Louise almost gets killed

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I woke up and Brad had left me a note that said "Morning babe, I took Carla to her first day of nursery and I will pick her up at 12 and we need some shopping getting if that is alright with you babe, see you soon love B" I then went back upstairs and got dressed for the day and I decided to wear my black skinny jeans with my grey north face top and my black vans. After I was dressed I then headed downstairs and made myself a cup of tea and headed into the living room and drank my tea. 

I then headed to the shop which was 15 minutes away from our house. I then walked into the shop and I then got a random text from an unknown number that said "hi there girl I know where you are and it time to put this to an end don't you" I did not know what they were talking about so I then went and got some Milk, bread and even some sugar and I then paid and walked out of the shop and this car came out of know where I then went right over the car and landed on the floor. 

Kirstie's POV

I was walking and I heard people talking about a girl being hit by a car and I didn't know what they were talking about so I walked round the corner and saw Louise just laying there in the middle of the road and everyone gathered round her and I then rang James and he answered and I said "JAMES RING BRAD NOW IT IS URGENT LOUISE HAS BEEN RUN OVER AND THE POLICE AND AMBULANCE IS ON ITS WAY AND SHE IS UNRESPNSIVE" James then said "I will ring him now babe and I will head over" I then waited for James to arrive. 

James' POV

I was just sat with Moochie on the sofa with a nice glass of gin then all of a sudden I got a call from my wife Kirstie saying Louise had been run over and I need to let Brad know so I then rang him and he picked up and said "hey man what is up?" I then said "Look Brad Louise has been run over and the ambulance and police are on there way and you need to see her right now they saying that she might not make it" Brad then said "W-what who did it? I am on my way" I then said "We don't know man and see you when you get here" me and Kirstie waited at the hospital for Brad to arrive. 

Brads POV

I was at the gym where I always go and after my gym session I was getting changed out of my sweaty clothes and James was ringing me and he then said "Look Brad Louise has been run over and the ambulance and police are on their way and you need to see her right now as they are saying that she might not make it" my heart then dropped and I then got angry and said "W-what who did it?" James did not know and I was angry but I then made my way to the hospital but when I was on the way I decided to ring Connor. Connor answered and I then said "Connor please come to the hospital please Louise has been run over and I need someone for moral support" Connor then said "I am on my way" I then felt a sigh of relief but then I realised that Carla needed picking up from nursery so I rang Tristan and he answered so I then said "Tristan dude look Louise has been run over and she is going to need me but I was wondering could you pick up Carla from nursery as they are expecting you and will you look after her for me?" Tristan then said "Oh no bro just stay with Louise and I will get Carla and look after her" I felt a wave of relief. 

Connors POV

I was driving to get Lucy from University when I got a call from Brad and he told me Louise had been run over and he needed someone for moral support and I could not say no so I had to rush and pick up Lucy. Lucy then said "babe Louise never showed up today and I am not sure why" I then said "she got ran over babe and she is in hospital" Lucy then looked at me and said  "babe am I allowed to go and see her?" I then said "yeah of course babe" I then drove us both to the hospital. We then both walked to the ward where Louise was and everyone was stood outside and Brad was stood there breaking down so I went over to him and comforted him and he then said "what if I lose her" I then said "don't be silly mate she will bounce back she always does" Brad then smiled and I wiped his tears as he made phone calls to his parents. 

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