New Music

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I woke up and looked on Facebook and noticed that one of my tutors had gone missing my heart sunk as I did not know him personally but I really hope he is okay, I then got dressed and I then got an email from university saying that I needed to start engaging in my lectures so I then got dressed and asked Brad to take me and he said he would. After I was dressed Brad then told me to go in the car and I did just that. Me and Brad were in the car and the radio was on and it talked about my tutor that went missing and I felt really bad I really hope he is found safe and well. 

- At Uni -

I then arrive at university I then get out of Brads car and I wave goodbye to him and I then met up with Miles and we walked in together and he then said "I see Brad is dropping you off more frequently lately" I then said "it is because I don't want to walk here alone" I then go into class and sat with Francesca and Ian and we talked about our tutor and they felt really uneasy about it too. We then got on with taking some notes but I had some lyrics for a song stuck in my head so I just had to write them down in my notes and then find a beat and I did and I then sat there and smiled and Francesca said "what you happy about?" I then said "got new music coming out" she then said "oh I cannot wait to hear it" I then sat there and continued taking notes and my hands were aching but it was worth it. 

Halfway through our lecture we got told we could leave early so I had to message Brad but Francesca said that I can go with her and Tristan which was kind of her. I then got into the car with Francesca and Tristan said "I guess I am dropping you off then" I then said "yeah" he then laughed and I did too. We then were sat in the car and I kept singing the lyrics over and over and Tristan said "you totally need to make them into a song" I then said "I am that is why I cannot wait to go home" Tristan then said "it will sound really good" Francesca agreed too. 

- Home -

Tristan dropped me off home and now I am going inside and I thanked him and Francesca and I then went into the front door and I then looked for Brad and he was nowhere to be seen but when I found him he was in the home studio and it did not bother me and I then went upstairs and worked on my new song. I then began to produce the track and after I had produced the track I then heard Brad shout "babe come down food is ready" I then came downstairs and food was on the table that Brad had made and Carla was staying at Brads mom's for the weekend. Brad then said "so what are you doing upstairs?" I then said "oh I am just working on a song" Brad then said "I am too babe" we then smiled and ate our food and after we had ate we then went back to finishing our tracks. I then added the vocals to the music and I had to re do it 5 times until it was perfect. I then listened to it and I liked it and I then to wash up. 

I then went into the kitchen and I decided to wash up the pots and when I was done I then chilled and watched Pretty little Liars on Netflix and I then heard the studio door open and Brad said "I have finished how about you" I then said "me too babe" Brad then said "let me listen babe" I then played the song and Brad started to dance and I then said "its really that good?" Brad then said "well off course babe" I then said "I haven't mastered it because I don't know how" Brad then said "I can do that for you babe" I then thanked him and he kissed me and he let me listen to his song and boy is it good. We then both chilled on the sofa watched some Netflix and afterwards we both decided to get really tired but I decided to look on SoundCloud at Glass heart which is one of my songs and it got 15.9k streams in one month and tears slid down my cheek and Brad then said "babe what has happened? are you alright?" I then said "my song glass heart hit 15.9k stream" Brad then picked me up and twirled me around and he was so happy and he then said "lets see if your song can make it to 1 million" I then said "if only" Brad then said "it will happen to you one day babe" he might be right. We then got ready for bed and we then drifted off into each others arms. 

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