James and Kirstie's wedding

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I woke up to my alarm going off and that is when I woke up and Brad was not here as he is at James'. I then went downstairs ad there was all the lovely girls and the bride herself, Lucy then said "how are you this morning?" I then said "I am very well" then we all got our hair and make up done and Kirstie's dress looked amazing. We then went outside to our cars, Kirstie went in the front one with her parents and me, Lucy Sophie and another girl went in to the car and we followed Kirstie's car. 

- The wedding -

We then went inside behind Kirstie and James was in a bag of nerves and then I sat down behind his best men which were Tristan, Brad and Connor of course. The ceremony went on for approximately for an hour and then we all headed out to go to a castle. We then arrived at the castle and when we walked in we were assigned to tables and I was on table 3 with Connor and Lucy and then we had food and some drinks I then went to get up when James said "it is time for the best men to give their speeches" and Brad then stood up and he looked really nervous but he said "from the moment the band started I always knew he was a lovely young chap and I can't wait to see their marriage blossom" then Connor stood up and said "James is like a brother to me and he always wants the best for us and he never fails to make us all laugh and I cannot wait to see where life takes them both" Tristan then stood up and said "James ma man is the best and I couldn't thank him enough here is to an amazing couple" they all sat down and everyone began to talk until it was time for James' and Kirstie's first dance and James had actually wrote the song like how romantic is that. 

 They began dancing and I then went to take a photo of them both but instead I got a message from an Unknown number and they said "Hey you may have gotten away from  me this time but I will not give up" I did not understand who it could of been but I knew it was Miles. I then turned to Brad and said "I am just going to the toilet babe" I then saw Connor and Lucy look my way and Lucy lip said "What is up girl" I then lip said back "I will tell you later" I then went out of the room and I saw a window and I looked out the window and the view was amazing but I just needed some air, after that I went back in and Connor, Brad and Lucy where all together on the dance floor and Brad then came over and said "come on lets dance" me and Brad went on the dance floor and we both began dancing and then Lucy and Connor where right next to us and I felt really ill but I was not letting Miles ruin a perfectly good night. Brad then went and had a few more drinks and went off with a group of lads and Lucy and Connor came over and said "Louise look we know something is going on, what is it?" I then said "Miles he said next time I won't be able to escape I then broke down in tears and I tried wiping them away but I couldn't" I looked around and I saw Brad with his parents and Carla. Lucy then hugged me and said "he won't get to you alright Louise" I then said "I really hope not" Connor said "Lou you need to tell Brad" I then said "I will do" I then followed Lucy into the bathroom as she re done my make up and I then went over to Brad and I then said "can I speak to you" Brad then said "I think they are on about cutting the cake now babe" I then said "oh it don't matter then" I then held his hand and then we watched Kirstie and James cut the wedding cake and boy it looked so magical.  We then went back into the room for some drinks before it was time to head home, Brad was then with a group of guys and I then said "babe can we have that talk please it is important" Brad then said "can I spend sometime with my friends please babe" I then said "alright" I then went and sat at the table by myself and saw everyone having a really good time and I felt so out of it. Tristan came over and said "hey Lou what is the matter?" I then said "I have to tell Brad something important but he just wants to spend time with his friends" Tristan then said "well you could always tell me" I then said "Miles just messaged me and said "you got away this time but next time you won't" Tristan said "damn you do really need to tell Brad" I then said "I know" Tristan then got up and walked over to Brad and said something to him as he approached me, Brad then sat beside me and said "the thing you had to tell me really sounds important according to Tris so what is up babe?" I then looked at his face and began to cry and he wiped away my tears and that is when I said "Miles messaged me and said you got away this time next time you wont" Brad then said "you really had to tell me this now when I am in the middle of having fun" I then said "what was I supposed to do, just sit here and act like I am happy" Brad then said "I don't know you could of told me when we got home or something" he then stormed off and I went to go after him but two of Brads friends stopped me and said "maybe you should just leave him" I then went over to James and Kirstie and said 2thank you so much for inviting me and having me here" James and Kirstie said "your leaving already" I then said "yeah I am not feeling well I am so sorry" I then grabbed my things and called a taxi, I looked up to see Brad looking out the window and he then turned away, it is like I have ruined his day or something and maybe that is what Miles wanted and I just gave it to him. 

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