Ch4 - Jason Dream

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Author's note:

I am not reading from the books and typing so the scene may be a little different from what it actually is.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Keeper of the lost cities.

Jason's POV:

Jason was in a desert. The cave like area he was in was surrounded by rocks. Two teens were in the desert. One was a good looking boy with chocolate brown hair and teal eyes. The other was a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. The boy looked angry, passively angry, but he looked like he was about to be convinced about whatever he was angry about.

There were two other people. Both were seven feet tall with grey skin. The male was super bulky and his eyes kept flicking at the girl protectively. The female was not so bulky, but she looked so stealthy, that she could have walked across the sand and not have made a footprint.

She looked at the boy with an annoyed expression, like she was fed up of whatever tantrum he was putting. 

Just then, three people appeared out of thin air. One of them raised her hand and the two kids and the bulky people, bodyguards, scrambled to put their hands on their eyes on reflex like they couldn't see.

The guy in the middle snapped his fingers and the three attackers got covered in transparent white domes. Jason couldn't look at the three's face because they had hoods over their heads. They had similar black cloaks with a creepy white eye symbol on their sleeves.

One of them said, "You still haven't figured it out?" he sounded amused.

"Gethen", the girl whispered. A look of understanding came over her, "You put shadows in our eyes."

The woman nodded, like the girl had passes some test. She looked impressed, but in a condensing way. She flicked her hand and some kind of shadows passed from her hands. Was she a daughter of Hades? Or Pluto?

Then the blonde girl did something. Jason didn't know what, but reddish glow erupted from her and the three others started withering in pain. The cloaked figured stood watching with amusement. 

'Good trick' Jason thought 'but the real bad guys aren't getting affected.' 

But Jason got the bad guy's trick. They used the girl's own power to get her bodyguards down. When the red glow dimmed and faded away, the cloaked guy snapped again and the domes shifted to the four of them. They made the kids and bodyguards prisoners and got free themselves.

For a moment the girl looked shocked and scared and guilty and then she regained her expressions. She looked like she was thinking hard.

"What are you thinking?" The cloaked woman droned, "That you shouldn't have inflicted? Or that if you had used that little star in your hand before, you might have had some chance?" Jason saw a small star shaped object, probably a weapon, in the blonde's hand.

The ADHD part of Jason saw the two body guard try to get out but ever time the sand shifted, the dome extended.

Meanwhile, the girl kept talking. "No, I am wondering why you are here, or do I have to guess? Actually, guessing sounds pretty good."

The woman moved the shadows back and forth around her palms, like a spongy ball. 

"You must be Umber." The girl said.

"For those who don't know me, yes, I am Umber." She said.

"Why Umber, I mean, it's a stupid name. Midnight sounds more mysterious." Jason had to appreciate the girls bravery. It wasn't an easy thing to do, given the situation.

Umber said, "I can see why the boy went on and on about this one. They both think they are so clever."

Jason got the feeling that she wasn't talking about the boy who was in the dome. The girl was fidgeting with her ring like Reyna did when she was nervous.

But no, she was clicking a button on her ring. Maybe, it was some kind of signal for help? Jason hoped so.

"So, let me guess, you are here for getting some information out of me? Maybe even recruit me? Or maybe you want a barter for the caches?"

"You still have figured it out?" Gethen mused.

"Told you they wouldn't," the third guy said.

"Figured what out?" The girl kept her tone casual but Jason could say that they had got her interest.

"The caches were fake."

"Okay," the boy in the dome said. He looked pale but otherwise was good, "How did you know we were here?"

"We have means of tracking you." Umber said, casually, waving her hands.

Apparently that was not supposed to be told because Gethen immediately changed topic. "And as for why we are here, simple thing, you tell us where is Wylie Endal and we let you go." 

Who is Wylie Endal? Because the moment his name was mentioned, the blonde got a look in her eyes, sad, but determined. He had a feeling she wasn't going to tell them what they want.

"If you can track us, why don't you find out yourself."

"I said we can track Sophie, not all of you."

"Well, I am not telling you." She game them a stubborn look, and Jason could virtually see her crossing her arms.

"Well, then we have a little something for you." Umber's nails started growing. 

At first Jason had thought that they were black nail painted, but now he saw that they were actually shadows. Something darker and more dangerous than shadows. She pushed it towards Sophie and Jason heard a sickening crack in her hand. 

Jason had seen some gruesome sights in his time as a demigod. He had seen people put in sacks and thrown in river tiber. He had seen Leo after he put a spider on Annabeth's bed, but the image of inky black darkness hitting Sophie and the crack, paired with the literal stream of blood down her wrist, it was not something he wanted to see. 

He realised that these people were the elves. He was glad that they were supposed to be fighting with the elves and not against. After seeing what 'Umber' did to Sophie and what Sophie did to the other three, quiet frankly, he was impressed. 

"That's my favorite part of body." She told conversationally. "So many bones to break. Now, where is Wylie Endal?"

The girl's hand and her white tunic was stained red but she gritted out, "I. Won't. Tell. You."

Umber sent shadows towards her shoulders and she screamed. After no further response form Sophie, Umber sighed and sent the shadows in her skull. Sophie screamed and crumbled in a heap. But she still didn't say a word about the place of Wylie Endal.

Man, she was braver than Percy. 

"She won't say this way. Hurt her companions. Then she will speak." The guy who made the dome said. He seemed to be really enjoying the torture. The girl was now bathed in red. Jason wanted to rush out and help but he knew he was in a dream.

Umber sent the shadows towards the male bodyguard but changed course at the last moment and hit the boy right in chest. There was a crunch as his rib cage broke. Umber smiled with satisfaction as Sophie ran to the edge of her cage.

 Then a light shone and two more kids appeared out of thin air. One was about eighteen and the other looked about fourteen or fifteen. 

"You know I wouldn't have blamed you if you had given my place away." The guy Jason suspected was Wylie Endal said. And Jason totally agreed. 

And then he woke up.

Author's note:

So guys how do you like it. Please comment, invisible readers aren't fun.

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