First sold out show

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Today I woke up and Brad told me he had some good news to tell me and I had no idea what he was talking about so I just then got up and I then got dressed and I then headed downstairs and Brad was sat there and I then sat next to him and said "so what do you want to tell me babe?" he then said "you have a show tomorrow at the Simpson's gin bar" I then said "really?" Brad then said "yeah babe" I was so happy I got up and kissed him, Carla began to cry so Brad went up and got her and fed her and played with her toys with her and then we went on a little walk. 

After we got back from the walk Brad put Carla to bed and then we then went through the songs I was going to do and me and Brad were going to sing Married in Vegas together and then then I am going to perform taking shots and I cannot wait. Me and Brad then ate some food and watched some Netflix and then Carla woke up and Brad brought her downstairs and read her a little story and she is turning 1 tomorrow time is flying by and I cannot deal. Brad then went to make me and him a drink so I had to watch Carla but every time I was round her she would have a crying fit, I then sat next to her and sang my new song and she just smiled and Brad then said "aw my girls are so beautiful" me and Brad then drunk our drinks and Brad then bathed Carla and then he put her to bed as it was 7pm which was her bedtime. 

Me and Brad then went through my set and Brad said "babe it sounds really good" I then said "thank you babe" Me and Brad then decided to order a pizza and watch some Netflix. We then sat on the sofa eating our pizza and garlic bread while watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix. It was starting to get late so me and Brad decided to go to bed as tomorrow I have a busy day. 

- The next day -

I woke up and Brad was already up and I could smell pancakes. I then downstairs and into the kitchen were Brad and Carla was and there was pancakes and Brad said "eat up babe you have a big day today" I then sat there and demolished the pancakes and I then went into the living room and chilled on the sofa and Brad and Carla came to join me and Brad then said "babe you should get dressed" I then said "help me get dressed please" Brad then said "babe I put your clothes on the end of the bed" I then said "thanks babe" I then went upstairs and I went into mine and Brads room and my dress and shoes was at the end of the bed with my mom's necklace. The dress Brad had picked out for me was a red sparkly one and I then got it on and I then curled my hair and did my make up and I put on red lipstick to match my dress and Brad then helped put my necklace on. Me and Brad then ate some noodles before heading to the gin bar. 

- At the gin bar -

We are now at the gin bar and Carla is staying with James' sister Sophie. I then did a little soundcheck before the bar opened and it went really good I then went and sat at one of the empty tables and had a drink before and I then sat there and talked to the boys and then I told them my setlist and they cannot wait to hear it. Me and Brad then talked about mine and his performance and he then said "you need to be close but not too close if you get what I am saying babe" I knew exactly what he was saying. 

- Show time -

It is now show time, I was sat there and Brads mom got on stage and said "for tonight's performance and entertainment it will be a performance from my lovely son's wife Louise please sit back, relax and enjoy." I then got up and went on the stage and I said "hi everyone I hope your all having a goodnight" I then said "I am going to be singing an original song of mine paper people" I then began singing paper people and some people joined in and it made me so happy. After I finished singing paper people I then moved on to glass heart which has over 15K streams on SoundCloud. When I had finished singing Glass heart, me and Brad then sang Married in Vegas together and people joined in and Brads mom then recorded us both and posted it on Twitter and after we were done I sang my last song taking shots. After I sang taking shots people were asking for more and I never thought that would happen but I did not have time to sing anymore songs. I then sat there and had a few more drinks until this girl came over to me and said "I follow you on Tiktok please can I get a photo with you?" I then said "of course girl" I then took a photo with her and she then smiled and waved goodbye and went home. Brad then went to pick up Carla and I then said "babe let Sophie spend time with her" he was like your right girl and then we went home. I got home and I was falling asleep so Brad told me it is time for bed and I did not argue. I then got undressed and got into the bed and I then cuddled into Brads arms and I then began to drift off asleep in his arms.

Authors note

I am manifesting to one day do some shows, If I did some shows where do people want me to do some?

Comment some ideas. 

Love lou x

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