Kidnapped by Miles

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I woke up next to Brad and he then got up and so did I he then decided to take me to uni today as it is Friday and we are having a date night tonight. I then got dressed and Brad then took me to uni. 

- At Uni

Brad dropped me off at Uni I then saw Miles but I just walked by him when he grabbed me and he then said "right your mine now Bitch!"  I then shouted "help me!" Miles then said "do you want to stay alive?" I then said "yeah" he then said "stop shouting" Miles then put me into his car and drove off from Uni a tear slid from my eye as I knew I may never see Brad or Carla again. I then said "Miles please do not do this I have a little girl at home and she needs me. Miles then said "oh you will see her soon I promise" I then said "really your taking me home" he then laughed and said "no" I then sat there quietly. 

Francesca's POV

I was outside and I saw Louise going to walk into University but Miles stopped her and took her in his car and I knew I had to tell Tristan because if anything happens to her I will never forgive myself.  I then messaged Tristan which said "Hey babe, Louise has been taken by Miles" he read it and replied "where too?" I then said "I ain't sure babe" Tristan then said "lets see if she goes home babe" I then said "alright babe" I then headed to my lesson but I really hope she is safe and well and he does nothing to her. 

Ian's POV

I walked into the classroom and Louise's seat was completely empty and the guy Miles was not in Uni and I went and asked Francesca what happened and she told me that Miles took her and I do not understand why he would do such a thing to her. I really hope Louise is okay and I hope she is not hurt. 

Louise's POV

We then arrived to  Miles' house and we get inside and he then takes me upstairs and he then locked me in a room and said "don't worry I will let you leave her soon if you stay quiet" I was scared and terrified. I was in a room by myself I tried messaging Brad but I had no data which sucks and I needed to let him know what happened to me he will worry otherwise. 

Kirstie's POV

It is dinner time and Louise is not here but Lucy, Ian and Francesca is and I then said "anyone seen Louise today?" Francesca then said "Miles took her this morning" I then had to message James. I then messaged him saying "babe Louise has been taken by Miles do you know where?" James then said "I don't babe" I then said "what if something happens to her" James then said "I will go to Miles' house and see if she is there" I then had to know if she was okay my heart was racing. 

Louise's POV

I heard Miles leave and I was so relieved but I just want to be home with Brad and I tried messaging him but it kept saying Message not delivered which sucks. I then heard someone knocking at the door and I went to the window it was James I then banged on the window he seen me and he then said "I am going to try to come in" I tried to open the window which did not work and he tried getting in but he couldn't and he saw Miles' car come back and he then left and I then sat feeling completely hopeless and it is now 3pm and now Brad is going to start to wonder where I am. 

Brads POV

It is now 3.30pm and Lou has not came home and I am worried as she is normally home by now and I don't know where she is or what could be happening to her. I then heard someone knock at the door, I then went to the door and there stood James and Tristan and they had been crying I then said "What happened?" they told me that Miles had Louise and I knew I had to save her as she is not safe.

Louise's POV

Miles had brought some food up for me but I was not going to eat it as I don't know what he has done to it. I then sat there and just wished that Brad would safe me but what if he don't really care? I then heard loads of banging outside and I looked on my phone and the group chat was blowing up and there was loads of messages and I finally had service and I went into the group chat and said what was happening. 

- Group chat

Kirstie: Louise are you alright?

Brad: baby where are you?

Brad: are you alright?

James: Lou don't worry I will ring the police

Tristan: Everything will be okay

Connor: what happened?

Louise: I am okay Brad and Con Miles has me 

Brad: thank god

Connor: dang

James: the police are on the way

Brad: I am going

Ian: Louise are you good?

Louise: yeah kinda

Francesca: sorry I did nothing to help

Louise: don't be silly it is okay 

James: let us know when the police arrive. 

Louise: I will

I then sat there and waited for the police to come. An hour has now passed and I just need to go home and be with my husband but that is when I heard a car pull up and I looked out the window and it was Brads car and I just need the police to hurry up. I then heard sirens and I knew the police where here. 

- Group chat

Louise: the police are here

Brad: I can see them

James: glad they are there I am on my way down

Louise: I know and okay

I then heard a police officer say "come out with your hands up" Miles then went outside with his hands up and he got arrested and I heard a police officer say "come on miss you are alright nothing can happen I have you" I then went out and then police officer let go of me and I ran over to Brad and hugged him so tightly and I never let go and there was a tear coming down my eye. Brad then wiped it and told me I am safe and I know I am and that is when James came over and hugged me and I hugged him back and we then went back to mine and Brads and when we got back I went on the sofa and fell asleep. Brad then got me a blanket and put it over me and he then snuggled up next to me and it felt really nice to finally be with my husband again. Me and Brad settled down for the night and we then drifted off to sleep. 

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