First ever gig

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I woke up to my alarm going off and today is the first gig I have planned and it is going to be so amazing. I had my outfit planned by my one and only boyfriend Brad he has such good taste he wanted me to wear my blue dress. Brad then waited for me to get dressed as he is taking me to the venue and I cannot wait. I finished getting dressed and I then headed down stairs and Brad looked at me and he looked gobs smacked and he then said "yes my outfit choice worked so well" we then walked to the car, I then got in the passenger seat and Brad drove us both and it did not start until 3pm and the time is 2pm as Brad told me I have do do something called sound check. 

- At the venue -

We got out the car and I then saw some people who were asking for photos and I then walked over to them and got my photo took with them and then I headed into the venue and I then walked into the hall and did my soundcheck and then I got to hang out backstage and it was at Millie's school, I was so excited but so nervous to be singing in front of people but this is the life I had been dreaming of and I was so excited, there was loads of people tweeting and tagging me and my twitter ended up blowing up and I am now so happy. It was almost time to go on stage and I was getting ready and my heart was racing, I then got on stage and I then introduced myself by saying "hello everyone I am Louise Sheene Official and today I am going to be singing paper people and glass heart" everyone cheered and I then began singing. Before I knew it, it was over and I was so sad but when I came off stage Brad then came over to me with Connor, Tristan, James, Ian, Lucy, Kirstie and of course Francesca and Millie and they all then said "wow girl you did good up there" I then said "thank you I was a little nervous but I did not let it get to me" they then said "well girl you did good up there" Brad then drove us back home. 

- Back at Brads

We then went into his house and Brads mom and dad then opened the door and popped a party cannon and confetti went everywhere and they then said "you did good out there girl" I then said "wait did you guys seem me?" they then said "yeah of course we wouldn't miss it for the world" I then said "it means the world" they then smiled and said "we will always support you and Brad too of course" I then said "yeah of course" Brads parents are so supportive and I love it. Brad then said "babe go upstairs as there is something in my room for you" I then went upstairs and I then walked into his bed room and there was a box and it said "To Louise please open me" I then opened it and there was the most stunning jacket and Brad then said "now we have the same matching jacket for when we go on tour together" I then said "WAIT WHAT!?" Brad then said "you are coming on tour with me and the guys" I then got super hyped and Brad then said "You better get packing" I then said "on it" I then got into my bedroom and started packing and I was singing and said "this is going to be the best thing ever" Brads mom then said "dinner guys" me and Brad then went downstairs and we then all sat around the dinner table and it was really nice and then Anne-Marie then said "Brad darling did you tell Louise about tour?" Brad then looked over to me and he then said "yeah I told her" Anne-Marie looked over to me and said "Louise darling what do you say?" I then said "I cannot wait" Anne-Marie said "two little singers doing what they love together is the best" I then said 2are you coming to any of the shows?" Anne-Marie then said "oh of course I will be going to support my two favourite people" me and Brad sat there and smiled as we were both happy as we couldn't believe it. I then looked at Brad and said "when is tour?" Brad then said "in two days" I then said "wow I cannot wait" Brad then said "I cannot wait to be back on the road" I then said "were will I sleep?" Brad then said "in your very own tour bus" I then said "really?" he then said "yeah of course as you won't be in the same one a same sadly" I then said "it is okay" Me and Brad then wanted to head to bed early because we had to be on the tour buses by 8am to hit the road for the first show and we cannot wait. I laid in bed to excited to sleep so I got out of bed and went into Brads room and what a surprise he was fast asleep. I then went downstairs and got a drink of hot milk and I then went back upstairs and I then got into bed and as soon as my head touched the pillow I instantly fell asleep. 

Authors note 

Wouldn't it be cool to actually go on tour with The Vamps and sing my songs and just have a really good time, ah I really wish it could happen but I Believe that anything is possible right?

Comment if you would like to see me live one day x 

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