Moving into my first apartment

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I woke up at 7am and I was super exited as today is the day I move into my apartment and Francesca and Ian are helping me. I then went to pick the keys up and I then headed to the apartment and met Francesca and Ian there and we then got all my stuff in and then they hugged me and left.  It was terrifying being on my own but it is what I needed after my ex. 

- Flashback

Me and Ryan were dating each other for 3 years and he just became really violent he would get angry and hit m when he couldn't get his own way and one day I just ended it and he is now threatening me and saying he wants me dead that is why I moved towns. 

- End of Flashback

I then found myself sat on the sofa crying and I wiped my eyes and decided to order some food because I did not know the area that well. I then went down to the main desk and got my delivery and I then took it up to my room and sat there eating my food alone when I got a text from Francesca and Ian they want me to go out and I could not say no so I quickly got changed and headed out to the club which was right round the corner. 

- At the club

I then sat at the table and Francesca got the drinks in and we were having a good laugh and Francesca and Ian both said "it it nice to see you smiling again" I then said "thanks and life is too short to keep worrying about little things" they agreed. I then had too much to drink and we all then departed and I went back to my apartment.  

- Back at my apartment

I then went into my apartment and I then went to bed and I was laid in bed when I heard yelling and slamming door and it gave me flashbacks to me and my ex but then I heard crying so I got out of bed and I then went out and went next door and knocked on the door I then heard a voice shout "OLIVIA I AM DONE WITH YOU JUST GO PLEASE" I knew the voice but I didn't know who it was so I just said "it isn't Olivia" I then heard footsteps come towards the door and a guy with brown curly hair then opened the door and said "Hi, please come in" I then came in and found broken class on the floor and I knew the guy, it was him who I met 8 months ago wow. I then said "Hi, we met in the street 8 months ago and now I live next door to you wow" he then said "hi and I know and wait you are the new person who moved in?" I then said "yeah" he then said "lovely" I then said "so why are you mad at this Olivia then?" he then said "I found out she cheated on me" I then hugged him and said "I'm so sorry to hear that" he then said "I am Bradley by the way but do call me Brad" I then said "Nice to meet you Brad I am Louise but only you can call me Lou" He then said "Lovely to meet you again Lou" I then said "you too" he then seen me out of his apartment and he then closed the door and I then went back into my apartment and went to bed and fell asleep. I then heard violent banging on my door and I then opened the door to find my ex stood there and I screamed and yelled "GET OFF OF ME, YOUR HURTING ME" He just stood there and said "I am going to finish what you started" I then heard my apartment door open and there stood Brad and he then said "LET HER GO!" Ryan then said "OR WHAT!?" Brad then said "YOU DO NOT WANT TO MESS WITH ME" Ryan then said "HA I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU" Brad then said "GET OFF HER AND JUST LEAVE" Ryan let go of me and said "this is not over" and he then left. Brad then came over and helped me up and he then said "you alright?" I then said "yeah I am now thank you" he then smiled and said "don't mention it, it is what neighbours and friends do after all" I then smiled and said "yeah" I then hugged him and cried he then said "what is the matter?" I then said "I just miss my mom" Brad then said "oh what happened to her?" I then said "she passed away 4 year ago" Brad then said "I am so sorry for your loss" I then hugged him and he hugged me back and said "you will be okay if I go back to my apartment right?" I then said "yeah I will be as he left and I do not know how he found me but thank you again Brad" He then smiled and said "Hope so and I am not sure either but just know I am always here if you need me and don't mention it Louise" Brad then left and went to his apartment and I then look in the mirror and my lip was bleeding so I cleaned it and messaged my brother and said "My ex found me but this guy next door saved me" my brother then said "send me a photo of him" I then said "i don't have one" he then said "ask him for a photo" I then said "I will do no such thing" he then said "okay but glad you have someone to keep you safe and how did he find you?" I then said "I am not too sure but your big sis is going to sleep now okay?" he then said "okay, stay safe big sis" I then said "I will don't worry" I then cleaned my lip and headed back into bed and I then laid there awake and the tears rolled down my cheeks and I then heard a knock at my door and I opened it and Brad stood there and I then said "hi" he then said "hey I just wanted to give you this *handed me a piece of paper* and ask you if you want to come round for dinner tomorrow at my moms?" I then said "I would love too" he then went back into his apartment and I then went into mine and got myself back into bed and looked at the piece of paper he had given me and it was his number so I put it in my phone so I did not lose it. 

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