First day back at Uni

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I woke up to my alarm going off and Brad came into my room and said "get up gorgeous it is time for a brand new day" I then got up and got dressed I put my sport leggings on and a black shirt and I then went downstairs and I then saw Brad and he pulled me in for a kiss and he then said "here is your breakfast" it was pancakes of course as Brad knew I loved pancakes. I then ate my pancakes and when I was done Brad then said "come on then babe I will drop you off" I then went with Brad and got into his car and he then drove me to Uni. 

- At Uni -

I then got out the car and walked to my lesson and I then waved goodbye to Brad. I then went into my first lesson and I saw Ryan looking at me and I did not say anything and that is when my tutor then said "Louise how nice of you too join us tell us how did the tour go?" I then said "the tour and the shows were amazing and I swear it made a part of me come alive" Mt tutor then said "why not perform for us as part of your assignment?" I then said "alright then" I then stood up and put my song on and I began singing and the whole class apart from Ryan joined in and it felt amazing.  I then kept on singing and on my last song they all said "I streamed this so much last night" I then said "well everyone will be able to sing it then" I then began singing my song glass heart and that is when everyone joined in except Ryan and I did not care. After I had finished they all said "please do a show at Uni tomorrow" I then said "I would love too" my tutor then told me I had passed my assignment and then others got up and sang but it was my song and I sang with them and they passed too all except Ryan of course as he is miserable and he did not want to sing so he then got told to leave the classroom. It was now time for break and Ian and Francesca walked over to me and said "so Louise what do you want to do at break?" I then said "how about we talk about what I should do for my performance in front of the whole university?" Francesca and Ian then said "of course."

- Break time -

Ian, Francesca and me sat at the table and discussed what I can do for my performance at Uni tomorrow. Ian then said "I could make the background" I then said "of course you can" Francesca and I then did the set list and I then said "why not have The Vamps as special guests?" Francesca then said "yes it will be so good" I then said "I will message Brad and ask him" Francesca then said "good" after we planned everything we then went to the café and got a drink and a snack. It was then time to go back to our lesson. 

- Lesson Time -

We then went and sat back at our table and I then handed my tutor my plans and he agreed and said "this is an amazing plan" me and my tutor sat down and agreed on a time and I then said "12pm till 5pm?" he then said "that could work Louise" I then said "thank you" my tutor then sent emails to all the students and all the tutors and the tutors got back in touch and said "everyone will be in the theatre for 12pm" I felt so excited and I knew it was going to be very good.  I then decided to message the group chat. 

- Group chat -

Me: "anyone want to see me perform at Uni tomorrow?"

Lucy: "I will be there"

Kirstie: "I will be there"

Me: "Brad, Connor, Tristan and James can you play at my Uni tomorrow too please?"

Brad: "YES!" 

Connor: "Of course"

James: "yes would love too"

Tristan: "yes of course" 

Francesca: "I cannot wait"

Ian: "going to be lit" 

After that Ryan came over to e and said you really think you have made it but love you haven't I can take it all away with one click" my tutor then came over and said "Ryan sit down and if you are having a hard time dealing with Louise being a singer then maybe you should leave Uni for good" Ryan then said "good I don't want to be here anyways" he then left and I then smirked and my tutor then said "ignore him" I then said "don't worry I will." I have now finished Uni for the day and now I am waiting for Brad to pick me up. Brad then turned up and I got in he car and he took me back to his parents house and he then said "I have a surprise for you" I then said "I cannot wait for you to see it" I then said "I want to know baby" Brad then pulled out a photo on his phone and said "this is our new home" I then said "Brad it is lovely" he then said "isn't it just babe" I then said "I love you" he then said "I love you too babe." 

- Brads parents

Me and Brad arrived at his parents house and I am so tired after Uni and I cannot wait for my performance and I then turned to Anne-Marie and Derek and said "are you guys coming to see me perform at 12pm?" Anne-Marie then said "sorry sweet heart I will be working but I can try and see if I can work plate and see if I can pop along" I then said "alright and if you can't don't worry" Derek then said "sorry sweetie I can't make it" I then said "it is alright" I then messaged my brother and said "will you like to see me perform?" My brother then messaged me back and said "what time is it?" I then said "12pm?" he then said "I will be there" I then went to message my sisters but I cannot have contact with them and it was alright I guess. 

I then sat there and got bored and I forgot to message Millie about my performance so I then decided to give her a quick message. 

- Message to Millie -

Me: "Hi Millie would you like to see me perform at my Uni tomorrow?"

Millie: "Of course I shall be there my brother told me and they are playing too" 

Me: "yey and yeah they are"

Millie: "Look forward too it" 

Me: "see you tomorrow"

Millie: "Yeah" 

Me and Brad then decided to chill on the sofa while his parents went to bed, we then put on Netflix and I chose to watch a horror film and Brad was so scared but he hugged into me and boy is he the cutest thing ever. Brad then said "talk me through the setlist" I then showed him the setlist and he got a shock when he found out I was singing one of there songs and I then said "as a duet of course if you guys are down?" Brad then said "hell yeah" Brad then kissed me and it was starting to get a bit heated. 


Brad then got me on the sofa and he then took my hoodie and my tracksuit bottoms off and he undressed himself and he then started kissing down my body and I let out a few little moans and he then slid his member inside me and we both moaned and Brad then kissed me and in between breaths he then said "I love you and I am so proud of you" and I then kissed him and Brad then let out a few more moans and then Brad released inside me. 

After me and Brad had some fun his mom came down and I quickly threw the blanket over me and Brad kept on laughing and I said "hey it's not funny" Anne-Marie looked at me and said "what happened like?" I then said "I was singing and my voice cracked" Anne-Marie then turned to Brad and said "don't laugh son it isn't very nice" I then said "yeah Brad" Anne-Marie then went and got a drink and I then started to giggle with Brad and his mom then went back to bed and that is when Brad turned to me and said "shall we do the same baby girl?" I then turned to him and said "yeah babe we should probably head to bed" me and Brad then headed off to bed and we also move into our new home in 2 weeks and we cannot wait. 

I was laid in bed but I had this sickly feeling that would not go away and suddenly I then ran to the bathroom to throw up but I just thought it was my nerves as that is what it might be right? I then fell straight to sleep. 

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