The honey moon

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Me and Brad are just newly married and now it is time for our honeymoon and I have no idea where he is taking me all I know is that he is taking me somewhere that requires a plane and he said "it is the city of love" I had no idea where he meant. Anne and Derek were looking after our little sweet baby girl Carla. 

Me and Brad boarded the plane and I was a little bit scared but Brad put his arm around me and said "it will be alright my love" I then slowly drifted off in his arms. He then began to play with my hair and then he said "babe look we are here" I woke up from my slumber and I looked out of the window and saw the Eiffel tower and I knew it was France and I could not believe it. Brad then grabbed our suitcases and then we went to the hotel and it was so lovely. We then got into the room and me and Brad kissed and then we decided to explore the city. When we were done exploring Brad took me to the Eiffel tower and then we went and took some photos and then headed back to the hotel. When me and Brad got back to the hotel we then got into the bed and drifted off to sleep. 

- The next day

I woke up next to Brad and I was missing our little girl and I know we go back tomorrow but I am really missing her. Brad then woke up and kissed me and said "what is wrong babe?" I then said "I am just missing Carla"  Brad then put his arm around me and kissed me and said "you will be back with her tomorrow babe, just enjoy the last day with me please" I then agreed with him. Me and Brad then went out to the city and we then found a restaurant and we then got some food and after we had eaten me and Brad then went down to the Eiffel tower and had a little picnic and afterwards we then went out and had a little mini date night with a few drinks and after we had finished we headed back to the hotel and we then packed most of our suitcase so it did not take us long when we woke up. 

Me and Brad had packed most of our stuff and we then headed into bed and cuddled into each other and then we both drifted off to sleep. 

- The day we travel home -

Me and Brad then woke up  and we then got dressed and then we packed the rest of our things and we then headed out to breakfast and then after our breakfast we then headed to the hotel and grabbed our suitcases and we then headed to the airport. 

We then got to the airport and we then waited for our plane to land, our plane then come into land and me and Brad then boarded the plane and it is a 2 hour flight which is not that bad. I was sad that our little mini honey moon was cut short but it was so lovely. Brad then rested his head on me and said " I cannot wait to see Carla today babe" I then said "I know babe I missed her loads" Brad then kissed me and got some snacks and he then turned to me and said "Maybe when we get back we can try for baby number 2?" I then said "only if your good" he then said "oh I will be" he then kissed me again and I smiled and we then both fell asleep. 

The plane then landed and me and Brad got off the plane and collected our suitcases and Brad then messaged his dad to come and pick us up. Brads dad was here a few minutes after and he drove us to Brads house were our little girl Carla was. We then went inside and Carla was fast asleep and she was so cute and Brad then put the suitcases into his car and he then said "I will be back soon babe I am just taking our suitcases home" I then said "alright babe see you when you get back" he then kissed me and left.  Anne then said "so how was it dear?" I then said "it was so amazing" I then showed her the photos and Anne then said "Derek honey come and see these pictures they took" Derek came over and looked at the photos and he then said "glad to see you both had a good time" I then said "how has Carla been?" Anne then said "aw she has been no bother" Derek then said "does she have to go home tonight?" I then said "your more than welcome to look after another night" Derek and Anne said "that would be lovely" I then told Brad Carla is staying with his parents and he wasn't bothered. 

Brad then walked in and sat beside me and Anne said "so you had a good honeymoon then?" Brad then said "yeah mom I had the best time with my amazing wife" hearing Brad say that made my heart skip a beat. Anne and Derek said "good you both deserved it" Anne then boiled the kettle and made us all a nice cup of tea and we all watched a bit of dragons den and then me and Brad left and came home. 

- Back home -

Me and Brad are now home and it feels strange because the last time we were here we were not married. Brad then looked at me and said "we have the place to our self" I then said "I know what your hinting at" Brad then said "can we try again babe" I then said "alright then babe" me and Brad went upstairs to the bedroom and we both got undressed. 


Brad then put me on the bed and slid his member inside me and he let out a few moans and I just smirked at him and he then said "oh your smirking at me are you" Brad then thrusted in me even more and I began to let out a few moans and Brad smirked and I just laughed and so did Brad and our moans began filling the bedroom and I then said "mmh daddy don't stop" Brad then smiled and said "oh daddy won't" I then smiled and Brad then thrusted in me even faster and my moans got louder and Brads did too and Brad looked at me and I could feel him twitching inside me and I then said "Mmmh babe I am so close" he then said "me too babe" Brad then released inside me.  I then kissed him and said "that was the best sex ever" Brad then said "too right it was." 

End of S*M*U*T 

Me and Brad then got our comfy clothes on and we both had a hot chocolate and we then chilled in bed with some Netflix before we settled down into each others arms and I had my head on Brads chest and Brad was slowly drifting off to sleep and I did the same until we both fell asleep. 

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