The Rumour

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I woke up to my cousin messaging me and I just decided to ignore him and Brad then said "hey babe I am going to my moms tonight if that is okay with you" I then said "that is okay babe and is it okay if I go to Francesca's party tonight?" Brad then looked concerned and he then said "yeah of course babe" Brad and I then ate a pot noddle and drank a cup of tea and Brad then headed upstairs and got dressed and I sat there and my phone went off and my cousin then said "lie to me again your dead!" I then said "I never lied to you though" my cousin then said "yes you did and your dead!" I then said "whatever" I could tell I was getting angry so I calmed myself down as I could hear Brad coming back down.  Brad then said "right babe I am off I will see you when you get home tonight" I then said "yeah babe" Brad then left. 

I then went upstairs to my room and my phone then stopped buzzing and I then picked put my dress which was a red sparkly one and I then sat and straightened my hair and I put on some make up and I then decided to post a few snaps on my snapchat and I then I went downstairs and put on my heels and I then headed out to the party. 

- At the party

I go to the door and I knock and Francesca opened the door and said "I thought you weren't coming for a second then" I then said "sorry I took ages" she then said "it is okay" I then went in and got myself a drink and Tristan was there and I then walked over and said "hey" he then said "how was the honeymoon?" I then said "it was really good" Tristan then said "good good" I then went to get another drink and I then went and spoke to Lucy and Kirstie and I then went to the toilet. After I came off the toilet me, Kirstie, Lucy and Francesca sat at the table and talked about my honeymoon until I got a text from my cousin that said "I WOULD WATCH YOUR BACK IF I WAS YOU" I then looked around the room feeling so sick and I messaged him back and said 2oh you don't know where I am" He then replied back "IT ISN'T ME LOOKING FOR YOU IT IS MY GANG" I then looked around again and I looked at Francesca and said "err I - I err I have to leave sorry" I then ran out and I stood outside and cried and broke down. I then got another cousin that said "oh by the way your friends are going to find out about the rumour tonight and so is your husband" I broke down even more until I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked and it was Tristan and he then said "Louise what is the matter" I showed him the texts" he then said "should I drive you home I haven't had any alcohol so I can drive you if you like" I then said "yes please" I then got into Tristan's car and he then drove me home. 

We arrived at the house and I thanked Tristan and he then said "it is alright text the group chat if anything happens" I then said "I will do" Tristan drove off and I went inside the house and Brad was there and he then said "your back early" I then said "I got bored and wanted to come" Brad then nodded and he had Carla in his arms and I loved the bond they both have. I then decided to go and get a drink as my mouth was dry and my head was pounding. I then looked at brad and said "I am going to bed babe I feel sick" Brad then said "alright babe, I will join you in a bit" I then took everything off and climbed into bed and I then laid looking at the celling until I heard footsteps and I knew it was Brad. He then got into the bed and laid next to me and he put his arms around me. I then waited a few seconds before facing him and I knew he was asleep and I felt a tear roll down my face because my cousin keeps spreading round this rumour around and I don't want Brad finding out about it. 

- The Group chat -

*Louise's Cousin created a new chat*

*Louise's cousins added Tristan Evans, Brad Simpson, Connor Ball, James Mcvey, Kirstie Brittain, Lucy Moore, Natalie Simpson, Sophie Mcvey, Francesca Wood, Ian Williams and Louise Sheene to the chat*

LC: Hey I just wanted to create this chat to explain what has been going on between me and Louise

JM: okay 

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