Gender reveal party

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I woke up and I realised that today I was going to be finding out what I am going to be having and it is exciting and scary but mostly exciting and I cannot wait all of our friends are going to be there and only Anne-Marie and Derek know what we are having and they are organising the party for us. I then decided to get dressed and when I was getting dressed I heard Brad sing and omg his voice is so soft and it melts my heart. 

Brad then came into the bedroom and put his hand on my bump and said "daddy cannot wait to find out what you are" a tear slid down my face and he noticed and wiped it and said "babe is everything okay?" I then said "yeah babe it is just my hormones" he then kissed me and we then headed over to Brads parents. 

- At the gender revel party -

We then got to the house and we then walked in and everyone was already there and we then walked over to the balloon which had either blue confetti in or pink confetti in, Brad then handed me the pin and said " 3 2 1" I then popped the balloon and out poured pink confetti and I then hugged Brad with a tear coming from my eye and Brad said "I am going to have another little princess in my life" I then said "I cannot believe I am having a daughter" Brad then kissed me and everyone congratulated us and it was the best feeling ever. Brad then said "why don't you sing for us babe" I then agreed and I then stood and sang a song for everyone and it was the song I used to sing at my moms and that was somewhere over the rainbow everyone loved it. We then had some of the delicious treats and drinks which were alcohol free of course and we all then went home. Brads mom the pulled me a side and said "look after that little one well my dear" I then said "don't worry I will" she then hugged me and me and Brad left and went back home. 

- Back at home -

Me and Brad got back and Brad kissed my bump and then said "I am getting into bed baby I am so tired" I then smiled and said "I will be up and join you in a minute" he then went upstairs to bed and I sat there and I just began to cy and said "mom I am so sorry you won't get to meet your wonderful granddaughter when she is born but I promise I will look after her just how you did to me" I then wiped my eyes and I then got a drink of milk and headed up to bed I got undressed took my make up off and put on my pyjamas and I then climbed into bed next to Brad who was fast asleep. I then kissed him on his head and I then saw my phone lighting up and I then grabbed it and it was my dad which said "congratulations on your little girl" I couldn't believe it after everything he did he don't just get to walk back into my life like that. I messaged him back and said "thanks but your not coming anywhere near her when she is born" my dad then said "I am meeting my granddaughter whether you like it or not" I then said "try and come near her when she is born I will show you my true side" he then said "your just like me anyways" I got so angry that I slammed my phone down which woke Brad up and he then said "babe what's wrong?" I then said "my dad he just thinks he can come back in my life and then he wants to meet his granddaughter when she is born but I don't want that monster anywhere near  our daughter" Brad then said "calm down babe and he won't get his hands anywhere near her I will make sure babe" he then kissed me. I then cuddled into him and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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