A day to remember

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I woke up and Brad was on the phone and when he noticed me he hung up and he then said "you did not hear anything did you babe?" I then said "no I did not babe?" Brad then said "good good babe don't want to ruin the surprise" Brad then told me to get ready and put something fancy on so I did just that I wore exactly what I wore yesterday and I then headed back downstairs and Brad was wearing a suit. 

- on our way -

Me and Brad were in the car and he did not tell me where we were going, I then looked out of the window and I looked at the view and we were near the beach and it looked so beautiful and then all of a sudden the car stopped and Brad told me to sit tight and not look to my left and I didn't I was mesmerised by the view as it was so pretty. Brad then came out and said "right you can get out but please close your eyes and hold my hand as I will guide you. 

- The date -

Brad then guided me into the building and then he sat me down and he then said "open" I then opened them and I was in the restaurant I was in last night and I said "wow babe" Brad then said "we are having a little date night, because we have Carla tonight and I want to spend time with my girl tonight" I then kissed him and Brad then ordered some food and drinks, we then sat there and ate food and I could not stop looking at his lovely brown eyes as the light sparkled off them and that is when Brad looked and said "what do you keep looking at me for babe?" I then said "you have really pretty eyes" he then said "awh babe" he then kissed me and we had a few drinks but we didn't get drunk well Brad did not have any alcohol as he was driving us to his moms to pick up Carla. 

- Picking up Carla -

Brad and I then got into the car after a wonderful date and we then went to pick up Carla. I was nervous to see Carla after being away from here 2 nights but I cannot wait to see my baby girl. I then went to leave the car and Brad then said "wait in the car babe I won't be long" Brad went inside to get Carla and he then came out with Carla who was fast asleep and put her into the back in her little seat and then he drove us home.

- Back home -

We then arrived home and Brad then put Carla to bed after giving her a feed of her bottle and we then sat on the sofa and just cuddled into each while Carla was asleep as we did not want to wake her up with the TV.  Brad then made us both a hot chocolate and we both sat on the sofa drinking them and then we heard a knock on the door and it was Tristan he brought back some of Brads things and he asked to see Carla but she was asleep and he then decided to leave but Brad wanted him to stay so he then stayed for a little while and I then decided to go and make the bed ready for us to sleep in and I then decided to go back down and I then hugged Tristan and Brad did not like it so I then slowly backed away and I then mouthed "sorry to Brad" he then said "no it is okay" I knew there is something on his mind but he won't tell me what it is. Tristan then left and Brad put Carla to bed and gave her a bed time story. 

I then sat downstairs on the stairs and I waited for Brad to come downstairs so I can actually talk to him as he has not been himself this afternoon and I am not sure why. Brad then came downstairs and I then said "babe sit with me I need to talk to you" Brad then sat next to me and I then said "babe what is going on because I hugged Tristan and I know you did not like it but what is going on with you?" Brad then said "the truth is one of my friends are making up shit and it is really annoying me babe" I then said "well they will have to deal with me babe" Brad then smiled and kissed me and said "you are really amazing you know that babe" I then said "that's me" Brad then said "so how many streams has your song taking shots got then babe?" I then said "it is currently on 4.5K streams" Brad then hugged me and said " I am so proud of you" me and Brad then decided to head to bed as it was getting late. Carla then decided to start crying and I had no idea why and I went to check on her and she was like "dadda dadda" I then had to go into our bedroom and tell Brad that Carla wanted him. Brad then went into her bedroom and she had a nightmare and then Brad sang her a song and went back to sleep. Brad then joined me back in bed and we then kissed each other before drifting off into each others arms.

Authors note 

Please head to SoundCloud and listen to my new single taking shots click the link below as I could be your new favourite artist 


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