Drama at Uni?

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I woke up and today I have Uni and to be honest I don't really want to go but I guess it will take my mind off the fact I am pregnant right? I then got out of bed and went into the bathroom and get my self ready for the day when I was done I then went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of tea and then I felt a pair of hands around my waist and I looked and it was Brad and I was so socked but yet so happy to see him and eh then said "I will drop you off at Uni today babe" I then said "thank you babe" he then kissed my forehead and I then went into the car and waited for Brad to take me to Uni. I looked out the window and Brad then locked the door and got into the car in the drivers seat and he looked at me and said "if anyone starts on you just message me and I will pick you up babe" I then said "I will babe."

- At Uni

I had arrived at Uni so I got out of Brads car and waved goodbye to him and he drove off and I then walked into Uni and Francesca and Ian then said "it is nice to be back for the semester before Christmas" I then said "I know" we then walked to our lesson. We then sat in our seats and I looked over and saw that Ryan kept looking over but I did not really care. Ryan then walked over to my table and then said "Louise are you really pregnant?" I then said "ugh nothing stays private does it" Ryan then said "don't worry I won't tell no one" I then said "yeah I am pregnant" he then said "congratulations" I then said "thank you" he then went and sat on his table with Jackson. 

Our tutor came into the room and said "right today we are working in pairs and I want you to write and produce your own song and then perform it to the class" I looked around and everyone was in pairs but me and I got a bit upset and my tutor caught on and he then said "Louise shall we do it together?" I then said "sure" my tutor then said "right I will write the lyrics but you can do the rest only because the others may need my help okay?" I then said "yeah that is fine" my tutor then wrote the lyrics and I then sat there and tried to produce the music but it kept going wrong so then Ryan came over and said "look let me help you" Ryan then helped me and I then said "thanks" he then said "no problem" I then put them both together and boy it sounded so good and that is when my tutor then said "right who wants to go first?" I then said "I will" I then got up and performed my song and everyone was shocked and they then all fell silent and said "Louise your mom will be proud of you" I then said "thank you guys" then Ryan went after me and he then kept looking at me when he was singing and it made my heart melt but I was with Brad and I couldn't hurt him. Ryan then sat down then everyone else went up and because we finished early we were allowed to go home early. 

I then sat in the lounge and messaged Brad and said "hey babe can you pick me up I finished earlier than expected" Brad then said "I am kinda busy but I can get Tristan to pick you up" I then said "It is okay I will walk" he then messaged back and said "alright babe" I then went to leave and Jackson walked past and said "getting pregnant won't self your family issues will it no it won't" Ryan then walked over and slapped him and said "leave her alone dude" Ryan then said "how are you getting home Lou?" I then said "walking" Ryan then said "want me to drop you off" I then said "yeah please" Ryan then decided to drop me off home. 

- Home -

I got out of Ryan's car and I then headed off into the house and waved Ryan good bye and I then walked through the door to find Brad sat on a zoom meeting with the boys and I then saw him look at me all confused and I then just smiled and went upstairs and after about 20 minutes I then heard Brad shout me downstairs saying "Louise please come downstairs so I can talk to you" I then came downstairs and sat on the sofa and Brad walked over and said "your home early to say you were walking" I then said "well I was supposed to be walking home but Ryan gave me a lift" Brad then said "wait Ryan as in your ex Ryan?" I then said "yeah" he then got angry and said "why him?" I then said "Brad please he is alright with me now and I just don't want to ruin the friendship with him" Brad then said "babe he is using you" I then said "how?" Brad then said "to be apart of our baby's life" I then said "Brad don't be ridicules" Brad then said "anyways how did Uni go?" I then said "it went really well babe" Brad then kissed me and said "good babe" I then said to Brad "my song just hit 2K streams today" Brad then said 2OMG babe that is crazy you are going to be just as famous as me and the boys" I then hugged him and said "well my boy did help me" he then kissed me and said "I can't wait to spend my life with you and have our wonderful baby" I then said "I know babe" me and Brad then sat on the sofa and watched some Netflix but then Brad then said "shall I order a Dominos for dinner?" I then said "yeah please" Brad then ordered food and I then got a message from my cousin that said "Hey if you lie to me again your dead, I know you slept with me and you fancy me" I then said "look I didn't lie and I don't have feelings for you and I did not sleep with you weirdo" I then blocked him and kept my cool. I then listened to Glass heart and I then told Brad wouldn't it be cool if Glass heart got 100K streams by the end of the year and I think it can if the fans all work together. 

Brad and me sat on the sofa and we ate our dominos and then his mom and dad walked through the door and said "spaghetti Bolognese for tea tonight"  I then said "my favourite" Brad then said "I know babe I thought it was a nice a surprise for you" I then kissed him and he kissed me back. Me and Brad continued to finish watching Riverdale and Brad then said to me "your like Betty cooper" I then said "your like jughead" Brad then giggled and I did the same and his laugh is so attractive too. Jesse then got on the sofa and sat in between me and Brad and she was so cute. Tea was ready and me and Brad then went into the Kitchen and we all ate our tea and Brads mom Anne-Marie said "Natalie won't be here tonight as she is with her boyfriend on a date" Brad then said "ahhh young love" Anne-Marie then said "I know son" I then helped Brads mom wash up while Brad and his dad talked about golf. After I helped Anne-Marie with the washing up I then went upstairs and cleaned Brads room and my bedroom and after I did that I then decided to chill on the sofa and played with Brads hair and I then saw him drifting off to sleep so I then kissed his forehead and I then put my arms around him and I told him I loved him and he woke up and said "am I seriously falling asleep?" I then said "yeah" he then sat up and said "I think it is time for me to sleep babe" I then said "yeah me too babe" me and Brad then went to bed and we then kissed each other goodnight and we both went into our bedrooms and I got into bed and fell straight to sleep. 

I then woke up to a message which said "hey did you forget about the party?" I then said "yeah I did I am so sorry" they then replied "well you can come tomorrow night" I then said "alright then" I then added "Is Brad invited too?" She then replied "yeah he is" I then said "alright we will be there" she then replied "good" I then decided to go back to sleep but the fun fact was I could not fall back to sleep. I then got up and went down to the kitchen and went to go and make myself a drink and after I had made myself a drink I then went back to bed and climbed into bed next to Brad and drifted back off to sleep. 

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