In a relationship?

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Me and Brad go to the club where Connor, James and Tristan was and we then walked over to the table and they looked at Brad and said "so are you two dating yet or not?" Brad then said "she said no" the guys then looked at me and said "how come?" I then said "I just don't know" I then fake cried and Brad picked up my face and kissed me and the boys looked so surprised and that is when Brad said "meet my new girlfriend" Tristan then said "wait your both dating?" Brad then said "yeah" Brad then got a hug off Tristan and the boys then said "looks like we have another girl to protect then lads" I then said "aww you sure" they then said "yes" I then said "well I am just going to the toilet if that is okay" the boys then said "that is totally okay with us" I then went to the toilet. 

As I was walking to the toilet I felt someone's arm grab me and it was my ex Ryan, I then said "go away please leave me alone don't do this" he then slapped me and said "nobody will date you" I then said "I already have a boyfriend" Ryan then said "is he here with you tonight" I then said "no" then dragged me away from the toilets and I then screamed "HELP ME!" Tristan came running and pulled Ryan off me and told me to go back to the table and Ryan then said is this your boyfriend then and that is when Tristan then said "no I am her friend and you just messed with the wrong one" Tristan grabbed him and threw him out.  Brad then looked at me and said "are you okay?" I then said "yeah I am babe" Brad then hugged me and then me and Brad decided to head back to his house but the boys wanted to come over and Brad did not mind it. 

We then arrived back at Brads house and I went upstairs to get changed but I found something and it was one of Brads songs and it sounded so good and it inspired me to write a song about my dad as he always leaves my life and it sucks and it makes me feel like I did something, I then found a track on my phone that someone had sent me and I sampled it in my song and I sat there and sang "You pulled me out, just to watch me fall, my head hit a wall, how did I read the stars so wrong, Cause every night, when everyone is sleeping, nothings stopping the storm from leaving, help me help me, I dreamt of love that would last, but my heart was made of glass, falling gently from the sky, teardrops are falling from my eye, why do you always walk away? Do the things you said you wouldn't do? Why do I end up trusting you? Even when I know you won't change?" I then added some extra vocals and I then listened to it and I fell in love with it and I couldn't be any happier and now I then went and put some comfy clothes on and I then went downstairs and I then said to the guys "want to listen to something I stumbled across?" they all then said "yeah sure" I then pressed play on my song and that is when Brad said "Is that your voice?" I then said "yeah it is" Tristan then said "you have to put this on social media please" I then said "I will do" I then got a hug off them all. Brad and the boys were just sitting there and they started singing and I joined in and Brad looked at me and said "lets sing Married in Vegas" I then said "alright babe" I then broke out singing anywhere from here by Rag 'N bone man and Brad looked at me and said "keep going girl" he then pulled out his phone and they all began to record me. Brad then said to the guys "want to stay over for the night" they then said "sure of course" Brad then went upstairs and get his PlayStation and they all started to play FIFA and I was bored so I decided to post on Tiktok and I was really happy that I was getting recognised and people were tagging record labels in my Tiktoks I really hope I get a record deal one day. 

I then sat there and I began to fall asleep and Brad then said "you can sleep baby girl" I then said "alright babe" I then headed up to bed and I then I went into the bedroom and I went into the bed and tried to drift off to sleep but I got a flashback. 


I went to Ryan's house as he was having a freshers party and he decided to take me into the kitchen and get me a few drinks but I drank them and didn't realise they had alcohol in them and then he took me up to his bedroom and put me on his bed and then said "I love you and you are going to love this" I knew he was raping me as I told him to get off me a few times and he said "no" he then stopped and then he went and left me I then gathered my things and I then headed back to my apartment and this is before I met Francesca and Ian and now I feel like it is my fault. 

*End of Flashback*

It then stopped and I had a tear roll down my face and I quickly wiped it away and that is when Connor knocked on the door and I told him to come in and he then said "Brad told me to come up and see if your okay" I then said "no Connor I am not okay" I then started crying and Connor then said "I will go and get Brad" I then said "Okay"  I then sat there and Brad came into the room and he then sat next to me and I took his hand in mine and I looked at him and said "please don't hate me" Brad then looked at me and said "how could I hate my girl" he then kissed my cheek. I then said "Ryan had a party about 3 months ago and he gave me a few alcoholic drinks and ended up raping me and I am sorry" I started crying and Brad then pulled me in and then he said "RYAN DID WHAT TO YOU NOW!" I then said "he raped me Brad" Brad then stormed out and I called him and said "Brad where are you going?" he did not reply back to me. I sat there and cried and I then heard the front door slam and James ran upstairs and looked at me and said "why did Brad say he is going to kill Ryan?" I then said "I just told Brad he raped me" James then said "damn Louise I am sorry to hear that" James then hugged me and said "want to sit down with us until he comes back" I then said "I want to go and see him as I know where he goes when he is angry" James then said "alright but be careful" I then said "I will" I then left the house. 

I then went looking for Brad near the skate park as that is where he goes when he is angry and I then saw him with his head in his hands and I walked over to him and said "Babe?" Brad then looked up at me and said "Louise can I have some time on my own" I then said "alright" I then began walking back to the house and I felt like I shouldn't have told him and now I hated myself but as I was almost back at the house I felt someone hold my hand and it was Brad and I then stopped and he did and I kissed him and told him how much I loved him and he then kissed me back and said "I wasn't angry at you babe I could never be" I then said "good" Brad then hugged me and we both then walked back into the house and Brad then said "anyone want a hot chocolate?" we all said "yes of course" Brad and I then made some hot chocolates and got the duvets downstairs and we then stuck on a horror film and me and Brad cuddled the whole night on the sofa. I then felt Brad rest his head on me and he was asleep and I then kissed his forehead and he then moved and smiled and said "I'm so in love with you" I then said "me too" I then hugged him and rested my head on his chest. Brad then said "when do you leave for university?" I then said "Next week" he then said "oh" I then said "yeah but I don't want to go" Brad then said "why you have to" I then said "if I had a record deal I wouldn't have to go" Brad then said "I can help you" I then said "please can you babe" Brad then got out his phone and sent my phone to everyone he knew and even messaged loads of record labels my details and I then kissed him and he then said /2baby girl how about we snuggle and settle down, I then said "that is a good idea" I then laid on Brads chest and cuddled into him and the guys we already asleep and Brad had drifted off and I then let my self drift off into a nice sleep. 

Authors Notes

Hi guys I hope you enjoy this book please check out a sneak peek on my Instagram Louisesheeneofficial  and let me know should I release it on SoundCloud x 

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