The death of Love

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I woke up and there was news reporters everywhere and Joe was stood outside and tears slid down his face and I instantly thought they knew what we did to my cousin. I then walked over to him and I then said "what is wrong Joe?" he then said "Love hasn't came home in 2 days and I am not sure why" I then said "I hope she comes home soon" I then went home and hugged Joe by and Brad then said "what is going on next door?" I then said "his wife has gone missing" Brad was so shocked and he then left for work. 

I then decided to check on my new debut single Taking Shots and it has 11K streams on SoundCloud and I am so grateful for everyone's love and support. I then got a message of an unknown number that said "If Joe wants to see Love again you will do what I say" I then said "absolutely not" the person then sent me a video and Love was there crying and then there was a gunshot in the video and her head dropped and that is when he messaged me back and said "Love is dead and it was your fault and I am making it look like you did it" I then quickly got my coat on and I then knocked on the door and Joe answered and he then said "Louise I am kind of busy right now" I then said "it is really important Joe I think I know what happened to Love" I then let tears escape from my eyes and Joe then said "what is wrong?"  I then said "Someone has killed her and he is making me look like I did it what do I do?" Joe then said "stay calm I will give you an alibi alright?" I then said "thanks" I then showed Joe the video and he then cried and said "not my wife nooooooo" I then hugged him and comforted and I then I went home and told him to message me if he wanted to talk to me. 

I then decided to record more music but then my microphone broke so I can't but I then saw on the news they had found Loves body and I then heard a knock on my door and it was the police and I then opened the door and let them in and I sat on the sofa and they said "where were you on the night Love Goldberg disappeared?" I then said "I was at Joe Goldberg's house making sure he was okay and I was helping him to look after his son" the police then said "would you have any reason to hurt Love Goldberg?" I then said "no me and Love got on really well we were best friends" the police then said "that's enough information for now but we may be back" I then let them out and they went into Joes house.

Joe's POV

I was putting Harry to bed and after I had done that there was a knock at the door and I knew it was the police coming for Louise and I just hope she stuck to the same story as me. I then let the police in and I then sat on the sofa and the police then said "where were you when your wife Love disappeared?" I then said "I was here with Louise as she came over to make sure I was okay and she was looking after my son for me" the police then said "was there any reason for Louise to hurt your wife?" I then said "No they got on really well they are like best friends" the police then said "alright then that is enough and this case on Louise will now be dropped but we will monitor her. 

I then watched the police leave Joes house and I then sighed with relief and that is when Brad came in and he said "why are people saying you killed Love?" I then said "look Brad someone is framing  me please just don't believe them I would never hurt anyone" Brad then hugged me and the police wanted to talk to him so he told them he already gave a statement and I then asked him what he said and he then said "I said you were at Joe's looking after harry his little baby boy and you wouldn't hurt love" I then hugged him and said "thanks" Brad then went upstairs and I could tell he was listening to taking shots and I heard Joe singing it too and it made me giggle, I then went to check on Carla and she was fast asleep and that was when I decided to order a pizza. 

I was sat on the sofa and Brad got the door and got our pizza and we then sat on the sofa and chilled and Brad put the news on and it said "news has just came in that Joe Goldberg has murdered his own wife" my jaw dropped and I then messaged Joe and said "why do they think you did it?" Joe then said "I am not sure" I then ate my pizza with Brad and there was loads of banging in Joes house and I then saw a taxi come along and Joe came out with all of Harrys things and he then went back and grabbed his suitcase and I then went outside and I then said "where are you going?" Joe then said "I am getting out of town but I hope everything goes well for you Louise and please know I did not kill Love" I then said "I know you didn't kill her, I then hugged him and he hugged me back and got into the taxi and we waved goodbye to Joe and Brad then said "thank god now our lives can go back to normal again" I then looked at Brad in a confused look and he said "what love?" I then said "D-did y-you m-murder L-Love?" Brad then said "she had it coming to her" I then ran upstairs and slammed the bedroom door and I screamed Brad then came in and said "I am sorry that I got jealous okay" I then said "it does not give you the right to kill her" Brad then said "I made it look like Joe did it okay" I then tried ringing Joe and his phone then said "sorry incorrect number please try again" Brad then said "look babe he has blocked you" I then said "I trusted you babe" Brad then said "please keep it between me and you" I then said "okay babe" I kissed Brad and we then both decided it was a good time to head into bed. I was laid in bed and I looked over at Brad who was fast asleep and I said to myself "there is no way my husband is a murderer" Joe then messaged and said "I have confessed Louise I did kill her she got in the way of me and you and your husband was meant to take the blame so we could be together and that was wrong of me now I must suffer the consequences, please look after Harry for I left him in the house and you have the spare key take good care of him bye" I couldn't believe what I was hearing but I then went into the house and Harry the little baby was near the door I picked him up and I then took him into mine and Brads house but I posted the key Joe had given me into the letter box and I then headed inside. 

I then put baby Harry in Carla's room in her old cot and I then went back into bed and climbed into it and I then cuddled into Brad and I kissed him and I felt so safe around him. Brad then drifted back off to sleep. I then cuddled into Brad and settled down for the night and I then drifted off slowly to sleep.

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