. I really hope your loving this book too. Imagine me on tour with The Vamps ahhh biggest dream ever but it will never happen tho but hey hoe. 

Twitter - Louisesheenex

Instagram - Louisesheeneofficial 

Tiktok - Louisesheeneofficial

Spotify - Louise Sheene Official

SoundCloud - Louisesheeneofficial 

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